His name is Chuanfu, and his house is in the picture. After building the ground floor, he ran out of money and couldn't afford to decorate it, but it didn't stop him from living in it. In any case, this was his personal achievement. In the summer, the temperature in the house is

2024/06/2313:51:32 story 1916

His name is Chuanfu, and his house is in the picture. After building the ground floor, he ran out of money and couldn't afford to decorate it, but it didn't stop him from living in it. In any case, this was his personal achievement. In the summer, the temperature in the house is  - DayDayNews

His name is Chuanfu, and the picture is his house. After building the ground floor, he ran out of money and couldn't afford to decorate it, but it didn't stop him from living in it. In any case, this was his personal achievement. In the summer, the temperature in the house is not low and it is extremely hot, so he always looks very thin.

Next to it is an adobe house, covered with glazed tiles. His parents live in it.

When he was about 30 years old, he went to Guangzhou to work for several years, and also worked in Meizhou for several years, both in the catering service industry, engaged in food delivery. The income is not high, but I have saved some money. For a period of time, his parents tried to arrange for a matchmaker to help him resolve marriage matters, but after repeated attempts, they finally gave up.

In 2009, I took a second look at the "Heavy Money Seeking a Child" advertisement posted on a telephone pole, and I fell into the trap and was defrauded of tens of thousands. Later, the swindler was caught. He was a big-footed man from the county. He deceived many people and the money had already been spent.

In the days that followed, Chuanfu no longer went out to work. He planted a few acres of paddy fields at home, did some mountain work, and raised some chickens and ducks. He could live a comfortable life, but he couldn't save much money. When he had the opportunity, he would also do some odd jobs. He inherited his mother's genes and worked hard without any effort. Whenever any company in the eight villages in the ten miles needed temporary work, they would always call him first.

htmlMy parents, who are nearly seventy years old, are still healthy. They also do some farm work on weekdays and spend the whole year in peace and tranquility. His parents and him became a family of three, welcoming the sunrise every day and seeing off the sunset in the mountains.

His brother's name is Leping. He is generous and smart, and he always has good luck. Twenty years ago, while working in a factory in Guangdong, I met a Guizhou woman and brought her back to her as my daughter-in-law. The marriage was accomplished at no cost. The woman gave birth to two sons for him and spent more than ten years of hard life here. When she was thirty-five, she went to Zhejiang to work. After that, she hooked up with a worker from other places and left this home.

Leping is not panic at all. He worked in a dyeing and cloth workshop in Zhejiang last winter and brought back a woman in her early thirties who lived here for more than two months. Later, he said that this woman did not care about her family, only wanted to enjoy herself, and was not a wife or mother, so she sent her away after the Spring Festival.

Chuanfu did not have such good luck. He was not flexible and his thinking habits lacked the spirit of turning around, which made him unpopular with women. In this respect, he inherited his father's character.

Seven years ago, he had an opportunity to come to marry his wife. After several interactions, the woman thought that he was old-fashioned and lacked the energy of a young man, making him boring, so the offer fell through.

The more important factor is his father. He has maintained a muddle-headed life attitude all his life, and except for soju, everything in the world is dispensable to him. He has been drunk all his life and has a bad temper. Whenever he gets drunk, he will scold his wife and children, speaking uncontrollably and viciously. Chuanfu is the youngest in the family. He has two sisters and one brother. Even him, no one has finished elementary school.

The family that recruits a child naturally hopes to recruit an upright and upright young man. This will be the backbone of the future. He must be able to shoulder the burden of the family. The future life and prosperity will all depend on him. If a drunkard or even a lazy person comes in, Who would?

It is said that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, a mouse's son can dig holes, and a wealthy father has been working all his life. If you say that his character and credit are good, few people will agree. Furthermore, Chuanfu is also habitually regarded as having poor credit, being unable to be trusted, and having limited value.

Reincarnation is a technical job. If you have irresponsible parents, your children will already lose at the starting line.

In the summer vacations of the past few years, I always take a pair of third-generation twins back to my hometown in the mountains to spend the summer. Whenever this happens, Chuanfu is always very happy and plays with the children for a while every day, as if he is a few years younger.

caught the beetle and touched the river fish. He sent them over immediately for the children to keep and play with.

I ask the child to call him uncle, but he must not be called uncle. The title of uncle gives people the impression of a middle-aged man in the countryside and means that he is no longer young, even though he is said to be already in his forties.

His name is Chuanfu, and his house is in the picture. After building the ground floor, he ran out of money and couldn't afford to decorate it, but it didn't stop him from living in it. In any case, this was his personal achievement. In the summer, the temperature in the house is  - DayDayNews

In addition to food, he also grows two acres of passion fruit. He also visits the mountain from time to time. He is not very busy and has no time to spare.As long as it doesn’t rain heavily, I always take time to go fishing in the mountain streams every day. As you can see in the picture, I see dried fish being dried in the sun.

I told him that these fish are rare delicacies. It is best to steam or braise them when fresh. It is a pity to dry them in the sun, because many nutrients have been lost. However, he said, it's okay, I've long been tired of eating the fresh ones.

Every ten days and a half, the smell of fried dried fish would come out of his house. The father and son would eat several cups of dried fish, each satisfied.

Chuanfu probably no longer dreams about marrying a wife and starting a family. He looks past it and is content with the status quo, feeling uneasy in his heart. Working alone, walking on the road, humming unknown songs, enjoying myself.

I told him that he must not miss out on his pension insurance investment. This is a good way to protect his life in old age. Chuanfu nodded, deeply convinced. Although he is a potential social subsistence allowance recipient, wouldn’t it be a good thing to have more of his own investment income?

By the way, a few years ago, two people in the village competed for the position of village group leader. One of them coaxed him and said that he would get subsistence allowances for him during his term of office, as long as he supported his election. He really believed it and gave him all 6 votes from his family. At that time, he was only 38 years old and as strong as an ox.

There will be subsistence allowances. You have to wait until Chuanfu reaches 60 years old. No, it should be five guarantees.

A few years later, Chuanfu Representative’s family no longer believed in this person, and the position of leader of the village group was no longer destined to this person. The more honest

is, the angrier he becomes after being deceived, and he will still remember this incident to the end of the world.

Chuanfu's inner world is something that we, of course, cannot fathom. In fact, happiness is just a type of mood. Being able to adjust the best state on your own as needed should be a good thing. At the very least, it will be of great benefit to personal health.

Today, rich people of all ages have become a large group. I hope they can maintain a good attitude, not be forced or demanding, let alone make meaningless comparisons, and live their lives happily.

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