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! Thank you for clicking on my article despite your busy schedule. It shows that we are destined. Please click "Follow" in the upper right corner. Welcome to my emotional world.

picture: from the Internet and has nothing to do with this article.

This story comes from the oral narration of the protagonist Yang Xiaoyan, compiled by Green Valley Beauty.

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I came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau service hall early in the morning. I took a deep breath of fresh air, Hi! I finally got divorced.

I was walking on the way home. I don’t know why my heart was dull and I couldn’t cheer up.

Hello everyone! My name is Yang Xiaoyan, 32 years old, and I live in S City, Hebei Province. I worked in the sales department of a company when I was 23 years old. Due to business dealings, I married Zhang Zinan, an employee of the client company.

After we got married, we had a daughter. At that time, our relationship was very good. Later, when our daughter went to school, our family no longer had too much burden, and I often traveled abroad to discuss business.

Once I was on a business trip and came home early as scheduled. When I opened the door, I was shocked! I found a pair of women's high heels on the shoe rack. I carefully opened the bedroom door. Then I found that my husband was sleeping soundly with a woman in his arms. I was stunned at that time and couldn't stop crying. , I wanted to make a scene and teach them a lesson, but I restrained myself, because what I couldn’t tolerate the most was betrayal of feelings. My heart could no longer tolerate him, and I didn’t want to spend a day with him. , so I chose to divorce, let him get out of the house, and my daughter belonged to me.

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My heart hurts so much! People say "One day brings a hundred days of kindness to a couple, and a hundred days a couple's kindness is like the depth of the ocean." Just because I often travel on business and can't be with him every night, he couldn't bear the loneliness and got together with a promiscuous woman. He is like the depth of the ocean. Where did your feelings go? Why can't he stand the test of time? Besides, life is not easy. If you want to survive, you have to make money and run your own small family well. I am not wrong! Why did he treat me like this? It really breaks my heart.

I was in a bad mood. I wanted to go home but didn't want to go home, so I walked aimlessly on the street! Go, go! My heart was in turmoil.

Just as I was crossing the highway, a motorcycle suddenly passed by me. The handlebar of the motorcycle scraped my chest. I spun around and was knocked down.

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The person riding the motorcycle was a young man. He quickly stopped the motorcycle and came to me, trembling a little with fright. He asked me awkwardly, "This! This eldest sister, no, this lady , No, it’s a beauty, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scratch you, please forgive me! Let’s go to the hospital quickly while I’m looking for a car!”

At this time, I stood up from the ground and moved my limbs. When he found that he was not injured, he said to him: "It's okay! I don't think he was injured. Let's go!"

"How can this be possible? Let's go to the hospital!" He said and pushed the motorcycle to find a hospital. I parked the car there, and then called a taxi. I thought that the young man insisted on asking me to go to the hospital for a check-up. I thought to myself, this is fine. Wouldn't it be better if there was nothing wrong after the check-up? And he has already called a taxi. It seems that the young man is quite practical, so let’s go!

The young man and I arrived at the hospital. After examination, he was not injured. The young man breathed a sigh of relief and then called a taxi to take me home.

When I arrived at the door of my building, the young man told me that his name was Lu Ping, he was 27 years old, single, and worked in a company in the city. He was meeting with clients, and his mind was distracted, so he scratched me.

He kept apologizing to me. I thought in my heart that your mind was distracted, and I am not much better than you. I said to him: "It doesn't matter! Just pay attention next time.""

Lu Ping saw that I didn't pursue the matter anymore, and he was very grateful to me. He said that from now on he would come to see me every day until I was really fine. Then he asked me what my name was, where I worked, and my Mobile phone number, etc.

I think this young man Lu Ping is not only handsome, but also courageous and a good person, so I introduced my basic situation to him, and then I said to Lu Ping: "I am older than you. , just call me Sister Yan! "

After I chatted with Lu Ping for a while, Lu Ping asked me to go back to the building to rest. He said that he still had to make appointments with clients to discuss business, and that he would come over to see me in the evening. I advised him not to come, and I was fine. He disagreed and said he had to come see me in the evening.

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Around 5 pm, my phone rang. It was Lu Ping. He first asked about my physical condition. I said: It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Then he said he still had something to do and told me not to eat. He wanted to invite me to a restaurant in the evening, but I refused. I thought if I was hungry at night, I could just eat some bread and drink a bag of milk.

But around 6 o'clock in the evening, Lu Ping called me again. He said that he had arrived downstairs at my house and wanted to come to my house. I was alone at home, and my daughter was not here with me. In my natal family.

I didn’t want to see him, but for some reason I found this young man a bit cute, and I felt like I wanted to see him, so I couldn’t help but agree to him.

Luping came. He bought me a lot of nutritional supplements. After sitting in my room for a while, he urged me to go to the restaurant to eat. I couldn't resist him anymore, so I followed him to the restaurant.

After we sat down, he ordered a lot of dishes and brought 4 bottles of red wine. I didn’t want to drink, but he kept urging me to drink some, saying that he would calm my nerves. I thought he was very sincere and I was embarrassed to shirk it. Then they drank with him.

The two of us were drinking and chatting. After two glasses of wine, I told him about my divorce. I shed tears as I talked. At this time, Luping saw that I was in a bad mood and kept trying to persuade him. He stopped drinking with me. He said: "Sister Yan! It's right for you to leave that scumbag. As beautiful as you are and with such a good heart, you don't have to worry about finding a good man. Just forget the past!" After Lupine's persuasion, I stopped crying and felt much better.

Next we talked about some personal life matters. Lu Ping said that he is from the Northeast. He went to university in this city. After graduating from school, he worked in a real estate company. Because he was busy with work and had no money to buy a house, he couldn’t afford it. Not talking about a girlfriend.

I saw that he mentioned the issue of his girlfriend not having a house, so I started to persuade him. I said: "The house is not the main thing. As long as you are not afraid of hardship and hardship, and work hard, everything will be possible." He heard what I said, He looked at me and said to me: "Sister Yan! You are so kind, upright, kind-hearted, and don't take advantage of others. I admire you very much. If I could have a girlfriend like you, I would be very happy." "

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I pretended to be angry and said: "Don't talk nonsense! I am older than you. Why should you find a girl of similar age if you are so handsome! Don't think so in the future." He touched his head at this time, his face was red. , Hehehehe laughed.

After dinner, we walked and chatted, and unknowingly we arrived at the door of my building. I invited him to sit at home for a meeting. He said he was afraid of disturbing my rest, so he left a little reluctantly.

In the following days, he greeted me every day, especially at night. He and I chatted endlessly through WeChat. At this time, I felt that he liked me, and to be honest, I also liked him.

Later, the two of us traveled together, watched movies together, followed dramas together, went on trips together, talked about childhood memories together, personal hobbies together, daily life together, and the future together. In this way, we developed from acquaintance to falling in love. .

He knows that I don’t like to cook alone, so he cooks my favorite meals for me every day. One day it rained heavily and I wanted to eat Pork Ribs Stewed with Beans , so he went to the supermarket to buy it for me in the rain with an umbrella. The ribs and beans, he made the ribs and beans very fragrant and delicious.

I caught a cold, and he brought me water and medicine and waited beside my bed. At this time, I felt that I could not do without him more and more.

One day, he took me to a jewelry store and bought me a pair of jade bracelets and diamond rings. He held a rose in his hand and formally proposed to me.

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Things are unpredictable. Just when we were preparing for the wedding, Lu Ping suddenly disappeared and refused to answer his cell phone calls. I was so anxious that I couldn't eat or sleep. I looked for him everywhere. I arrived at his workplace. , the leader of his unit said that he resigned.

I remember that he was from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province. I wanted to find him somewhere, but just when I was about to set off, I suddenly received a WeChat message from him. He said in the WeChat: "Sister Yan! I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." He left without saying goodbye. My father was suffering from leukemia . He had lived frugally all his life to support my education. Now that he is ill, I can only resign and go home to show my filial piety. I have thought about it again and again. I can't drag you down. Let’s break up! If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your good husband.”

I was so moved that my eyes filled with tears. It’s not easy for parents to give birth to us and raise us throughout our lives! No matter how much we spend on treating our parents, it is our unshirkable responsibility, and it is also our duty to honor our parents. I replied to him on WeChat and said: "Lu Ping, I am willing to share the cost of taking care of the elderly with you." , I will resign and go to you, we will never be separated for the rest of our lives..."

I wrote a lot, but I didn't send it out. I checked carefully and found that he had blocked me.

From then on, I never saw Lu Ping again. He left me regrets and disappointments, but also left me with a good memory.


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