Folktale: The businessman kindly donated money to build the temple, unfortunately he was killed by the monk, and the gods appeared to lead people to investigate the case

is from "Three Words and Two Beats". During the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, a head hunter passed the temple and found a woman in white who had entered the temple. The head catcher suspected that there was something wrong with the monk in the temple, so she quietly followed the woman. The woman disappeared out of thin air under the big tree in the courtyard, but the head catcher found a male corpse under the big tree. Who is the male corpse? Who is the murderer? Why did the murderer kill this man?

The head catcher is Zhou Hu. He is a hateful man. He is ruthless but meticulous in handling cases. He can often find out the truth from clues. Over the years, he has planted many bad guys in his hands. Rely on him, and his catchers also respect him. On this day, Zhou Hu took the two hunters Zhao Jia and Sun Yi on business, passing by Dongshan Temple in the evening, and saw a woman in white, lightly approaching the back wall of the temple and stepping in from the broken wall.

Due to the long distance, the woman turned her back to Zhou Hu and his party, so she did not find them, but Zhou Hu found her. The magistrate always attaches great importance to the local customs and never relents to the vulgarity. As the county’s head catcher, Zhou Hu knows the prefect’s temper. Moreover, the "sexy kill", the woman in white does not go to the front entrance, but sneaks in from the broken wall. The temple, there must be something in it.

Zhou Hu did not make much fanfare, but quietly touched the broken wall with Zhao Jia and Sun Yi and looked inside, and found that the woman in white had disappeared at the corner in front, so Zhao Jia was in In response to the broken wall, he and Sun Yi continued to follow the woman. Dongshan Temple is not big or small, there are two small courtyards, the woman in white walked to the second small courtyard under the big tree, but disappeared out of thin air.

Zhou Hu and Sun Yi rubbed their eyes, then looked at each other to confirm that the woman had indeed disappeared from under their eyelids. Throughout the process, they kept looking at the woman's back, but did not see the front. The two walked to the place where the woman disappeared, and they couldn't find the woman when they looked left and right. Zhou Hu was still careful. He lowered his head and looked at the soil under the tree carefully, then squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil to look at, and said to Sun Yi, "Brother Yi,Come look at this soil, there is a problem.

Sun Yi leaned forward and found that the soil was relatively new. It was obviously overturned, and the land was a bit loose. Zhou Hu asked Sun Yi to go out of the broken wall and walk around to the front door, dragging the monk, Zhao A continued to guard the broken wall to prevent the monk from escaping. He stayed and carefully cleaned the soil under the tree. After a while, he found a man's hand in the soil!

Zhou Hu Suspecting that the monk had a problem, he got up and touched the meditation room. When he heard Sun Yi talking to the two monks, he kicked the door open and shouted, "Hold them!" "Sun Yi had been ready for a long time. As soon as he stretched out his hand to take down the monk nearest to him, another monk wanted to run. He was kicked to the ground by Zhou Hu, and he stepped forward to hold it. Zhao Jia also hurried after hearing the movement. When they came over, the three of them had originally gone out on business, with ropes on their bodies, which bound the two monks firmly.

The two monks, one named Huikong and the other named Huide, yelled: "Why do adults catch us? ? We did not commit any crime! Zhou Hu sneered and brought the two monks to the bottom of the tree. The expressions of the two monks changed. Hui Kong was still quibbling: "I don't know who buried the corpse of the businessman here, trying to blame us!" "Zhou Hu laughed, and the two monks were feeling hairy. After laughing, Zhou Hu said: "Now that you only see one hand, you say it's a businessman. You didn't kill it. How can you know his identity?"

The monk began to sweat, and Zhou Hu then threatened: "You know the prestige of the prefect. I advise the two to explain it honestly now, so as not to suffer from the flesh and blood in the lobby. Seeing that the evidence was solid, Hui De and Hui De had to tell the truth. They first dug up the male corpse, moved it to the monastery, covered it with white cloth, and listened to the two monks in detail.

Two days ago, a businessman named Zhang Wanwan passed by here. Zhang Wanwan and his business partners were on the road together, but Zhang Wanwan accidentally ran into a friend whom he hadn’t seen for many years.Stayed for one more day. The next day, Zhang Wanwan thought that it was only two days away from his home, so he decided to go on his way alone. When it was dark, Zhang Wanwan could not find a place to rest, so he asked to rest at Dongshan Temple.

In the temple, there are usually Huikong and Huineng. They cleaned up a separate house for Zhang million to live in. Zhang Baiwan did not stop in a hurry, but first went to the Guanyin Hall to worship Guanyin, and then returned to chat and drink tea with the two monks. Zhang Baiwan asked curiously: "How about the incense in Dongshan Temple?" Huikong replied: "The incense is good, and there are a lot of pilgrims during the day." Why do I find that the temple is a bit dilapidated? And when I came from the outside, I found that there were also some broken walls, why not repair it?" Huikong sighed: "There are many pilgrims, but unfortunately there are many pilgrims, but I don’t give much. Some princes and grandchildren came to play and never donated money. We are poor and have no money to repair."

Zhang Wanwan kindly asked: "If it is repaired, how much silver will be needed?" Hui De settled and replied: "At least twenty-five taels of silver is needed." Zhang Wanwan thought for a while, smiled and said, "I have made an extra thirty taels of silver on this trip. I am now taking it out to give alms and repair the temple. Can it?" Although Zhang Wanwan is a businessman, he is also enthusiastic about Buddhism. This time, I am willing to put out thirty-two taels. It is not only a good intention to repair the temple, but also a heart of fame and fortune.

What? Zhang Baiwan knows that the incense here is more prosperous. If you pay for the repair and the name is engraved here, more people will know him, and it will be more beneficial to his future business. It can be called fame and fortune. Huineng and Huide were naturally overjoyed, and went to his room with Zhang Wanwan to withdraw money. Zhang Wanwan took a small baggage from the big baggage, which happened to be thirty taels of silver in it. Unexpectedly, when taking the silver, the two monks saw Zhang. There are many yellow and white things in the one-million-dollar baggage, which I am worried about.

"White wine red face,"Golden Hei Shixin", the two monks were obsessed and conspired in the room to steal Zhang million’s money. They prepared fast food in the name of gratitude, and they also prepared vegetarian wine, and kept persuading Zhang million to drink. He has been touting how kind Zhang Baiwan is, how he will benefit from it in the future, and how his reputation will be widely circulated among pilgrims. After listening to Zhang Baiwan, he was very drunk and became drunk. In his drunken dream, he was used by Huikong and Huide. The knife was stuck in the heart, and after a few kicks, he swallowed.

The two monks cleaned up the blood in the house and found that Zhang million had left a full 600 taels of silver. He was very excited. It’s impossible for two people to see so much money in their lives, so they divided the money equally. By the moonlight, they dug a deep hole under the big tree in the courtyard, threw Zhang million’s body into it, and covered it with soil.

The next day tomorrow, Zhou Hu will send Huikong and Huide the next day. When they arrived at the Yamen, the magistrate sentenced a decisive decision. The magistrate found Zhang Wanwan’s family and gave Zhang Wanwan’s money to the family. The family cried and brought back Zhang Wanwan’s body. They couldn’t understand why Zhang Bai The case was over and Zhou Hu didn’t mention the woman in white. Zhao Jia and Sun Yi didn’t say anything about catching the head, and they didn’t say anything.

this week Tiger, Zhao Jia and Sun Yi passed by Dongshan Temple and saw the deserted and ruined temple. Zhao Jia and Sun Yi remembered the murder of Zhang Wanwan, so they asked Zhou Hu curiously: "Brother Tiger, the woman in white that I saw that day Who the hell is it? Zhou Hu did not answer, but led the two into the temple and came to the Guanyin Temple. The two suddenly realized that there was a statue of a Bodhisattva in the temple. After a few days, Zhou Hu relied on his personal connections. I persuaded several local wealthy businessmen to donate money to build the temple, and rebuilt them and selected truly virtuous monks. Since then, Dongshan Temple has a strong incense, which lasts for a hundred years. land,It's just the sky. Killing others will end up harming oneself, and ruthless plans are always in vain. "Hui Kong and Hui Neng believe that no one knows about the killing of Zhang Wanwan and taking the money, but there are gods in the heavens and the earth, and the blue sky should not be deceived. The gods appear to lead the head to investigate the case and avenge Zhang Wanwan. The two monks harmed others.

This story also tells us that it is good to have a kind heart, but we must also distinguish the objects and master the methods and methods. We should not be as careless as Zhang Wanwan and let the thief worry about it. Going out, one more There is always no harm in being careful. If Zhang Wanwan donates secretly, or after sending the money home, wouldn’t it be better to bring a small amount of silver back to donate? Unfortunately, Zhang Wanwan has a lot of fame and fortune. As a result In the way of the monk.
