Serialization of Novella Stories (1) Introduction The Chen family is considered a respectable and respectable family in Wangzhuang, a large village. In Chen Qing's previous life, the old man in his previous life came here alone from a distant place to start a family. He was only

2024/07/0300:25:33 story 1702

novella story series (1)

Serialization of Novella Stories (1) Introduction The Chen family is considered a respectable and respectable family in Wangzhuang, a large village. In Chen Qing's previous life, the old man in his previous life came here alone from a distant place to start a family. He was only  - DayDayNews


The Chen family is considered a respectable family in Wangzhuang, a large village.

In Chen Qing's previous life, the old man in his previous life came here alone from a distant place to start a family. He was only in his early thirties at that time and was a fortune teller.

He used his "mysterious prediction" that loess could be turned into gold, and became famous in Wangzhuang, looking like an uncle.

also makes the Chen family's fireworks flourish and grow from lifetime to lifetime.

It is said that after more than three hundred years in the Chen family, a fortune teller who knows the past and the present will appear.

He will plant eighty-nine willow trees in the large open space behind the house where he lives.

In the past three hundred years, there will be seven "evil species" born in the Chen family, who will chop down their own tree.

When the eighty-nine willow trees disappeared one by one in the rotation of time and space, the fortune teller of the Chen family was also born.

Somehow, he had to go to a strange place to start a family, plant those eighty-nine willow trees, and open up the next generation of the Chen family.

Otherwise, the Chen family will fall into a dead end.

Only fortune tellers and spiritual descendants of the Chen family can understand this prophet's revelation!


Chen Qing's grandfather died in the late Republic of China.

Recently, a man in his thirties has always been standing in front of Chen Qing.

He was wearing the military uniform of the warlords of the Republic of China and looked melancholy.

Chen Qing knew that this was Grandpa.

In the biography of grandpa, there was once such a little-known scholar with a warm heart, who traced the history of grandpa and wrote a thick biography with great eloquence.

in the vivid memory that is difficult to erase for the elderly in the village.

Chen Qing knew that when he was young, his grandfather was quite handsome and had a unique personality.

The little grandma keeps the photos of grandpa from that time.

Chen Qing has never seen it, but he has heard praises from those who have seen it.

Grandpa said quietly: "Qing'er, do you know? Your two grandmothers are going to die soon."

Chen Qingfei's flying thoughts suddenly froze.

She thought that she saw her grandma when she went home last time.

There is a path in front of the grandma's hut that leads to the main road. On the side of the road are piles of stones used to lay the foundation for other people's houses.

The grandma was sitting on the thick and cold stone, holding a cigarette in her wrinkled hands.

Smoke filled the air, and the empty face was indifferent and calm.

She stared straight ahead.

The land in front of Lu Xinxin once belonged to the grandma who was very prosperous when she was young.

When she was young, she was a very powerful character.

Grandma lives in the front yard, and her little feet are always busy, coming and going to measure the front.

The little grandma lives in the backyard, and her little feet are always busy, coming and going to measure the backyard.

There is a road between the two houses.


Chen Qing has an innate understanding of his grandfather.

When she was a few years old, she had heard intermittently about the love-hate relationship between her grandfather, grandma, and little grandma.

I have read that biography, and the grandfather in the novel is more romantic.

Chen Qing believes that his grandfather’s shining point is his outstanding personality charm.

The little literati ignored it.

Grandpa sighed and said, "Qing'er, I'm afraid it's time to leave the ancestral grave again."

Chen Qing was thoughtful, thinking of the old man who had a son in his previous life.

The dark sky enveloped everything deeply and solemnly.

The blurry grandpa looked extremely melancholy at this moment, and his figure suddenly disappeared as if he was in a fog.

Chen Qing's body seemed to be flying lightly.

She knew everything in her heart. She knew that she was good at it and followed her grandfather....


The Chen family's ancestral grave was in the middle of a large and open field.

Chen Qing knew that this pile of loess was the quiet hut where his grandfather died.

She was told so.

She thought sadly that her grandpa, who was so heroic for a while, would be left in a desolate and lonely cabin after his death!

Every time she went to the fields, she couldn't help but study it thoroughly.

There are often holes around the tomb, which are watery and cool when you put your hand in them.

Others said that there were eels, and they must be big ones. Chen Qing said that was not true. She once saw a big blue snake crawling toward the cave edge one evening when the sun was setting.

Chen Qing followed slowly and curiously, staring at the snake with wide eyes.

The snake stopped, looked at her with trembling eyes, and then slowly entered the hole again.

Chen Qing walked into grandpa's cabin.

Grandpa's cabin was quite shabby. At that time, his family situation had declined to the point of decline.

Grandpa said that the military uniform he wore was worn when he was the commander of the Second Army .

Later, I folded it neatly and put it away. Finally, I put it on and entered this small room.

Grandpa sighed heavily.

Chen Qing knows the kind of trauma that a hero feels when he falls silent.

Grandpa, who used to be the commander of the second army, was suddenly reduced to a civilian. He stayed in the old man's old house melancholy, remained silent, and finally entered this small house.

Grandpa said, look below!

Chen Qing was surprised to see an unprecedented scene.

A handsome grandfather in his twenties, wearing a military uniform, stood attentively in front of a piece of writing with his hands behind his back.

Following the orderly's report, he inadvertently came in. Chen Qing's nineteen-year-old flower-like grandma hesitated and walked in shyly... .

Grandpa said that there is also a world underground, and the grudges, joys and sorrows of the world will also be repeated underground. Experience again and again until reincarnation.

Grandpa said you should understand it yourself...

To be continued!

pictures come from the Internet

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