At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes of the world seemed to have smelled the rotten atmosphere that was about to be destroyed, so they all thought of changes in order to survive. In the State of Lu, which is located between the Central Plains and the land of Qi

2024/06/2419:07:32 story 1571

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the princes of the world seemed to have smelled the rotten atmosphere that was about to be destroyed, so they all thought of changes in order to survive. In the State of Lu, which is located between the Central Plains and the land of Qi - DayDayNews

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period , the princes of the world seemed to have smelled the rotten atmosphere that was about to be destroyed, so they all thought of changes in order to survive. In the Kingdom of Lu, located between the Central Plains and the land of Qi, Lu, , the baton of monarchical power was passed to the hands of Duke Dinggong of . Before him, the power of four monarchs in Lu State had been emptied out, and the state affairs were controlled by the "three emperors" in turn, and the monarchs became dispensable decorations. In particular, Ding Gong's brother Zhao Gong was ruthlessly expelled by the ruling minister Ji Pingzi. He wandered in Qi and Jin for several years, and finally died in a foreign country. After learning from the painful experience, Lu Dinggong was determined to use the power of the monarch to appoint the world-famous Confucian master saint Confucius .

First of all, Confucius' Confucianism promotes etiquette and advocates loyalty and supremacy of monarchy; secondly, Confucius has a strong temperament and is not afraid of powerful people. His disciples are all over Qi, Lu, Song, and Wei, and they are related to the "Three Huan" Countervailing power and capital. "Sanhuan" did not object out of their debt to the late Zhaogong and courtesy to the new king. However, they hid their swords behind their smiles and made stumbling blocks behind their backs. They unanimously advised the king to appoint Confucius as the governor of the central capital first. Marquis Lu knew in his heart that "Sanhuan" wanted to see Confucius' jokes. However, as the king, he himself also wanted to test the actual ability of Confucius to govern the country, who "talked so much", so he agreed with the opinions of the Sanqing family.

is a large city on the northern border of Lu State. This city is not within the power of the "Three Huans" and is under the direct control of the monarch. Because he was often threatened by Qi State , even the governor was so frightened that he ran away. In such a huge city, the official position of the parents was always vacant. The unruly people in the city are rampant and the powerful are domineering. Due to conflicts with the monarch, the "Three Huans" were unwilling to take over this hot potato.

However, no one expected that Kong Duzai would do something that shocked the world in just three days after taking office.

It turns out that Confucius led his three hundred students into Zhongdu. In view of the chaotic public security situation in Zhongdu, Kong Duzai immediately issued a proclamation and implemented a curfew. As soon as this announcement was issued, it angered another world-famous figure living in Zhongdu - Shaozhengmao.

Shaozhengmao was a famous ideological leader of the Legalist doctrine in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was respected as the "Wenren" by the world, and was as famous as Laozi, the founder of Taoism in Luoyi, the capital. Shaozheng is an official position in the State of Lu, an assistant to the ruling minister, equivalent to the current secretary. Mao is the name of the old master. Shaozhengmao opened a private school in Qilu like Confucius, and attracted many disciples, and even surpassed Confucius in the limelight. The old master has learned from ancient times to the present, and his eloquent lectures can often attract Confucius' students.

Shaozhengmao angrily criticized Confucius for wearing the cloak of academics and seeking fame; he traveled around the country, dreaming of making marquises and ministers, but encountered obstacles everywhere, and was as panic-stricken as a lost dog; he was obsessed with maintaining the decadent monarchy system, respecting and supporting a monarch who was abandoned by the people. Hou; Using chicken feathers as arrows, promulgating curfew is hegemony, chaos, and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of the people...

Master Shaozheng's words are arrogant and grandstanding. As expected, he won the support of all the disciples and gained the support of the lawless people in the city. The praise and respect of thieves and powerful bullies.

Confucian disciples immediately reported the situation to Confucius, the governor.

Kong Duzai was overjoyed when he heard that Shao Zhengmao opposed the curfew and slandered himself. He said to his disciples: "Oh, the Prime Minister of Pontus is worried that he cannot suppress the unruly people of Zhongdu, so the opportunity comes immediately to kill one person to scare others and frighten the younger ones." Go and invite Dr. Shaozheng to come over and have a talk. Who would have thought that Shaozhengmao would be arrested as soon as he entered the Duzai Hall excitedly. Kong Duzai announced the five major crimes of Shaozhengmao: "The mind is bold but dangerous, the action is bold but firm, the words are false but arguable, the ugly is remembered but wrong is learned, and the wrong is followed and bright." The main idea is: knowing the past and present, despising the royal power; violating Zhou etiquette, Subverting the monarchy; giving a thorough explanation and criticizing the patriarchal ; seeing the corruption and not thinking about helping; violating morality and spreading rebellion indiscriminately.

Kong Duzai cut the knot quickly and ordered his people to immediately push Shao Zhengmao outside the lobby and show his head to the public.

Shao Zhengmao shouted angrily: "I am a high official in the court, and the punishment is not enough! You kill innocent people indiscriminately, aren't you afraid of being exterminated?"

Kong Duzai said disdainfully: "You have always despised etiquette, why do you think of moving out of the country now? Is the punishment system excusing himself? Today, Ben Duzai wants to break the rigid punishment system and use thunderbolt methods to eliminate evil for the world."

When the disciples of Master Shaozheng arrived, his head was already placed in a wooden cage. It's hanging high in public display.

It turns out that as soon as Kong Duzai entered Zhongdu City, he went to the market and private individuals to visit privately. Most of the nobles and powerful people in Zhongdu City worshiped Shaozhengmao, relying on his power to work together and dominate. In response to this complicated situation, Confucius decided to kill Shaozhengmao and seal his throat with a sword. This is like a large tree surrounded by tangled and evil vines. It is extremely difficult to remove them. If you cut down the tree directly, the vines will collapse. Confucius's unexpected punch instantly defeated the evil forces that had been entrenched in Zhongdu for decades. Thousands of Shaozhengmao's disciples, together with bandits, villains, and scoundrels, were so frightened that they rushed to flee Zhongdu. Kong Duzai led his disciples to mobilize the people in the city to repair the city walls, organize defenses, enforce strict administration, eliminate evil, and educate the people. Within three months, the capital was managed so that no one would pick up things on the road and no doors would be closed at night.

The Marquis of Lu was very pleased to hear the news of the great rule of Zhongdu, and immediately promoted Confucius to the rank of Chief Secretary and Prime Minister.

Author: Huaicaotan

Little Novel Monthly

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