In the 1990s, Yang Shufen met Wang Lisheng, who was four years older than herself. Wang Lisheng came from the rural area of ​​Bazhong, Sichuan and worked in Shunde City. The young man was very handsome, and Yang Shufen fell in love with him at first sight.

2024/05/2716:30:33 story 1285

In the 1990s, Yang Shufen met Wang Lisheng, who was four years older than herself. Wang Lisheng came from the rural area of ​​Bazhong, Sichuan and worked in Shunde City. The young man was very handsome, and Yang Shufen fell in love with him at first sight. - DayDayNews

In the 1990s, Yang Shufen met Wang Lisheng, who was four years older than herself. Wang Lisheng came from the rural area of ​​Bazhong, Sichuan and worked in Shunde City. The young man was very handsome, and Yang Shufen fell in love with him at first sight.

After Yang Shufen's parents learned that their daughter had found a boyfriend in the countryside, they firmly opposed the two people's interaction. Her parents and brother directly approached Wang Lisheng to ridicule him and asked him to give up on his own initiative. Wang Lisheng, who had an aloof temperament, did not give in and retorted. : "Are you locals amazing? Aren't the locals' families just as poor?"

Yang Shufen's family is indeed very poor. In order to build a house, she went to work in a factory to earn money after graduating from junior high school, and all her wages were handed over to her parents. 22-year-old Yang Shufen has devoted herself to her family for six years, but she doesn't have any savings. She simply just wants to have a sweet love. She loves Wang Lisheng's handsomeness and motivation, but her parents firmly disagree.

The power of love is huge. Without the consent of her parents, Yang Shufen and Wang Lisheng eloped to Shenzhen to work hard, and the two lived together.

After several years of hard work, Wang Lisheng became a department manager, and Yang Shufen also became a workshop cadre and became pregnant. The Yang family had no choice but to agree to the marriage. The lovers finally got married. After the marriage, the two returned to Shenzhen and remained together. She rented a house and lived in a house. Not long after her son Wang Qing was born, her parents wanted the young couple to return to Shunde. Yang Shufen's two brothers had daughters. The Yang family's parents valued Wang Qing as a family heirloom, but Wang Lisheng did not want to be the intrusive son-in-law. .

Shunde City was at the peak of economic development, and many demolished households became rich overnight. Yang Shufen's family became rich at that time. Not only did they have a four-story building to live in, but they also had several houses for rent, which made them even more excited about their daughter's marriage. Unsatisfactory.

Once the Yang family's parents went to Shenzhen to visit their grandson, they saw little Wang Qing following Wang Lisheng's parents through the trash can to pick up waste. Wang Lisheng's parents often picked up some garbage to sell. Little Wang Qing imitated what he had learned, and Yang Shufen's mother immediately She scolded her in-laws for not knowing how to educate their children, and also scolded Yang Shufen. For the sake of the child's future, Yang Shufen decided to leave her son to her grandparents. Although her husband Wang Lisheng was reluctant, he had to agree because of his son's growth.

The child followed his grandparents back to Shunde City, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law returned to their hometown in the countryside. Yang Shufen and her husband continued to stay in Shenzhen to work hard. Wang Lisheng swore to his wife: "I must make a good living, earn more money, and work for you in the country." Buy a house or car in Shenzhen and no longer be looked down upon by your mother-in-law’s family!” Wang Lisheng always felt that his parents-in-law looked down on him, so his relationship with them was not harmonious.

A few years later, the couple accumulated more than 400,000 yuan in savings. After discussing with his wife, Wang Lisheng decided to start a business first and then buy a house. Soon Wang Lisheng founded his own electronics factory in Bao'an District . In the early days of his business, Wang Lisheng With Yang Shufen in charge of the export business and management, the couple moved out of their original rented house and had to live and eat in the factory, which was very difficult.

Two years later, the company was on the right track and making profits. They were doing business while investing in real estate. Not only did they buy a big house to live in, but they also had more and more assets. Yang Shufen wanted to bring her son to Shenzhen, but her 11-year-old son was studying in school. At a private aristocratic school in Shunde, he was unwilling to leave the familiar living environment and his grandparents.

Yang Shufen felt desolate in the face of her increasingly unfamiliar son. What made her even more distressed was that the factory was getting bigger and bigger, and the husband-wife partnership was outdated. Her husband forced her to resign from her position as general manager. Unwilling to do so, she argued with her husband at home all day long. Emotionally, his son's grades were in shambles due to the pampering of his grandparents, and he was resistant to studying in Shenzhen. In desperation, her husband Wang Lisheng forced his wife to return to Shunde to take care of their son. On weekends, Wang Lisheng drove to Shunde to reunite with his family.

Yang Shufen was worried that her husband was alone in Shenzhen, and there were too many warblers around rich people. Yang Shufen called her husband more than a dozen times a day to check on work, which made Wang Lisheng very annoyed. The two of them often quarreled, even several times. He threatened to divorce every time.

In June of this year, Wang Lisheng formally filed for divorce. Yang Shufen was not to be outdone and said: "You want a divorce? Okay, the four houses will be mine, the son will be mine, and the factory will be mine for each person.""

When Wang Lisheng heard that his wife planned to divide 70% of the property, he immediately said angrily: "You have gone too far. I earned this property bit by bit. Why are you reaping the benefits? "

" Just because I worked hard with you regardless of everything, who made you want to cheat on me now that you are rich? "

" I have never done anything to feel sorry for you, it's all your own random thoughts! "Wang Li yelled angrily.

The factory in Shenzhen was facing demolition. Considering the increase in operating costs in Shenzhen, Yang Shufen took the opportunity to insist that Wang Lisheng move the factory to Shunde, but Wang Lisheng had no choice but to agree.

The factory moved to Shunde Later, most of his customers were lost, so Wang Lisheng often complained about his wife. His wife retorted that he didn't work hard when he was young, which led to the current situation.

After a while, the factory's business was bleak, and Yang Shufen left the two. Only after his brother became a partner did he save the factory, but after that the factory officially became a family business. Wang Lisheng often had disagreements with Yang Shufen and his two brothers in terms of operation and management. He stubbornly believed that Yang Shufen deliberately wanted to evade him and officially turn the factory into a family business. Yang Shufen was noncommittal and said that if her brother hadn't taken the stake, the factory would have been dead. She scolded Wang Lisheng for being ignorant. In anger, Wang Lisheng resigned from the company and went home to be idle.

Wang Lisheng felt that he had nothing to do. His son, who was in junior high school, was in his rebellious period and often looked at him coldly. He felt that this was deliberately cultivated by the Yang family. His son's unfamiliarity, his wife's coldness, and the Yang family's contempt all made him sleepless at night. He wanted to get divorced and get rid of the Yang family, but his wife insisted on dividing most of the property, which made him unwilling.

Wang Lisheng was desperate, especially since Yang Shufen hid all the house keys and real estate certificates in Shenzhen. , Wang Lisheng wanted to sell a house to start other businesses, but Yang Shufen refused, mocking him as he was old and should take care of himself at home. Wang Lisheng even ran out of gas in his car and wanted to go out and ask Yang Shufen to refuel his car. , Yang Shufen refused, Wang Li got angry: "If you treat me like this, you might as well let me die! "

Yang Shufen used money to control Wang Lisheng and made his life worse than death. This is a trump card used by women, and it is also the most disgusting thing for men. Without a penny in his hand, Wang Lisheng completely lost his dignity.

Wang Lisheng went to Shenzhen in anger. When her friend Liu Jun became the vice president of his factory, Yang Shufen became even more uneasy about him. She often raided the police station suddenly and took photos of him eating with female customers, threatening to use them as evidence of cheating. Wang Lisheng was angered again and had sex with her on the spot. There was a big quarrel, but Yang Shufen still went her own way, and the couple had many conflicts.

At the end of the year, Wang Lisheng actually adopted a lover, and even said to his wife ostentatiously: "Don't you just want me to cheat and share the property? Now you can do what you want, but I will follow your example and not divorce!" "

Wang Lisheng's friends advised him to leave his job temporarily and go back to Shunde to have a good talk with his wife. In short, he should not let himself down, otherwise all his hard work would be lost. After Wang Lisheng got drunk, he said irritably and uneasily: "She wants to kill me. If she has no money, then I will make her life worse than death!"

After Wang Lisheng returned to Shunde, he did not want to continue the quarrel with the Yang family. He just wanted to get back his own property, but his wife Yang Shufen refused. After being divorced, Wang Lisheng became desperate for life. He began to gamble heavily, first in the surrounding areas, and later in Macau. When he had no money, he sold the BMW car in his name and borrowed loan sharks at high interest rates. He lost hundreds of dollars in just a few months. Ten thousand!

Yang Shufen filed for divorce, but Wang Lisheng never showed up until one day she received a call from Wang Lisheng from Macau asking for money, threatening not to divorce as long as the money was not paid. Yang Shufen had no choice but to rush to Macau and board a cruise ship with her husband. In the early morning, Wang Lisheng finally returned to the room after losing. Yang Shufen had a big quarrel with him. Wang Lisheng took advantage of Yang Shufen's sleep and took the bank card from her bag and walked to the cabin to smoke. When Yang Shufen woke up and found out, she immediately chased him. In the past, two people were quarreling and pushing each other. Wang Lisheng cruelly pushed his wife off the cruise ship!

The tourists immediately reported the incident to the Hong Kong Maritime Center after witnessing this incident. By the time they were salvaged, it was too late.

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