There is a popular saying in my hometown village that people who are poor should not have children! Why do you say that? Because a person is poor and cannot afford a wife to have a son! Such is the case with Rongcheng in the village. On this day, Chunzhi found the matchmaker Guil

There is a popular saying in my hometown village, people who are poor should not have children! Why do you say that? Because a person is poor and cannot afford a wife to have a son! Such is the case with Rongcheng in the village.

On this day, Chun Zhi found the matchmaker Guilan, hoping that she would introduce a partner for her son.

Guilan is a middle-aged woman, known as the talkative starling. She is eloquent and good at matchmaking. In the villages dozens of miles around, there are many successful couples introduced by Guilan. She glanced at Haruzhi, curled her lips and said: I am a person who introduces people to people, look at your two sons, they are both in their thirties, they are honest and their family is poor, which girl would like them!

Haruzhi said: Please help me find out about those men whose wives have passed away and who have daughters at home. If his daughter is willing to marry my son, I am willing to marry him!

Guilan stared at Chunzhi for a while, then chirped: You have a good idea, I will help you find out about such a family!

After Chunzhi and Rongcheng got married, they gave birth to two sons. Like Rongcheng, these two sons were honest and humble. They only farmed and did part-time work. They had no skills or skills and earned only enough money to make ends meet. Many families in the village built houses. After buying a building and a car, the Rongcheng family still lived in several old brick houses.

Since their two sons were in their twenties, Rongcheng and Haruzhi have been trying to find a partner for their two sons. Because the family is poor, the eldest son is 37 years old and the second son is 35 years old, but they still have no partner. Rongcheng spends his whole life Worried about the marriage of his two sons, he became depressed, fell ill, and died. After her husband died of illness, Harue vowed that she must let her two sons marry wives. After much thought, she decided to exchange herself for her son's wife. Now that she had remarried and had a wife, she also let her son be single.

After inquiries from the matchmaker Guilan, it was agreed that there was a man willing to marry Chun Zhi and marry his daughter to Chun Zhi's son.

This man’s surname is Zhang. He is sixty years old. His wife has died of illness. He has a son and a daughter. After the son got married, he settled down with his wife in another place. Now, her daughter Xiaoyu and a teenage son live with Lao Zhang. Xiaoyu is thirty-eight years old and has been divorced for several years. She has never found a suitable person and is still single.

Chunzhi was very happy after hearing Guilan's introduction and asked to meet Lao Zhang immediately. So, Chun Zhi brought his thirty-seven-year-old eldest son, and Lao Zhang brought his daughter Xiaoyu, and met at the place arranged by Guilan.

After Chun Zhi and Lao Zhang met, they were satisfied with each other. However, Xiaoyu was a little dissatisfied with Chun Zhi's eldest son, saying that Chun Zhi's eldest son seemed too honest and found it difficult to start a family. Guilan said: It is a good thing for people to be honest. After you get married, you should take care of your property and arrange for him to work to earn money. You are lucky to have an obedient husband! After Guilan's sweet talk, Xiaoyu finally agreed to marry Chunzhi's eldest son.

When Chunzhi married Lao Zhang and their children, it was considered a close relationship. Therefore, their marriage was very simple. There was no wedding room, no car, and no betrothal gift. Despite this, relatives from both sides came and the wedding was very lively.

At the wedding, relatives wished the two couples a happy marriage. Someone said to Haruzhi: If you do this, you will find your wife and your son will have a wife. You are doing the right thing. To your son, you can be said to be great. Mother! Haruzhi wiped away tears of happiness and said: I am such a bad mother that I can't let my two sons get married on time. Now, because my eldest son is married, but the younger son doesn't have a wife yet, they don't have two mothers. According to the situation of our family, it is impossible for our youngest son to get a wife. I just hope that he can become a son-in-law in some house!

After hearing what Haruzhi said, the relatives cheered and clapped one after another, saying that Haruzhi is a good mother!

The above is a story that happened in the village about a mother looking for a wife for her son. In today's context where it is difficult for young rural men to find wives, there must be many stories like this. I hope those men who have not yet found a partner can have their dreams come true and get out of singles as soon as possible!