Fate is sometimes very strange. For a poor boy who has just come to a prosperous big city from the countryside, especially a poor boy who is engaged in the service industry, if he wants to find love, he will win the lottery. When I met Sister Hong, I saw her shaking at the door o

The last story was not expressed very smoothly, so this time I will tell it more carefully and slowly.

Fate is sometimes very strange. For a poor boy who has just come from the countryside to a prosperous big city, especially a poor boy who is engaged in the service industry, wanting to gain love is equivalent to winning the lottery. After experiencing a failed and imaginary love, he returned to dawdling in the K department.

When I met Sister Hong, I saw her shaking at the door of the bathroom. I was on my second day at work and didn’t understand many things. I walked up and asked in Cantonese, “Are you okay?” Sister Hong looked at me blankly and said, “Brother, please help me.” "I'll get a cup of hot water." I helped Sister Hong sit on the sofa in the corridor and quickly poured her a cup of hot water. This is how the story between Sister Hong and I began.

Sister Hong was born in Sichuan Province. She has been a beautiful girl since Sichuan. Sister Hong is 1.68cm tall and has fair and pink skin. She was a K mom at the time and had twenty or thirty princesses in her hands. One day after I met Sister Hong, Sister Hong invited me to have a midnight snack.

Sister Hong is very talkative. That night, Sister Hong told me a lot of requirements that K department should pay attention to, such as informing the front desk as soon as possible when a guest skips the bill, don't try to persuade drunk guests when they fight, try to avoid it, and learn to play dumb. This business Don't pretend to be smart, sometimes smart people don't end well. As I was talking, Sister Hong's eyes were red, and I gave her a tissue blankly. Sister Hong suddenly looked at me and said, "You are very similar to him."

I didn’t know how to answer this question, so I smiled stupidly. Sister Hong dresses up brightly every day, wearing a professional short skirt, black stockings, and a professional smile on her face. Maybe it’s because I have seen Sister Hong cry sincerely a few times. Every time Sister Hong faces me, she has no expression, only I have a dull face, but when I see a room, the princesses will ask the guests to tip me. My colleagues are envious of my achievements and ask me to treat them to midnight snacks.

The foreman is a handsome guy. He has been doing what he has done since the hotel opened. One day I was having supper with the handsome guy. The handsome guy told me that Sister Hong was a miserable person and told me not to disturb her. At that time, I asked Sister Hong about her story. The handsome guy looked at her. Holding the wine glass in front of him, he said as if reminiscing but also helplessly, "People can't live without love, but they can't love deeply." I muttered to myself, "I'm not a philosopher." Do you want to be so emotional?

When I was chatting with Sister Hong, she never talked about her own affairs. She always told me to be careful not to do this or that. Every time I said, "Sister Hong, you are not much older than me." Why are you so verbose? Sister Hong stared blankly in front of her and said nothing.

Sister Hong's life experience was relatively rough. She was born in a rural area in Sichuan Province. There are three brothers and sisters in her family. Sister Hong is the eldest, and she also has a younger brother and younger sister. Her parents went out to work when she was very young, and her mother ran away with someone else. Her father couldn't stand the gossip and went to Myanmar . There was no news for many years, so he could only live with his grandparents at home.

If you get more than 10,000 likes and comments, the next issue will air a big move about Sister Hong’s love and hatred in the first half of her life.