As mentioned earlier, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law once again entered a cold war because of her interference in their daughter-in-law Yuanyuan's love affair. Yuanyuan is determined to erase the traces of her late husband at home so that her mother-in-law will not be able

As mentioned earlier, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law once again entered a cold war because of her interference in their daughter-in-law Yuanyuan's love affair.

Yuanyuan is determined to erase the traces of her late husband at home, so that her mother-in-law will not be able to get over the shadow of losing her son.

While her mother-in-law was away, she cleaned up some of her husband's belongings.

But her mother-in-law immediately noticed something unusual when she came home and asked loudly: "My son has only been gone for a long time, and you are in a hurry to get married. Are you still a human being?"

This time Yuanyuan was determined to communicate with her mother-in-law well and erase her mother-in-law's love. Heart disease. She whispered to her mother-in-law: "If nothing happens to Huang Bin, I will naturally love him till the end of time. But now that he is gone, leaving us two women behind, if it is your daughter, you will let her be young." Will you be a widow for the rest of your life?"

My mother-in-law didn't say anything this time, but she still entered the room with a cold face.

One day, Wu Xiang once again gave Yuanyuan something. The two talked for a while in Yuanyuan's house. Her mother-in-law ran to the living room and cursed: "Shameless, having an affair in broad daylight."

Wu Xiang explained with a smile: "Auntie, it's not what you think." After saying that, he ran away. The mother-in-law was still angry, so she grabbed a wine bottle and threw it on the ground: "You can't die a good death while others are in danger!"

Yuanyuan couldn't stand her mother-in-law treating her boyfriend like this, and she yelled angrily: "You are too perverted, I will never do it again." Ignore you, both families have paid for this house. If you give me 500,000 yuan, I will give the house to you."

Yuanyuan knew that her mother-in-law could not afford this huge sum of money, and even if she could, she would never do it. After buying out her daughter-in-law's property rights, she still wants to squeeze in with her daughter-in-law under the same roof. It is best to continue to be relatives; or she will fight to the end!

Yuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore and went to Wu Xiang to tell her mother-in-law's unruly nature with tears in her eyes. She didn't expect that Wu Xiang's patient enlightenment would enlighten her. Wu Xiang said: "The old lady has lost her only son. She has not yet gotten rid of her grief and cannot accept you being with another man. We must be more considerate of her and be more tolerant to the elderly. Treating others well is also being kind to yourself."

Who would have thought? At this juncture, my mother-in-law suddenly fell ill...

That day, when my mother-in-law woke up from the coma and saw Yuanyuan and Wu Xiang standing by her side, she knew they had saved her. Silent tears fell from her eyes: I thought they hoped that I would die early so that they could monopolize this set. Where is the house!

At noon that day, Wu Xiang went out to cook, and her mother-in-law took Yuanyuan's hand with tears in her eyes and said: "I'm sorry, child, I feel so sorry for you...!"

Unexpectedly, Yuanyuan said to her mother-in-law: "Mom, rest in peace and recover. Come on, don't think about anything else."

After staying in the hospital for more than a month, the 80,000 yuan in medical expenses paid by Yuanyuan and Wu Xiang were quickly spent. The recovery period was long, and her mother-in-law asked to be discharged and go home to recuperate.

Back home, my mother-in-law still couldn't take care of herself. For this reason, Yuanyuan took a long leave to take care of her mother-in-law at home.

Yuanyuan gets up early every day to make breakfast for her mother-in-law, and then uses a wheelchair to push her mother-in-law out to get some fresh air in the community. Every day, I would give my mother-in-law a massage, measure her blood pressure, and help her practice walking in three time periods.

But Yuanyuan will have no salary if she doesn’t go to work. Her mother-in-law’s monthly pension of 2,000 yuan is just a drop in the bucket.

The journey of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has once again reached a critical moment. What will they do?

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next time!