Novel Serial No. 24: In those years, we turned execution into physical labor - listening to old comrades talk about the past. "Yesterday, my friend's friend came from Shandong, and a few of us got together. We were talking about the live programs of a certain provincial TV statio

Novel Serial No. 24: In those years, we turned execution into hard work - listening to old comrades talk about the past (24)

"Yesterday, my friend's friend came from Shandong, and a few of us got together. We talked about a certain person Provincial TV station’s live program, there is a program called Lightning News, which lasts for more than ten hours,” said the old man who is about to retire.

“For more than ten hours, I give thumbs up to the live broadcast and executives.” Young people like us give thumbs up.

"Unexpectedly, a friend of a friend said that today's executives are so happy."


"My friend's friend also worked in executive work for several years. A few years ago, due to the political struggle in their unit, he had to immerse himself in the work. A friend of my friend who worked hard and achieved outstanding results became a victim and was demoted and assigned to work in the execution department of the unit. The following story was told by a friend of my friend and told many interesting things about execution. Let me tell you one. Listen. For the sake of convenience, I will use the first-person version of my friend.

One winter many years ago, the water was dripping with ice and the wind was biting. I got up at 3:30 in the morning and went out for navigation. Well, there was no current map navigation. We followed the road marked by the driver.

The house we went to is at the junction of the two cities. I don’t know exactly how the two cities meet and how close they are. I just remember the first time I was looking for the person to be executed. , the police car transferred to a neighboring city, and then entered the village from the neighboring city. There was a section of dirt road, which was muddy after the rain. After the police car entered, the wheels spun and the car stopped moving. We got out of the car and searched in the mud for a long time, but there was no hard object to cover it. Finally, I borrowed the tools of a working farmer to get the car out.

I heard from this farmer that his village is from a neighboring city, and there was a heavy thunderstorm today. A strong man in his village was struck by lightning, only his feet. He was slightly injured and died on the spot.

As we continued the execution, it was just dawn. The person who was executed had only a row of old houses in his house on the east side of the village, with an old courtyard wall and no outer door.

Someone came, and the door to the east opened. An old couple told us that the person being executed was not at home.

We were knocking on the door to the west, but there was no movement inside. After a while, the door suddenly opened, and a man held an iron hand. The stick rushed out and ran towards the village.

Several young bailiffs were chasing after me, throwing away their helmets as they ran. As soon as I picked up the helmet thrown away by the bailiff, the young people in front ran behind. Entering the wheat field, the wheat seedlings were covered with frost and snow, which made them a bit slippery. When they came out of the wheat field, there was an open field. In order to protect the moisture, the farmers plowed the land without planting anything. Damn it, I felt waves of heat rising in my chest, and my whole chest and throat were feeling hot.

Suddenly I couldn't see anyone. I ran out of the open space and saw a large underground trench with a bottom of about 20 meters. From a distance, I saw a person lying motionless at the bottom of the ditch.

I ran closer and heard a gasp, and white mist came out of everyone's mouth.

The person being executed was lying on the ground, and the bailiff was holding his hand. The iron rod makes him look particularly tall at a height of nearly 1.9 meters.

After all of us were breathing normally, I asked the person being executed: "Why are you running away? Isn't it just a few thousand yuan?"

The person being executed muttered for a long time, and I finally heard the general meaning of what he said: Just newly married. Not long ago, he had offended ethnic minorities a few days ago, and today he thought it was ethnic minorities who were causing trouble for him. The ditch where it lies is the junction of the two cities.

I don’t know whether what the person being executed is telling the truth.

"How big of a case is this?" the young man asked

"I asked a friend of a friend. It is a small case. The person subject to execution borrowed a color TV on credit and failed to pay it back when it was due. The applicant sued and applied for execution after the judgment. "

" How old are the bailiffs and judges? "The young man asked

"I also asked. A friend of a friend said that several bailiffs are not married and often train. The judge is nearly fifty years old. When he was young, he was in Peking University . I am a graduate student and working. I was in great shape when I was young."

" No wonder, newlyweds can't outrun unmarried ones, and their bodies are overdrawn. "

" This old gentleman can also run? "The young people discussed it enthusiastically.

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