The room was empty, and thick dust floated in the air as I entered, making me sneeze. The air-conditioning in the lobby of the nursing home is fully turned on, and the walls are covered with various honorary medals. The female staff member wearing glasses, stepping on high heels,

2024/05/2103:53:33 story 1454

The room was empty, and thick dust floated in the air as I entered, making me sneeze. The air-conditioning in the lobby of the nursing home is fully turned on, and the walls are covered with various honorary medals. The female staff member wearing glasses, stepping on high heels, - DayDayNews

This story has been authorized by the author: Ah Shan’s Little Bench to be published exclusively on the Read Stories app every day. Its associated account "Midnight Stories" has been legally sub-authorized and published, and any infringement will be investigated.


When I returned to my home where I had been away for more than three years, I felt a chill in my heart.

The room was empty, and thick dust floated in the air as I entered, making me sneeze. I went to the community to inquire and learned that the nursing home where my father lived was called "Fukang Nursing Home."

The air-conditioning in the lobby of the nursing home is fully turned on, and the walls are covered with various honorary medals. The female staff member wearing glasses, stepping on high heels, smiling like a flower, leans 90 degrees to introduce various "senior care packages" in a sweet voice.

"I'm here to see my father. His name is Xu Wenshan. He was sent here by the community about two years ago."

The other party suppressed his smile and guided me to the reference room. After checking for two minutes, he told me in a nonchalant manner, "Xu Wenshan passed away half a year ago."

My heart is like a knife, like acupuncture, like fire.

I forced myself to calm down, "How did my father... die? In which hospital did he die?"

The other party shook his head, with an impatient look on his face, "It's not written in the file."

"Then he did. Didn't you leave any words or anything for me?"

The other party continued to shake his head, "Sir, if there is nothing else, I still have to work. I haven't completed the KPI this month. If there are elderly people around you who need nursing homes, you can You can contact me. This is my business card."

I knocked down the business card, grabbed her collar and shouted, "Why did my father die? Tell me clearly!"

The security guard on duty lost control. I got out of the hoop and returned home in despair. I lay on the bed and kept my eyes open until dawn.

A week after that, I checked the use of my father’s medical insurance card and the assets in my name. The result shocked me. My father’s medical insurance card had no trace of use in the past two years, and there was only a thousand yuan left in his name.

In his early years, my father moved from the north to the south to do business in electronic products. He has been in business for 20 years. As far as I know, the deposit will not be less than 3 million. We rarely interact with relatives and there is no situation where relatives borrow money. I called When I asked my uncles in the Northeast, they, like me, had no idea that my father had passed away.

My father died unexpectedly in a nursing home. Millions of assets in his name disappeared. I became suspicious.

My head hurt and my heart ached, so I decided to call the police.

The policeman listened to what I said with a serious face and asked, "Are you saying that you suspect that your father's assets have been misappropriated by the nursing home, and that the nursing home deliberately refused to treat your father because your father's medical insurance card has not been used?" "

"Yes! There is also the cause of my father's death. The nursing home did not record how my father died or which hospital he died in. "

"I can understand your feelings, but your father has been dead for more than half a year, and nothing is right. "Certificate, everything is your subjective speculation, there is no evidence."

When I walked out of the police station, the drizzle fell on the back of my neck, and it was cold and cold. I really don't have any evidence.

I thought of someone who might know something about my father.


At dusk the next day, I waited for Xiaomei at the same place.

I took out my phone and turned on the front camera, straightened my hair, and looked at the weathered faces on the screen with mixed emotions. Three years ago, Xiaomei and I were considered handsome men and beautiful women.

I lowered my head to stir the coffee, my thoughts flooding.

Three years ago, I was thirty-seven years old and had a successful career and career. Unexpectedly, I was suddenly imprisoned for allegedly defrauding the head of a cooperative company of more than 17 million yuan. After nine months in the detention center, the court The court heard that I was sentenced to fourteen years in prison.

I clearly remember that Xiaomei fainted at the court session. Fourteen years, more than five thousand days and nights!

I have been wronged and I will definitely appeal.

But I don’t know what the final result will be. I don’t want to delay Xiaomei, so I directly persuade her to find another home.

For more than two years, I have been applying for appeal, and the case was sent back for retrial twice. With the efforts of my lawyer and me, the case was finally acquitted due to insufficient evidence, and my lawyer helped me apply for state compensation.

But no matter how much compensation I receive, things have changed since I was released from prison. Even my only relative died in an unknown manner.

Goodbye Xiaomei, she is quite plump. She looked at me with surprise and tears in her eyes, and the wedding ring on her ring finger was shining brightly.

I told her the twists and turns of the appeal in detail. She lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, but she still didn't say anything. After all, it was over.

"I came to you today because I wanted to know something about my father. The hospital only told me that he passed away and nothing else."

Xiaomei's back suddenly straightened, "Uncle... let's go How? When? "

"I don't know the cause of death about half a year ago. I just want to know more about my father's situation."

Xiaomei lowered her head and remembered it.

"At that time, my uncle knew that you had been sentenced to fourteen years, and he was so anxious that he had a cerebral infarction. After he was discharged from the hospital, the community sent him to a nursing home. I went to the nursing home once, and the conditions were good. My uncle lived in a single room. Later I went to visit him. The security guard refused to let me in, saying that I was not a direct relative, and that my uncle was ill and needed to rest. "

" Do you remember the name of the caregiver who was responsible for taking care of my father? "

" His surname was Liu, and his name was Liu Ming. The time I went there happened to be the Chinese New Year, and many elderly people and their children secretly gave red envelopes to the caregiver. I didn’t have any cash with me at the time, so I added him on WeChat. I had to verify my name when transferring money, so I remembered his name.”

After saying goodbye to Xiaomei, I leaned on the street lamp pole, watched her leaving back and lit a cigarette. After finishing the cigarette, I made a decision.


Fukang Nursing Home is the only four-star private nursing home in M ​​city. It is "hard to find a bed" in public nursing homes. Private nursing homes are quietly emerging, and their facilities and services are better than public nursing homes. Of course, the cost is higher than public nursing homes.

The charging standard of Fukang Nursing Home is 6,800 per month, which is the basic fee for living in a single room, as well as " medical fund ", "special care fee", "additional meal fee", etc.

Although the money paid to the nursing home for each elderly person staying in the nursing home is quite high, after the boss's harsh treatment, the money in the hands of the nursing staff is pitiful. Nursing workers are a tiring and dirty job, and they stay in a nursing home that smells like an elderly person all day long. Scratching feces and peeing in the room is a common occurrence. There is little money and many things to do, so the caregivers will inevitably have tempers, but they will not show them in front of the elderly and their children.

I was assigned to work for Director Liu Ming. It was not that I approached him intentionally, but that he was very demanding on his nursing staff, and no one could stand his temper.

I don’t have the " Nursing Caregiver " qualification certificate . Of course, most people working here don’t have it, but Liu Ming took advantage of this and found fault with me everywhere, until I bought him a cigarette, and he The flying eyebrows relaxed a little.

As a supervisor, in addition to checking the work conditions of his subordinates, Liu Ming also has to take care of the elderly. According to my observation, he only takes care of one type of elderly - the elderly without children. Public nursing homes generally do not accept childless elderly people.

There is also a contemptuous layer in Fukang nursing home. The elderly with children will bully the elderly without children, will steal their food, and will make sarcastic remarks and compare with them.

Nursing staff will also give priority to those with children. They have a very bad attitude towards the elderly without children. I personally saw an old man pooping in his diaper for three days because he had no children. The nursing staff was too lazy to change it because there would be no one to change it. I know that even the elderly dare not complain. If they complain, they will only be put in more shoes and not even given water.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. I can’t imagine what my father went through here.

Uncle Li is an old man who is taken care of by Liu Ming personally. He is also childless, but he has a niece in Australia. The niece has never visited Uncle Li, but will return to China to inherit Uncle Li's inheritance a hundred years later.

Liu Ming rarely lets me touch the old people on his hands. Uncle Li is an exception because Uncle Li has very serious infectious dermatitis. His legs are covered with scales, local erosion, and the smell is disgusting. He lives in a separate room. You must wear a mask and disposable gloves when entering.

I push Uncle Li to a private hospital called "An Renhe" every week for treatment.

Uncle Li simply changed the medicine, but each time he spent more than 8,000 yuan. The attending doctor's surname was Ma, and he had a lot of honorary titles. He looked honest and honest, but many of the medicines he prescribed were for health care.

Uncle Li seemed to be used to all this. I asked him why he didn't go to a public hospital. His eyes were full of helplessness, "Son, don't ask so many questions. I know my health well and live one day at a time."

I slowly pushed Uncle Li back to the nursing home. Li Shu was sitting in a wheelchair and squinting. The sunlight shining on my body could not drive away the slight cold of early winter.

At this time, my cell phone rang. It was a call from an uncle from the Northeast, asking if my father’s grave should be moved to the Northeast.

I had no intention of thinking about that, so I declined politely and hung up the phone. I thought of my father and became frightened. A man riding a scooter bumped into me and dropped my phone to the ground. The other person didn’t stop. I picked up the phone and pressed the button. Fortunately, the tempered film was attached and the screen of the phone was not broken.

"Is your phone broken?" Uncle Li asked me with concern.

I raised the phone in front of him, "It's not broken. You can see the screen is on. It's not broken at all."

Uncle Li looked at the screen of my phone, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his white eyes widened, "You are Huang Mingjian's son? "

The screen saver photo was a photo of me and my father. I nodded. Uncle Li looked around and whispered, "Aren't you in jail? Your father said you were sentenced to fourteen years. I'm lucky to see you again, otherwise he wouldn't..."

"It's a long story. I was wrongly accused. My dad was sent to a nursing home after my first trial. The letters were all sent to "

"It turns out that I have dermatitis , and people in the nursing home are afraid of contagion. Only your dad is willing to talk to me. He is a good man and often talks about you to me. Said you were very filial..."

I listened with bated breath. Uncle Li suddenly became excited, gasping for air, and his face turned purple. I quickly patted his back and pushed him back to the nursing home.


"Why have you been here for so long?"

Liu Ming stood in Uncle Li's ward with his arms folded, with a pair of sinister eyes behind his black-rimmed glasses.

Uncle Li and I looked at each other and said hesitantly, "There are many people in the hospital today, so we have to wait in line for a long time."

Liu Ming coldly hummed, lowered his head, took off his glasses, and wiped the stains on the lenses with the corner of his clothes. , "Okay, Uncle Li doesn't need you to be responsible from now on. There are two boxes at the guard's office. You can help me move them."

I carried two heavy boxes and climbed up the stairs hummingly. I looked at the outer packaging of the boxes. We know that they are health products, such as "Xingyuan Health Pills", "Infrared Health Mattress", and "Subikang Oral Liquid".

Liu Ming took the box and motioned me to leave with his eyes, turned to Uncle Li and said, "Uncle, the product you ordered last time has arrived, and the amount is relatively large. I will teach you how to transfer money through online banking."

Uncle Li looked at me helplessly. Liu Ming turned around suddenly, his eyes red, and yelled at me, "Why haven't you left yet? Get out of here quickly! Don't enter this room again! "

I heard my colleagues talking privately before that the commission for selling health care products is higher than the salary. Sure enough, this phenomenon happened. I gritted my teeth and left the room angrily. Uncle Li knew my father. From his tone, he should know the truth about his father's departure, and Liu Ming couldn't be related!

After get off work, I disguised myself and followed Liu Ming secretly. He seemed very happy, grinning from ear to ear. He must have benefited a lot from the health care products that Uncle Li bought.

He seemed very happy. The car was not parked in the parking lot, but parked in the underground garage of the shopping mall next door. The car was a valuable Range Rover . It was parked in front of a five-star restaurant. After Liu Ming got out of the car, he felt something on his neck. He was wearing jewelry on his hands, hair was waxed, and he had a bag under his arm, making him look fashionable and high-profile.

No! Why do the rings and necklaces on his hands look so familiar?

At this time, Liu Ming said When I picked up the phone, I stood one meter behind him. He was inviting friends to have a drink. "Doctor Ma, just be rest assured. Your brother Liu is not short of money. I will pay for the entire meal. Remember to bring your younger siblings with you." Ha ha. "

While he was on the phone, I pretended to pass by and took a closer look at his ring and necklace. After seeing it clearly, I felt as if I had fallen into an alien space without temperature.

The ring was made of platinum and set with diamonds. The diamonds formed a small "H", and the pendant of the necklace was the letter "W", which is the initials of my parents' last names. My father always wore it. No wonder my father didn't leave any relics. It turned out that they all went to Liu Ming's house.

About a quarter of an hour later, all of Liu Ming’s fair-weather friends arrived, and one of them, Dr. Ma, turned out to be Uncle Li’s attending doctor!

Liu Ming and he were shoulder to shoulder, as if they were brothers, and Dr. Ma looked around and stuffed his head. A big red envelope was in Liu Ming's trouser pocket, "Thank you, Brother Liu, for taking care of my business."

The cold wind felt like needle pricks on my face. Uncle Li doesn't go to a public hospital. No wonder Dr. Ma prescribes so many useless medicines for minor problems. There is a profit chain behind all this, and a childless old man like Uncle Li doesn't dare to do anything even if he knows it well.

I hurriedly returned to the nursing home. I had to ask Uncle Li to find out.

Uncle Li's ward was empty, and even the two large boxes of health care products I just bought today were missing. After asking, I found out that he had been transferred to Liu Ming. Only supervisors can enter the "intensive care" ward, which houses elderly people with serious illnesses who cannot take care of themselves.

I hit the wall with my fist, and there was a sound of cracking bones.

I didn't see it for a month. Looking at Uncle Li, I asked Liu Ming about Uncle Li, and Liu Ming's eyes flashed with vigilance, and he asked in a strange way, "You seem to care about him very much. "

I swallowed my saliva and answered quickly, "No, that doctor Ma said before that he needs to change the dressing every week. Uncle Li is heavy, and I'm afraid you can't handle him alone. "

Liu Ming habitually took off his glasses, wiped the lenses with the corner of his clothes, and said to me with a fierce look, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't bother about what you shouldn't! "

I said "Hmm" softly from my throat. Liu Ming is a very aggressive beast. I must lie down and wait for the opportunity.

A month later, the opportunity came.


M The city closed many residential areas. , half of the people working in the hospital, including the community where Liu Ming lives, were said to be closed for at least seven days.

The hospital was short of staff, so I had the opportunity to enter the intensive care unit. The intensive care units were all single rooms. They are all dyingsevere old people who have no medical value. The smell in the room is very pungent, the moans of the old people are coming one after another, and some old people are even tied to the bed to prevent them from falling.

I couldn’t wait to push away Uncle Li’s room. The room was filled with stench. It had only been more than two months, but Uncle Li’s legs were already rotten and filled with maggots, and the bones were exposed at the knees!

In the dead of winter, the air conditioner in the room was actually turned on to cool down the air. I was so angry that I was shaking.

Uncle Li's entire face looked a suffocating iron-blue color, his lips were chapped, and there was foaming at the corners of his mouth.

I pushed him gently, "Uncle Li, Uncle Li, wake up."

Uncle Li opened his eyes with difficulty, "Water, water, water..."

There was a water dispenser on the table in the room. I quickly picked up the water glass and took a glass of water and gently raised Uncle Li to feed him. Uncle Li glanced at the water glass and shook his head, "There is salt in this glass."

I took a sip, it was true!

I went to the next room to get water and fed Uncle Li. Uncle Li finally took a breath and wanted to say something to me.

"Uncle, save your strength, I will carry you to the hospital now, damn, I'll call the police first! That bastard!"

Uncle Li struggled to take away my phone.

"The surveillance has been removed by him a long time ago. All the old people without children here were tortured to death by him in this way, and so was your father. When the police came, they were just talking nonsense. Liu Ming could only go in for a few days at most, and he would still alert the snake. My body I I know that I won’t live long, so you do me one last favor and forget your wish. I know why you came here.”

Uncle Li whispered his plan to me. I remembered it and my blood surged all over my body.

Every elderly person in Fukang Nursing Home has a large "medical fund". This money is used for the elderly's sudden illness and the medical expenses for their children when they are away. Of course, if this money is used up, there will be no one. Then send the old man to the hospital.

Nursing homes are not taken advantage of, and private hospitals are profit-oriented. Uncle Li's medical fund has been used up, so when other caregivers saw Uncle Li's miserable condition, no one offered to send him to the hospital, unless you wanted to advance the money. So even if the police came and saw Uncle Li's miserable condition, there was nothing they could do to the nursing home.

Due to lack of manpower, the nursing home is in chaos. The nursing staff are unwilling to go to the intensive care unit. They are dirty and tired. The workload is heavy and the director does not want to increase his salary. Uncle Li has an infectious disease and no one is willing to take care of him.

I could only sneak into his room when no one was around. He could no longer eat and kept his eyes closed, but he was still conscious and his strong will supported him to complete the last thing in the world.

A week later, Liu Ming returned to the nursing home.


I pretended to go to work as if nothing had happened during the day, and the first thing I did when I got home at night was to check the surveillance camera. Yes, Uncle Li asked me to install a surveillance camera to record Liu Ming’s evil deeds. I secretly bought a pinhole camera and hid it in a secret corner.

In the surveillance video, Liu Ming looked fierce and punched Uncle Li in the stomach with his fist. Uncle Li could no longer make a sound and only grunted twice. My heart was as sharp as a knife. Punching the stomach is different from other places. The stomach is soft. , it is difficult to leave bruises, and outsiders cannot tell that he was beaten.

"Tell me the password quickly, or I will make your life worse than death!"

Uncle Li's eyes were still closed, and his head slowly turned to the side. Liu Ming smiled darkly, revealing his sharp and dense yellow teeth. He took out a bag of salt from under the bed and slowly sprinkled it on Uncle Li's ulcerated calf flesh. Uncle Li let out an animal-like whimper of pain.

"I tell you, I... tell you."

Liu Ming leaned his ear against Uncle Li's mouth, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised a slight upward arc.

Liu Ming straightened up, his eyes became sinister, and he pushed Uncle Li to the ground. The already dying Uncle Li struggled painfully on the ground for two times, but there was no movement.

Fifteen minutes later, Liu Ming closed the door of Uncle Li's room and left the nursing home. On the next day, the cause of Uncle Li's death would be an accident. He accidentally fell from the bed, severe underlying diseases and advanced dermatitis. One fall can be fatal.

He had no children and no one would investigate the cause of his death.

Liu Ming's car stopped at the entrance of Uncle Li's community. After looking around, he entered the community and opened the door of Uncle Li's house. Ten minutes later, he came out of the house with a black cloth bag in his hand.

When he saw me and the two policemen, his expression looked like he had eaten shit.

"What...are you doing?"

"This is Uncle Li's house. What are you doing here? What are you holding in your hand?"

Liu Ming panicked and evaded me and the police like a cunning loach. When he wanted to run away, the police chased him, pushed him to the ground, and took away the black cloth bag in his hand. Inside were six gold bars and some gold and silver jewelry. Those were the things Uncle Li put in the safe. Liu Ming was cruel Forced to find out the password to the safe.

That is the last "residual value" of Uncle Li.

The police handcuffed Liu Ming and said, "You are suspected of burglary!"

"He is seeking wealth and murder! I have evidence!"

I handed over the surveillance camera to the police, and the footage clearly recorded the process of Liu Ming's brutal crime. , faced with irrefutable evidence, Liu Ming confessed all the crimes, and pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud. Based on the principle of frankness and leniency, he confessed the shady conspiracy of the nursing home, Anrenhe Hospital, and the health care product company, in order to drain the widows and orphans. Old man's money.

The lonely elderly have no support. Even if they know they are being "ripped off", they can only choose to endure it silently. Many public nursing homes do not accept them, and the situation is the same when they switch to private nursing homes.

If they resisted, they would confiscate their mobile phones, or put them in a dark room without food or drink. No one would know anyway.

Fukang Nursing Home and related units have been closed for rectification.

The police searched Liu Ming's assets, returned the necklace, ring and mobile phone that belonged to my father, and recovered some of his father's assets.

Liu Ming explained how he brutally abused my father, but I didn’t have the courage to listen.

I walked out of the police station and let out a long sigh of relief. It was rare to see stars in the cold winter night sky.

I lowered my head and opened my father’s phone. There was a sentence in the memo.

"My child, whether your father is in heaven or on earth, he will always love you." (Original title: "The Shady Story of Nursing Homes")

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