During the Ming Dynasty, there was a woman named Wang in Jinan Mansion. Her husband passed away unexpectedly, and she and her daughter Liu Hong were dependent on each other. There were no relatives in Jinan Mansion, so the couple moved to the countryside. My husband left some mon

2024/07/0215:33:33 story 1813

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a woman named Wang in Jinan Mansion. Her husband passed away unexpectedly, and she and her daughter Liu Hong were dependent on each other. There were no relatives in Jinan Mansion, so the couple moved to the countryside. My husband left some mon - DayDayNews

During the Ming Dynasty, there was a woman named Wang in Jinan Prefecture. Her husband passed away unexpectedly, and she and her daughter Liu Hong were dependent on each other. There were no relatives in Jinan Prefecture, so the couple moved to the countryside. My husband left some money before his death, and he lived a pretty good life. When I arrived in the countryside, I sold a black cow and rented it out to local farmers to earn some money to support my family.

When Liu Hong was eighteen years old, a carpenter came to steal a black cow at night. Unexpectedly, the old woman had noticed the young man for a long time and took this opportunity to marry her daughter to Carpenter Wang. Carpenter Wang was loyal, sincere, and reliable. After they got married, they had a deep relationship. Carpenter Wang went out to work, while Liu Hong was filial to her two mothers at home. They lived a happy life.

The King of Heaven's Carpenter did not go to work this day, so he came to his mother-in-law's house to see if there was any work. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the black cow grazing there leisurely. I thought to myself that this black bull is so strong, it wouldn’t be a problem to be idle all the time. There is not much carpentry work during this time. Do you want black cattle to deliver goods? After thinking about it, I went in and discussed the matter with my mother-in-law. When the old lady heard about it, she thought it was a good idea. From then on, carpenters often drove black oxen to deliver goods. But not long after, something strange happened.

On this day, Carpenter Wang was about to lead Hei Niu out, but as soon as he reached the door, he fell down. This frightened Liu Hong and her mother. They rushed forward to help him up, but found that Carpenter Wang was just asleep. After a while, Carpenter Wang woke up and seemed to be fine.

Mother and daughter didn't think much about it at first. They just thought that Carpenter Wang might be too tired because he was working and delivering goods during this period, so they asked him to rest more. But for the next few days, Carpenter Wang would suddenly fall asleep without warning, and sometimes he would sleep for half a day.

Liu Hong was worried about her husband's health, so she took him to see several doctors, and they all said that his health was very good and there was nothing wrong with him. Liu Hong was still worried, so she prepared delicious food for Carpenter Wang every day and asked him to take a good rest. Carpenter Wang also comforted the mother and daughter, saying that the doctor said they were fine, and that he had been taking supplements every day for the past few days and that he was in good health. It might be just a coincidence. Since then, Carpenter Wang had not fallen asleep much during the day. Not long after, his mother-in-law Another problem was discovered.

That evening, Carpenter Wang led the black cow into the shed and then returned to his home. The Queen Mother walked in with the fodder in her arms. Only then did she realize that the black cow, which had been strong in the past, had lost a lot of weight and became listless. She leaned against the wall with her head hanging down, as if she was very tired. After the Queen Mother put the fodder away, she called the black cow several times. The black cow wandered over to eat grass.

The Queen Mother was worried that the black cow would get sick, so she invited a veterinarian to come the next day. After the veterinarian examined it, he said that the black cow was just overworked and would be fine after taking a rest. After hearing this, the Queen Mother felt relieved and told her son-in-law not to deliver the goods in the next few days. Just take a good rest. Whether it's a person or an ox that collapses from exhaustion, it's not good for the family.

Wang Carpenter immediately nodded in agreement. I thought the situation would get better in this way, but who would have thought that the black cow in the family was still emaciated, which gave the Queen Mother a headache.

That night, the Queen Mother was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, when she suddenly heard something moving in the yard. The Queen Mother quickly got up to check, only to find a black shadow creeping into the cowshed and leading the black cow out. The black shadow was none other than Carpenter Wang. When the Queen Mother saw this, she became suspicious and followed him quietly. I thought to myself that just after this scene happened, you came to steal the cow again and see what you were going to do.

Carpenter Wang led the black cow through the woods and came to the river. Then he sat on a stone, as if waiting for someone. The Queen Mother was puzzled, so she kept watching Carpenter Wang in the dark. After a long while, suddenly a dark figure slowly walked out of the forest. In the dim moonlight, the Queen Mother saw that it was a young and beautiful woman. When the beautiful woman saw Carpenter Wang by the river, she quickly waved to say hello and walked up to him. After the two said a few words, the beautiful woman rode on the back of the black cow, and Carpenter Wang led the black cow and carried her across the river.

When the Queen Mother saw this scene, she was immediately furious. No wonder the black cow in the family was getting thinner and thinner. It turned out that he was her good son-in-law. He had secret meetings with this beauty every night, and she had to be carried across the river by the black cow. It was really abominable.

After discovering her son-in-law's scandal, the Queen Mother did not want her daughter to be harmed, so she did not expose it immediately, but returned home silently. Early the next morning, the Queen Mother took advantage of her daughter to go out and pulled Wang Carpenter into the room and asked him who the woman by the river was last night. Upon hearing his mother-in-law's question, Carpenter Wang's expression changed drastically, but he hesitated for a long time, but was speechless. Seeing the fierce look in his mother-in-law's eyes, Wang Carpenter decided to take her to the river to have a look tonight. After hearing this, the Queen Mother felt that her son-in-law was not that kind of person, so she nodded in agreement.

That night, the two men led the black cow and walked to the river. When arriving at the river. Someone was already waiting by the river, but this time it was not the beautiful woman, but a man. Seeing that there was another person behind Carpenter Wang, the man's expression changed slightly, but after some explanation from Carpenter Wang, he let down his guard.

As for the Queen Mother, after getting closer, she realized that the man in front of her had no legs, and he was not riding on the black bull, but floating on the black bull. Seeing this scene, she was so frightened that she hid behind her son-in-law without even daring to express her anger. The son-in-law asked her to wait nearby, and then took the black cow and sent the two to the other side of the river.

Several people came one after another, both men and women, all wanting to cross the river, and none of them had legs. At this time, the Queen Mother was frightened and just wanted to go home early. Time slowly passed by. Carpenter Wang finally finished his work and walked back with Hei Niu and his mother-in-law. On the way, he finally told the truth.

It turned out that the Taoist priest on the nearby mountain found him. It is said that in the river near their village, there lives a cautious Hebo, who is not very friendly to ghosts. Every time a ghost crosses the river, he must say hello to He Bo. If He Bo was happy, he would let them pass. If he was unhappy, he would naturally not let them pass. Therefore, many ghosts have missed the best time to reincarnate, so now there are often ghosts causing trouble nearby. However, the Taoist priest made a divination, which showed that Carpenter Wang could solve the problem. When Wang Carpenter heard this, he shook his head repeatedly and said that he couldn't do this. The Taoist Master said, "Do you have a peachwood ruler on you? You have a black cow at home. That peachwood ruler should be able to say that these ghosts cannot hurt you at all. The black cow can carry them across the river and allow them to reincarnate as soon as possible, and it can also Accumulating moral virtue will help him and his family live a long and healthy life." After hearing what the Taoist Master said, Wang Carpenter agreed.

Just like that, Carpenter Wang took Hei Niu to the river every night. As for his fainting and Hei Niu's weight loss, it was not because of fatigue, but because of contact with ghosts every night. As soon as Carpenter Wang finished speaking, the black bull beside him neighed, as if in agreement with Carpenter Wang. After the Queen Mother learned the truth, she was really surprised. She also understood her son-in-law's difficulties and apologized to him. After all, she had misunderstood him.

Later, Carpenter Wang accumulated a lot of virtue by helping ghosts cross the river and reincarnate. The days became more and more prosperous, and not long after Liu Hong gave birth to a big fat boy. The bodies of the two mothers are also extremely strong. Of course, the black bull is getting stronger and stronger.

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