Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child.

2024/06/2815:35:33 story 1565

There is a scholar named Li He in Yunshui Town. He married Zhang Yuhua, the teacher's daughter. The two of them had outstanding looks, and everyone couldn't help but admire them as golden boys and beautiful girls.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child.

Zhang Yuhua's body and bones have always been in good shape, and she has a good appetite after becoming pregnant. After seeing this, her mother-in-law praised the child as a sensible and not noisy mother.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

Who knew that within a few months of saying this, things would change. It turns out that every night after Zhang Yuhua fell asleep, she always dreamed of the baby in her belly talking. The general meaning of

is: I am a fire dragon. I don’t like to stay in dark and humid places. Flames and sunlight make me feel comfortable.

At the beginning, Zhang Yuhua only thought it was due to fatigue, so he didn't take it to heart. But it had been like this for a month, so she couldn't help but become concerned.

On this day, she felt very uncomfortable in her belly, as if a child was punching and kicking her inside. In a flash of inspiration, she couldn't help but think of the dream she had at night.

looked at the hot sun outside and tried to bask in the sun for a while. Strangely enough, even as she was sweating profusely from the sun, the pain in her belly gradually disappeared.

The children no longer make noises, but pregnant women suffer from being exposed to the sun. Originally a young lady from a wealthy family, she was carefully cared for and brought up. After she got married, she was accompanied by a maid.

They were very anxious when they saw their master like this. If there was a problem, they would be scolded. So Aunt Zhao, who was beside her, quickly advised the young lady to go inside. After all, drinking medicine when you are sick is not good for the fetus in your belly.

Zhang Yuhua himself couldn't stand the heat, so he agreed to go back to the room. Time gradually came to the seventh month of pregnancy. On this morning, Zhang Yuhua was walking in her garden again.

Suddenly heard a noise coming from the door. Out of curiosity, she asked the maid next to her to go over and investigate.

Not long after, the maid came to the door and saw an old Taoist priest holding a whisk in his hand arguing with the concierge.

The Taoist priest is about sixty years old, with a red face and white hair. His expression is elegant and natural, and he looks like a master from this world. According to him, his Taoist name is "Qingsong".

After taking the money, the old Taoist priest was not in a hurry to leave. He said to the concierge: "I am traveling all over the world. I passed through your land today. I am very grateful to your master for your help. I saw a demonic energy rising from the roof of your house. The evil spirit is still very weak. There must be a pregnant woman in your house."

The concierge was a little surprised when he heard that the young lady in the family is indeed pregnant, but this matter is not a secret in the neighborhood.

Taoist priest Qingsong knows how to look at people's faces, so how can he hide the concierge's expression from him? He immediately stroked his beard with his hand and said with a smile:

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, I am going to say something offensive today. There is something wrong with the fetus in your wife's belly. It is best to abort it as soon as possible, otherwise the pregnant woman may get pregnant." "I'm worried about my life."

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

The concierge has been in the Li family for more than 30 years and has watched the young master grow up. He has always been loyal to his duties and loyal to his master. How can he not be angry after hearing such words now?

The young lady has been pregnant for seven months. As the saying goes, seven are alive and eight are dead. The fetus has already formed, but Taoist priest Qingsong said such words that are harmful to people's lives. The doctor who came to the house to check the pulse didn't say there was anything wrong with the child. Could it be that the old doctor had a grudge against their family?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but loudly told the old Taoist priests to leave quickly, otherwise they would not be blamed for being rude.

Taoist priest Qingsong also has a strange temper. He only says that he must take responsibility for the kindness he received from his master and refuses to leave. In this noisy scene, other servants in the mansion were also attracted.

There were so many people talking, didn’t the noise suddenly spread to the back garden? The maid who found out the reason quickly came back and reported it to Zhang Yuhua.

After hearing this, Zhang Yuhua couldn't help but feel a little bit in her heart. Because she often heard the sound of the fetus talking at night, she always felt worried in her heart, but she didn't dare to tell her father-in-law and mother-in-law, fearing that they would also become worried.

Did Qingsong Laodao's words exactly hit her secret thoughts? After thinking for a while, she asked her husband to come forward to entertain Taoist Qingsong.

As the person next to her, Li He understood the changes in his wife and immediately respectfully invited her in, hoping that he could give her some advice. After the old Taoist priest took a sip of fragrant tea, he slowly said:

"Master Li must also know that the soul of the dead needs to enter the underworld for a trip, and then drink a bowl of Meng Po soup to erase the memory of the previous life. It is good to reincarnate. Some demons will also be reincarnated in the human world, so that they can increase their spiritual conduct after being trained in the human world. "

" The one who is reincarnated in your home is a great demon who has been practicing for thousands of years. If he wants to land safely, he must absorb his mother. This is the instinctive reaction of a demon, so the life of the pregnant woman is in danger, so the poor Taoist said that the child is weird."

Then the old Taoist priest told Zhang Yuhua's dream at night. Read it again. Now Li He couldn't help but not believe it. In the dream, the lady only told him that nothing happened. Could it be that the old Taoist priest had calculated it?

The old Taoist priest saw the embarrassment on Li He's face and stopped trying to persuade them. He just let them think about it themselves and left.

After sending the person out, Li He returned to the room and looked at his wife who was sitting on the bed crying and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her: "Madam, please take care of yourself. It is difficult to tell the truth from the falsehood of the words of the old Taoist priest. You still need to find someone else." Let others verify it before making a decision."

Zhang Yuhua snuggled into her husband's arms, caressed her belly lovingly and said, "Although this child is naughty and often makes me uncomfortable, how can I let him go now that he has grown into a human form. Abort it. Why don't you go to Jinguang Temple tomorrow to see the abbot and ask him to help you calculate the fortune?"

Li He nodded while the two were discussing. The maid came to tell her that the master and his wife had an invitation. It turned out that the parents at home had received the news and were about to invite them over for questioning.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

The young couple went over to talk about the matter. The two old people were very anxious. Li Yuanwai said:

"Our family has donated money to build the Jinguang Temple. Master Hui'an is also an eminent monk. His character is trustworthy. Let's go ask him for help."

Because of such an incident, the whole family couldn't sleep that night. The parents got up early in the morning and asked someone to prepare the carriage. They also asked their son to stay with his wife at home, and left it to them to go to the temple to seek advice.

Jinguang Temple is built on a hillside outside the city. The temple is magnificent and solemn. It was built with the help of the nearby squires. " Humble House Inscription " says: If the mountain is not high, if there are immortals, there will be spirits; if the water is not deep, if there are dragons, there will be spirits.

The reason why Jinguang Temple is famous far and near comes from the reputation of Master Hui'an. The origin of the matter starts with an incident that happened more than 20 years ago.

At that time, Zhang Yuanwai in the city gave birth to an ugly daughter. The child's entire face was covered with red birthmarks , and combined with the fair skin next to it, people couldn't help but be shocked after seeing it.

Zhang Yuanwai and his wife were in tears after watching this. The birth of their daughter made their family gossip constantly. They all said behind the scenes that they had done something wrong? Otherwise, how could God not reward people who often do good deeds?

Mrs. Zhang has a strong temper and was very angry when she heard this. I felt ashamed and remorseful in my heart. I was so depressed that I became bedridden and soon fell ill.

The Zhang family invited many famous doctors to help with diagnosis and treatment, but after seeing it, the doctors all said that it was a heart disease and that it needed heart medicine to treat it.

What is Mrs. Zhang’s problem? Of course, there is no need to say more. But the child's birthmark can't be removed so easily. When the whole family was in a state of panic, Master Hui'an suddenly came to see him.

Zhang Yuanwai and his wife talked secretly with him for half an hour behind closed doors in the room. As for the content of the conversation, outsiders did not know.

According to reports from some servants at home, his wife was able to get out of bed and walk soon after the Master left, with a happy smile on her face. From then on, she stopped caring about other people's gossip and focused on raising her daughter.

When Miss Zhang grew up, she was very smart. She was proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. She managed everything at home in an orderly manner at a young age, and the servants were very impressed by her.

When she was eighteen years old, the emperor of this dynasty went out to inspect the public sentiment. Because they were traveling in "white clothes", their whereabouts did not attract anyone's attention. They were just thought to be some wealthy family traveling.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

Miss Zhang happened to be out with her maid that day, and when they passed each other, a strong wind blew, blowing her veil to the ground.

Because she was afraid of being laughed at, Miss Zhang just wanted to cover her face, but the maid exclaimed: "Miss, you have become so beautiful, all the birthmarks on your face have disappeared."

She didn't believe it at first, but after waiting for four weeks Passers-by almost shed tears of excitement as they praised her one after another.

Everyone has a love for beauty, so Miss Zhang couldn’t wait to take her maid back home, and took a mirror to look at her carefully. This incident soon spread throughout the whole family. Mrs. Zhang looked at her daughter's beautiful face and was so excited that she cheered:

"Master Hui'an is right, my daughter, you are indeed a person with good fortune. God brought me the Zhang family, I believe your marriage will come soon. "

What great fortune does Miss Zhang have? This answer was answered three days later. The local county magistrate personally came to act as a matchmaker, and the man was their emperor.

The emperor of this dynasty has passed his thirties, but there are only two little princesses in the palace, and not even the prince is seen. This also made several princes ready to take action, and they had colluded with some ministers to help their sons seize the future crown prince position.

As a result, people were panicked and the government became unstable. For the emperor, the birth of a prince at this time was crucial for him to secure the throne.

The emperor also went out this time because he was looking for his palace concubine . Because he could not give birth to a prince, he secretly asked the heavenly master of Xuantian Temple to help him calculate the fate of his descendants.

After two days of calculation, the Heavenly Master finally found a glimmer of hope. He said to the emperor:

"After your Majesty leaves the palace, go south and you will meet a woman with a birthmark on her face. After you two meet, the woman will change She is as beautiful as a fairy, and the birthmarks on her face will be eliminated. She will be the mother of the future prince. "

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

It is related to the future of the country, and the emperor cannot take it lightly. After secretly arranging everything in the capital, he came to the south under the pretext of inspecting the public sentiment. There was nothing to gain from this stop and go, and I couldn't help but feel anxious.

was overjoyed only after hearing the news about Miss Zhang, and quickly sent for the county magistrate to ask him to come and propose marriage.

When Zhang Yuanwai and his wife learned that their daughter was going to marry the emperor, there was not much surprise on their faces, as if they had known about it in advance, and they even exclaimed: "Master Hui'an is really clever."

This is a matter of concern to the emperor, and one cannot be too cautious. Hearing what they said, the county magistrate immediately started asking questions again and again. At this point, Zhang Yuanwai no longer concealed anything and told a secret past incident after his daughter was born.

It is said that Master Hui'an observed the sky at night and realized that Miss Zhang had a phoenix destiny. But at that time, the Zhang family was just an ordinary wealthy family, and a daughter who was too outstanding might cause trouble. People's luck is not static, and it will die midway if it is artificially destroyed.

Although Master Hui'an is a monk, he still has to deal with other people when he is born in the mortal world. He helped Miss Zhang for the sake of the temple. If they could get the protection of the future Queen Mother, the monks in the temple would be able to live peacefully for decades.

So before Ms. Zhang was born, Master Hui'an used a technique to cover up her true appearance, which was the birthmark seen by outsiders.

This technique will automatically dissipate when meeting the right one, that is, the emperor, and Miss Zhang will be able to restore her original beautiful appearance.

It was precisely because of this that Master Hui'an told them the truth, and the sick Mrs. Zhang recovered quickly. What happened to my daughter now confirmed the Master's words.

When the county magistrate heard that there was such a reason, he congratulated the two people first, and then hurried back to the county office to see the emperor, and said respectfully:

"Congratulations to your majesty, your wish has come true. This marriage has been approved by the eminent monk long ago." Order. My emperor is the real dragon emperor who has come to this world, and other people's schemes are destined to fail."

The emperor was very happy after hearing this, and couldn't help but show a comfortable smile. In this case, there is no need to rush back to the palace. Let's get married here.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

However, this matter needs to be kept secret. He will not return to Beijing until Miss Zhang is pregnant. Just in case, Miss Zhang was asked to give birth to the prince locally so that those with evil intentions could be caught off guard.

Miss Zhang married the emperor and successfully gave birth to a healthy prince. The prince was taken back to the palace when he was more than one year old and was named the prince. Miss Zhang was given the title of imperial concubine, and Zhang Yuanwai's family, who became the head of the country, also went to the capital.

As for Miss Zhang’s adventure, under the special arrangement of the emperor, it soon spread throughout the country.

After hearing this, many people couldn't help but shout long live, saying that His Majesty is the True Dragon Emperor, otherwise how could the heavenly masters and eminent monks give warnings. This also made the emperor's regime more stable, suppressed the ambitions of the brothers, and avoided a dynastic dispute.

Since then, Jinguang Temple has become famous all over the world. People come here every day to seek instructions from Master Hui'an in an endless stream. However, most of the masters refused because the heavenly secret should not be leaked. From then on, they concentrated on cultivating Buddhism and rarely interfered with worldly affairs.

Yuanwai Li had a relationship with Master Hui'an, so he met them quickly after seeing the invitation. After he got Zhang Yuhua's birthday and horoscope, he roughly figured out the cause of the matter after careful calculation.

Master Hui'an said the Buddha's name and said:

"Two donors, there is no need to worry. The birth of that child into your family is also a blessing. He was originally a fire dragon who practiced Taoism in the mountains. Because of the guidance of the immortal, he needed to be reincarnated and experienced a lifetime. After the calamity of the mortal world, he will be able to cultivate the great path. If your daughter-in-law is kind to him, the child will not harm the mother."

As Master Hui'an told him, a mysterious past incident came out of his mouth, and Zhang Yuanwai and his wife. People were fascinated by it without even realizing it.

It turns out that their grandson is the reincarnation of a fire dragon, which lives next to a volcano not far from the sea. In terms of attributes, water and fire are incompatible. Fire Dragon hates water very much. It rarely goes near the seaside and only concentrates on practicing in the cave every day.

There is a fire lotus growing in the place where it cultivates. After the monster eats it, it can increase its spiritual practice for decades. This also arouses the covetousness of the sea snake .

More than 100 years ago, it quietly stole the fire lotus after the fire dragon went out. The fire dragon was furious when he came back. He chased the sea snake into the sea based on the scent left behind, severely injured the sea snake and took back the treasure.

The sea snake can do sneaky things, which shows that it is not very broad-minded. After being injured, he naturally held a grudge and planted the seeds of revenge against the fire dragon in his heart.

He waited more than 100 years. The fire dragon was enlightened by the immortal and prepared to reincarnate in the mortal world. This made the sea snake very happy, and the opportunity for revenge finally came.

After finding out about the family where the fire dragon was reincarnated, the sea snake turned into a Taoist priest and came to the vicinity of Li's house. First, use magic to restore part of the nature of the fire dragon that was originally reincarnated and had its memory erased. Then it doesn't like dark and damp places.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

This is also the reason why the fetus in Zhang Yuhua's belly is restless and often talks about wanting sunshine and not liking water. In the final analysis, this is just the racial nature of the fire dragon.

Master Hui’an’s explanation surprised Zhang Yuanwai and his wife. In this way, their grandson will have great fortune in the future and can help the Li family to honor their ancestors and change their family.

However, there is no way for the fetus to entrust the mother with dreams every night. If the pregnant woman does not rest well in the long run, it will still have an impact on the body.

Master Hui'an nodded after hearing this, "This method must be solved, since you are here to experience the world of mortals. You have to taste all the ups and downs in the world, but you can't torment people just because of trivial things."

Finished speaking Master Hou took out a black pill and handed it to Zhang Yuanwai, asking him to take it to his daughter-in-law when he returned. This was a pill that could erase the memory of the fire dragon.

Let him be a mortal child and experience all kinds of things in the world. Only after he has a clear understanding of the Taoist heart can he succeed in going through trials and tribulations. But before that, let him learn a small lesson.

The master explained: Let his daughter-in-law Zhang Yuhua live in the pig pen for three days to eliminate the mistake made by the fire dragon when he disturbed his mother before. The reason for this is that this child's identity is too special, and those who practice Taoism are most afraid of owing karma.

After the matter was resolved, Zhang Yuanwai donated a sum of incense money to express his gratitude. When they returned home and discussed the matter, Li He and his wife were stunned when they heard that they were going to live in a pig pen.

Zhang Yuhua said with some hesitation: "Although the child made me suffer a lot in the womb, as a mother, I can't bear to blame him. Let's just forget about the punishment of living in a pig pen."

Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Yuanwai are now also their beloved grandchildren. He was eager and nodded in agreement after hearing this. In the end, Li He spoke up to stop their behavior. Master Hui'an is an eminent monk, so he naturally has his purpose in saying this. They just need to follow his instructions, otherwise they will be betraying the Master's good intentions.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

These words are so reasonable that no one can refute them.

On the second day, the whole family took a carriage and came to Zhuangzi outside the city. There are many fruit trees planted in the village, and many chickens, ducks and pigs are raised. This is a small village dedicated to providing food for the Li family.

The arrival of the master made Zhuangzi's steward busy with his duties. But when he heard his master's request, he couldn't help but wonder if he had heard it wrong. After confirming it again, we arranged things.

Not long after, word spread that the pregnant young lady had to live in a pig pen for three days.

Everyone whispered, does the young lady also need to borrow some blessings from the pig? There is also an even more outrageous theory: the young mistress was a pig-killer in her previous life, so she was punished to live with pigs so that she could give birth to children safely.

The Zhang family couldn’t laugh or cry after hearing such rumors. Forget it, our family has been blessed with such great fortunes so we shouldn’t be too harsh on others. Didn’t you see that the Queen was also bitter first and then sweet? The child is a person of origin, and as an elder, it is best to help him accumulate virtue and do good deeds.

That night, Zhang Yuhua fell asleep next to the pig pen. Not only did the pregnant woman suffer from the stench, but the reincarnated fire dragon suffered even more.

Having recovered part of his original nature, his five senses were beyond ordinary people, and he was forced to smell the stench of the pigsty all over. Zhang Yuhua finally fell asleep and dreamed that the child was talking to him: Mother, get out of here quickly, it stinks so much that I don't like it.

This made my mother feel very distressed, and she quickly comforted her in her dream, saying that it would be fine if she stayed for three nights, otherwise it might hinder your future cultivation. As soon as these words came out, the child quickly calmed down, and from then on he no longer dared to mess around, and Zhang Yuhua was able to sleep peacefully.

Three days passed quickly, and Zhang Yuhua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he lay back in the room. Following Master Hui'an's instructions, she then took the pill that erased the child's memory, and the memory that was unlocked by the sea snake was sealed again.

She was pregnant for ten months and gave birth once.Zhang Yuhua gave birth to her son on a morning when the sky was full of morning glow. On that day, clouds of fire gathered over the Li family, and the wind and clouds blew like a giant dragon soaring.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews

This kind of vision attracted the attention of many people nearby. People with that knowledge guessed that the child in the Li family must be extraordinary and have an origin.

After the child was born, he was named Li Yan. The character Yan contains three fires, which implies the identity of the fire dragon, but it is unknown to outsiders. Li Yan was very smart since he was a child. He eventually won the first prize when he grew up, and later became the prime minister.

Because Qilin'er was born in the Li family, the pig pen where Zhang Yuhua slept at that time became a blessed place in the eyes of some people.

As for why the fire dragon chose the Li family to reincarnate, there is a reason.

Zhang Yuhua was a herb collector 500 years ago. One day she went up the mountain and encountered an injured fire dragon. At that time, it had a shallow Taoist practice and was being chased by a Taoist priest who was slaying a dragon and was running away in panic.

Dragons are full of treasures, which are of great use to Taoists. Taoist priests naturally kill dragons for profit.

The fire dragon escaped with a secret method and was seriously injured. When it asked the herb gatherer for help, the herb gatherer sprinkled a medicine to cover the dragon's breath and help it avoid the Taoist priests.

As the saying goes, a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring, not to mention the kindness of survival.

When they parted, the fire dragon said to the herb gatherer: "Thank you very much, girl, for saving my life. I don't know what your wish is. I will repay you in the future." The herb gatherer didn't take it seriously after hearing this. It was his character to save people. As a result, it is due to kindness.

After hearing what Huolong said, he said casually: "My father is a poor scholar, and all he thinks about every day is scientific examinations. Naturally, as a daughter, I want to fulfill his wish. If our family can have a top scholar, he will be the best." Okay."

Because the time had not come yet, the fire dragon gave her some belongings and then left. It wasn't until 500 hundred years later that it was enlightened by an immortal to reincarnate in the mortal world. The first thing that came to mind was the medicine-gathering girl from back then.

So he used his magic power to find her reincarnation, Zhang Yuhua, to repay her kindness and help her realize her wish of having a number one man in her family.

Two months after the couple got married, Zhang Yuhua went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant. The whole family was very happy. Mother-in-law Liu even prepared clothes for boys and girls, looking forward to the arrival of the child. - DayDayNews


As the old saying goes: good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that I won’t repay, the time has not yet come, but when the time comes, I will repay them all. Zhang Yulan's experience also confirms these words.

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