In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti

2024/06/2216:36:33 story 1521

In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti - DayDayNews

In Feixi, Zhejiang (the pronunciation of Fei is the same as "Fake"), there is a rich man named Wu, who everyone calls him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiastic, kind, has high moral character, and often does good deeds.

Mr. Wu has two sons, both of whom were admitted to the scholar examination. Like their father, they both like to do good things.

In the Dingwei year of Qianlong (1787 AD), severe drought and famine occurred in some places, and many people had no food to eat. When Master Wu's two sons learned about it, they immediately discussed with their father and spent a lot of money to provide disaster relief and rescue the people.

Mr. Wu is old and did not go. He just rested at home. Because his family is big and rich, Mr. Wu has to guard against thieves and robbers.

On New Year's Eve, Mr. Wu was reading in the back room. The cook prepared the meal. The maid came to invite Mr. Wu to the front for the New Year's Eve dinner. The two maids held candles and led the way. Mr. Wu followed, and after walking a few steps, he saw a dark shadow on a tree in the yard. He took a few peeks to confirm that it was a person. It seems that there is a thief in the house.

Mr. Wu refused to leave and told the two maids: "You put the candles in the pavilion in front and tell the lady that I have been meditating recently and will not join in the fun. You go and get me some dishes and some For wine, just prepare two sets of bowls, chopsticks and cups, and put them in the pavilion with some screens around them."

Mrs. Wu knew Mr. Wu's temperament, so she asked the servants to make arrangements.

After everything was ready, Mr. Wu asked everyone to leave, then raised his head and shouted to the tree: "Gentleman in the tree, there are no outsiders here, how about coming down for a drink?"

In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti - DayDayNews

The man in the tree heard this, Knowing that he was exposed, he was so frightened that his feet slipped and he almost fell.

After seeing this, Mr. Wu quickly said: "Don't be afraid. If I wanted to arrest you, I would have asked someone to report you secretly. Come down quickly, trees are not a place to live for a long time."

When the man heard this, he felt With reason, he came down and knelt down in front of Mr. Wu and kowtowed, saying that he deserved to die and hoped that Mr. Wu would forgive him.

Master Wu took a look and saw that it was Zhang San who was nearby. He invited Zhang San to the pavilion and said: "I have some food and wine here. Let's have a few glasses of wine first to resist the cold. Then, tell me about your situation. If you need money, I can help you."

Zhang San wanted to speak, but Mr. Wu didn't let him speak. He poured wine, drank three glasses with him, and ate some food before letting him speak. The reason why Master Wu did this was because it was too cold. Zhang San had probably been squatting for a long time and his stomach was already growling with hunger, so he drank and ate with Zhang San before letting him talk.

There were tears in the corners of Zhang San's eyes, and he said: "The little man is from a poor family. His mother is seventy years old. Now we are experiencing famine and there is really nothing to eat. The little man can endure hunger, but his mother cannot. The little man really has nothing to do. That's why I came up with such a cruel method, please forgive me."

Mr. Wu sighed and said, "Your home is very close to mine, but I couldn't help you. Why did you ask me to come?" Theft is my fault. Let's eat slowly. When you are full and drink enough, I will give you twenty taels of silver. You can celebrate the New Year well and do something with the money, so that you can do something with it in the future. You can live a good life. Remember, don’t do such things again. If someone refuses to forgive you and sends you to the police, then you will not only be beaten and jailed, but your reputation will be ruined, and so will your mother. It’s very uncomfortable!”

In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti - DayDayNews

After hearing this, Zhang Sanyi knelt down and kowtowed, but Mr. Wu pulled him up.

Zhang San was probably very hungry and started eating quickly. Master Wu suddenly remembered that his mother was still starving at home, so he immediately went out and asked the cook to get some more fish, meat and rice and put them in his bag for his own use.

Master Wu went to the house and took out twenty taels of silver. He went to the kitchen and took the meal packed by the cook. Then he returned to the pavilion, handed the package to Zhang San, and said, "I see you eat very quickly." , I probably want to go back early to visit my mother. There is money here and some food. You should go back quickly.In order to prevent others from seeing it, you should climb over the wall to get out. Don't let others see it. It will be very embarrassing. "

After Zhang San went out, Mr. Wu called the servants and maids to clean up. The servants and maids saw that the master had eaten all the food and drank all the wine. They thought that the master had been hungry for a long time, so he ate a lot. .

Ten years later, Mr. Wu’s eldest son has reached the rank of Dazhongcheng (similar to the imperial censor, whose main tasks are to impeach officials and recommend talents), and the younger son has also become an official, and he is in the Hanlin Academy. Made it to the Admiral Academy.

Mr. Wu also got a title because of his son, and he was a second-grade man.

Soon after, his son was framed for impeaching a corrupt official. No one could save him, and the emperor wanted to kill him. , these are rumors spread by others, and no real action has been taken yet. The reason why everyone revealed this news to Mr. Wu’s eldest son is because they hope that he can run away for his life, because this matter is only related to his direct letter to remonstrate. His family will not be implicated.

Master Wu and his younger son searched for connections, but no one could help them.

In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti - DayDayNews

At this time, the abbot of Lingyin Temple came forward. He personally found Master Wu's eldest son and asked him to become a monk. He also said that only by becoming a monk could he save his life.

Mr. Wu's eldest son was originally unwilling, but insisted on dedicating his life to justice. He was not afraid of death and was willing to use his own blood to wake up his colleagues.

The old abbot suddenly became angry. , said: "Sacrifice for justice also depends on the timing. If you sacrifice now, it will have no effect. Besides, your move will make the emperor guilty of killing Zhongliang. Your father and mother gave birth to you and raised you, hoping that you could save more people, instead of spilling blood on the execution ground impulsively! Therefore, if you do this, you will be unfaithful and unfilial, and you will be sorry for your parents and the emperor! What if the emperor wakes up later and regrets killing you, but you are really dead?

Everything the old abbot said was reasonable. In desperation, Mr. Wu’s eldest son had no choice but to agree to become a monk.

Then, the abbot ordained Mr. Wu’s eldest son in person, and brought all the monks in the temple to swear an oath with the Buddha’s relics, hoping that The emperor withdrew his order and forgave Mr. Wu's eldest son. Emperor Qianlong was good-looking and respected the Buddha, so he gave the old abbot face and forgave Mr. Wu's eldest son.

Afterwards, Emperor Qianlong regretted it, but did not say it directly. Master Wu's eldest son was allowed to return to secular life, his official position was restored, and he was promoted to a higher level.

In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti - DayDayNews

At that time, Master Wu's eldest son realized that the old abbot was really enlightened. However, he couldn't understand why the old abbot saved him. ? He obviously didn't know him!

A few years later, Master Wu passed away. Those who had been favored by him or his two sons came to pay their respects, including tens of thousands of people from Lingyin Temple. The abbot also came. His beard was all white, and he had many followers and monks behind him. He lined up for several miles and brought many sacrifices. It was very spectacular.

When the old monk arrived in front of Master Wu's coffin, everyone thought he was there. Just bowing his head and reciting the Buddha's name, it was enough. Unexpectedly, after the old abbot arrived, he threw himself on the coffin and cried bitterly, as if he were mourning his heir. He cried more sadly than Mr. Wu's two sons, daughter-in-law, grandson and others.

Later, the old abbot cried so much that he fainted, and everyone managed to revive him. After he woke up, his first reaction was to continue crying, and passed out again while crying.

He passed out like this five or six times before everyone finally tried to persuade him. The old abbot is here. Master Wu's family is confused. They don't know why they are so sad in the cell. Is he a close friend of Master Wu? Master Wu's eldest son is even more confused. The old abbot came to save him before, but now he is So sad, who is he?

In Feixi, Zhejiang, there was a rich man named Wu. Everyone called him Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu's family is very rich, enough to feed and drink the whole family for several lifetimes. Although he is rich, he is not stingy, nor is he unkind for the sake of wealth. Instead, he is enthusiasti - DayDayNews

After the funeral, the old abbot found Mr. Wu’s eldest son and said: "I was originally a neighbor Zhang San. One New Year's Eve, my family had no money, so he climbed over the wall and planted a tree in your house. Hiding on the street, trying to steal some money and go home. When your father found out, he not only did not report me to the officials, but also gave me good wine and food, and gave me twenty taels of silver, so that I could work hard and support my old mother. Even when I came home, he saved my face and didn't let anyone know.Later, my mother passed away and I was over sixty years old, so I became a monk and practiced hard. Because of his pure mind and high understanding, he quickly became an abbot. I am where I am today thanks to your father! "

Mr. Wu's eldest son only now knows that his father once saved such a person, but he never told him. No wonder the old abbot risked his life to save himself regardless of danger; no wonder he was so sad when his father died. ! Mr. Wu’s eldest son finally understood.

From then on, the brothers continued to do good deeds without speaking out, let alone acting in a high profile.

Comments: Nowadays, many people have done a little good. , just publicize it everywhere, lest others don't know. But for Mr. Wu, it is easy for him to help Zhang San. What is commendable is that he never says that he is doing good deeds with all his heart and not for the sake of face. , Take the initiative to speak out, this is the evil spirit!

Those who do some good deeds for fear that others will not know about it, do it solely for the purpose of getting rich rewards, so they will not accumulate evil deeds.

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