The news that Wang Wu's family was haunted spread like wildfire and disappeared. It was spread to ten, then to hundreds, and everyone knew it. It had already filled the "village", and the more it was said, the more mysterious it became. Many people believed it without a doubt. .

The story of "ghost"

Author: One smile

The news that Wang Wu's family was haunted spread like wildfire and disappeared. It was spread from one to ten and then to hundreds. It became an uproar. Women and children all knew about it, and the "village" had already filled up. Wind and rain, the more they talk about it, the more mysterious it becomes, and many people believe it. I also drew a circle with lime on the door. The sun has not yet set, and every house is closed. I dare not go out at night for fear of evil spirits harming people.

Wang Wujia especially. At night, the doors and windows were tightly closed and held up with necklace poles. Afraid of evil spirits coming in and causing trouble, there is a strong tendency to talk about "ghosts" in a disgraceful way.

The Wang family has invited several magicians to catch ghosts, but they are all the same old tricks. The head was wrapped in red cloth, only the face was exposed, the chest was bare, the back was bare, and the arms were bare. He held a sword in his right hand and danced wildly, muttering something like: "Where is the evil spirit escaping? Don't leave and look at the sword!" As if he was serious about it, he searched carefully behind the cabinet and under the bed. Searching from the bedroom to the living room, then to the kitchen and then into the bedroom, I heard the ghost squeaking and screaming. Then the horse dropped the sword and covered it with both hands. The ghost struggled desperately and screamed, trying to escape. The horse roared. Said: "Don't even think about escaping!" Then he put the ghost into a jar as big as a fist, and the jar was filled with lime. He covered the mouth of the jar with a red cloth as big as a palm and tied the mouth of the jar tightly with twine, and then went out to A small hole was dug in the center of a nearby crossroad and the jar was buried, and the ghost hunting came to an end. Once the horse is gone, the evil ghost will continue to cause trouble. The next day I went to find the foot horse. The foot horse said: "That ghost is really evil. I hope you can hire someone else." His wife racked her brains but could do nothing.

I have to start from the beginning.

Wang Wu came back from the market, entered the living room, and sat on the Taishi chair, his head drooped, wilted and silent. The wife was very puzzled when she saw him. The wife made a cup of tea and handed it to her husband and asked with concern: "Are you sick?"

Wang Wu shook his head.

"What's wrong with you?"

still shook his head.

"Are you talking?"

still bowed his head and remained silent.

is strange, strange. This king has a loud voice, and everyone knows, but he is a famous happy god. What is going on?

When he came back from the city that day, he seemed to be a completely different person, with a knot on his brow and a livid face. With his head drooped, like a wilted eggplant, he went into the inner room and fell asleep.

His wife saw it and was anxious, but she had no choice but to let him go.

It was night, and his wife was sitting next to him, doing needlework under the lamp. Suddenly Wang Wu trembled into a ball and shouted in terror: "Fight the ghost! Fight the ghost!"

His wife shook him awake, tapped his forehead with her finger and said, "You, you must have been hurt somewhere. Frightened, it was a nightmare, wasn't it? "

Well, just now there was a female ghost with disheveled hair and water all over her body. She kept shouting to give me my life! Give me back my life! It's scary.

"Stop thinking nonsense. If you want to eat something, I'll cook it for you!"

"Don't leave, stay with me, I'm afraid!"

"Oh my, the boss is no longer young, he still acts like a child!" "Hey, don't cry. I'll make you a bowl of noodles and boil two poached eggs. They'll be here soon." After that, the wife got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Before the water boiled, Wang Wu screamed again; "The ghost is coming, hurry up, fight the ghost!"

It was like this all night long, and it was only as a last resort that there was the part about the great mage catching ghosts.

What if this keeps going on? My wife has no choice but to find a way! It made her as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

One day, Wang Wu and his brother-in-law came to see his sister and brother-in-law. Just after Wang Wu, who had been noisy all night, went to bed, his sister told his brother about the hauntings and ghost hunting at home. The brother said, "You two are superstitious. It’s not like you have too much money to spend, really!” My sister said, “Superstitious or not, you just need your brother-in-law to stop making trouble!” The younger brother thought for a while and said to his elder sister quite confidently: "I have a good way to keep it and it will work!" "My sister hurriedly asked: "What can I do? Tell me quickly! The younger brother said: "Heart disease requires heart medicine!" "So he told him his method.When my sister heard this, she praised her repeatedly: "What a way! What a way! It's my brother's cleverness." After that, they split up to make preparations.

It was night, and Wang Wu screamed again as usual. At this time, only a voice like thunder was heard saying: Where the evil spirits go, my god is coming! "

Wang Wu opened his eyes and saw a god with a livid face and a red beard, wearing black gauze on his head, wearing official clothes, and wielding a sword. He muttered something: "I am Zhongdao in the lower realm of gods. Subduing demons, catching and eating ghosts. Eradicate evil and uphold justice. With a wave of the sword, the ghost's head fell to the ground. "

At this time, there was only a "dong" sound and an object fell to the ground. The god picked up the ghost's head and said: The evil ghost has been eliminated, and my god is gone!" After that, he whirled on the spot and walked out the door.

A sensible person will immediately understand that there is some god in the lower world, Zhong Kui, coming to the mortal world. It is clearly a trick played by Wang Wu and his brother-in-law. The clothes and hats were borrowed from Shehuo Society. This matter was only hidden from Wang Wu. Five people.

Oddly enough, this method worked, and it has never been haunted again. Wang Wu's health is getting better day by day.

After some time, Wang Wu fully recovered.

Does the story end here? No. The fun is yet to come!

On this day, Wang Wu dressed up and rode into the city happily on the big white horse. As soon as they entered the city, the horse suddenly screamed like it was frightened and stood still. "Pa!" He whipped the horse's butt hard, but the horse remained motionless. Is this amazing? He looked forward and suddenly his soul was gone. His body was as soft as mud, his eyes were filled with stars, and he fell off the horse.

kept shouting: "Fight the ghost!" Fight ghosts! ..." At this time, a sister-in-law in white clothes and skirt raised her eyebrows and stared angrily. She grabbed the horse's bridle and refused to let go.

Passers-by were very surprised when they saw it, and they gathered around to see what happened.

That A sister-in-law said: "Get up quickly, don't be a dead dog! "

Wang Wu stood up obediently while holding on to the horse's legs, but his legs were not working and his body was sifting through chaff.

The sister-in-law then said: "You really think that I can't live, so you just want to die without any evidence, so you can It's a beautiful thought to get away with it. "

Wang Wu thought to himself: "If she is not dead, how can we explain that her innocent soul is asking for her life every night? If she is dead, everything in front of him..." His mind became a mess, a basin of mush, and he closed his eyes and shouted: "She is really a ghost! Don't believe her nonsense, why don't you run away! "

Not only did not one of the onlookers run away, but more and more people gathered together. One of them said: "Why do you say that this sister-in-law is a ghost?

"She comes to my house every night to ask for her life!"

Wang Wuyi spilled the beans in a hurry. Once the words were spoken, it was hard to take back the words, and it was too late to regret.

The sister-in-law said: "Listen, fellow villagers, this means that if you don't fight for three years, you will find yourself a thief! You didn't expect it! I have a great fortune and a great salvation. It is because you have done something wrong to ask for your life. , The ghosts born from fear and suspicion, the hallucinations caused by the mental disorder! If it really scares you to death, then I will be happy! The doubts were gone, and he kept saying: It’s better not to die! It’s better not to die! Thank God: I don’t owe anyone’s life! In this case, please be noble and let’s do our own thing. "

" is not that cheap! "

" What a wonderful sister-in-law! I was drinking water from the bucket, but I didn't expect that the horse was also thirsty and wanted to drink water. You were afraid of contaminating the water if you didn't let it drink.This beast will push you into the well if it moves! Can you blame me? "

What you said is true. After I was rescued, I thought you were the one who asked people to salvage you. But later, they said they never saw a trace of you. It was the water carrier who found you and then called for help. Human life is at stake. Ah! How can you walk away with peace of mind?

"I'm afraid..."

"You're afraid of, you're afraid of, you're afraid of this, you're afraid of that, but you're not afraid of drowning me! Do you still have humanity? It's my fault that I don't recognize people. You seem to be well-dressed and polite. I didn't expect you to be an ungrateful, selfish, and desperate hypocrite! It's a pity that it's watery for you to drink! "

Only then did the onlookers understand what was going on. They all said that the sister-in-law was scolding well. They were chattering and chattering. They criticized Wang Wu for what he shouldn't be!

One of them wanted to leave, but the other one refused to let go. After a stalemate, an old man said: "It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, just see the official. Take him to see the official!" "

These words reminded the man greatly. Without any explanation, he grabbed Wang Wu and pulled him on the big white horse to the Yamen. In the lobby, the magistrate asked the whole story, grabbed the pen in hand and said:

I don't do anything wrong, so why should I be afraid? A ghost called at the door in the middle of the night.

We met by chance.

It's not that enemies don't get together.

Good and evil will be punished in the end.

The law of escape is hard to tolerate.

Baima is sentenced to lead the way.

In the hall, the sister-in-law took the horse home and took Wang Wu into prison. At this time, Wang Wu was full of regrets and burst into tears. He regretted that if he could have asked someone to salvage him in time, he would not have been frightened for many days, nor would he have lost the big white horse. Trapped in jail.

- This story was originally told by my father more than 80 years ago.

, whose original name was Zhang Zhongxin, taught at Huayang Middle School for more than ten years.