I just want to be as beautiful as a flower (Serial 18) Qingqing was called for service by her first customer. She was a little confused. Could it be that this customer was an acquaintance of hers? The store manager laughed at her wild imagination. She said that customers can chec

2024/05/1919:07:32 story 1977

I just want to be as beautiful as a flower (Serial 18)

Qingqing was asked to serve by her first customer. She was a little confused. Could this customer be an acquaintance of hers? The store manager laughed at her wild imagination. She said that customers can check the working hours of each employee on the platform. Customers like to order employees with long working hours. Because everyone is rushing to get excellent employees, her order is full. .

"But my working hours are not among the top three!" Qingqing still firmly believed that it was done by an acquaintance, firstly because she had promoted it in her circle of friends, and secondly because the client knew her name.

"Qingqing, don't forget that you are the one with the most likes from the first customer. This month you will get a 100 yuan bonus subsidy!"

"Ah, there are so many, there are ten likes from the first customer?" Qingqing smiled I couldn't smile from ear to ear. The

company stipulates that every time an employee gets approval from a first customer, they will be subsidized with an additional 10 yuan for transportation expenses. Qingqing therefore hoped that this first customer would be satisfied with her work. Although 10 yuan was a small thing, the customer's recognition and affirmation gave her a sense of accomplishment.

The client's home was on the 29th floor. Qingqing rang the doorbell, but there was no movement inside for a long time. She looked at the time and saw that it was 8 o'clock in the morning.

"Is it possible that I went to the wrong building?" Qingqing checked that the door number was correct, but she was unsure. She made the mistake of walking into the wrong building.

"Qingqing, you're here!" Just as Qingqing turned around and was about to take the elevator down to check the number of buildings, Aunt Xu opened the door with a clothes hanger.

"Auntie, it's you!" Qingqing shouted in surprise.

Aunt Xu explained to Qingqing that the washing machine on the balcony was too loud, so she didn't hear the doorbell.

Although she met a friend, Qingqing's work attitude was very upright. She wanted to have sex with her friends after work. She handed the meal she brought to her aunt, and then posted a message in the work group saying that she would use the customer's tools. When Aunt Xu's aunt prepared the rag, mop, and bucket, she hurried to the master bedroom.

The master bedroom is very large and wide, and is divided into two large spaces by the bathroom. The bed on the right is round and very wide. In the center of the house on the left, there is a waist-high cabinet. It is like an exhibition cabinet in a store. Through the glass, you can see that it is filled with a variety of items. precious jewelry such as pearls and jade. The surrounding walls are all large wardrobes, and the wardrobe doors are all made of glass.

"This workload is a bit heavy, I have to work harder!" Qingqing lamented in her heart and devoted herself to her work. She is always like this, afraid that she will not be able to complete the work at a high level.

Qingqing does not think about any distracting thoughts when working. This is the attitude of all domestic workers and the current situation of busy people. They are like a high-speed machine that cannot stop as soon as the switch is pressed.

But Qingqing was distracted today. When she was cleaning the glass of the wardrobe, she saw a white princess dress inside, which was exactly the same as Yaoyao's one.

"This is Yaoyao's skirt!" After cleaning the left side and walking to the bedroom on the right, the voice in her heart still persisted. She was very familiar with this dress. This dress was not an ordinary dress that she wore every day. It had a long train and a long gauze scarf. It was the style of a wedding dress.

Yaoyao's father gave it as a gift to his daughter who was admitted to college. He said this was a princess dress and his daughter would always be a happy little princess. He also said that he hoped that his daughter would wear this princess dress and give it to her favorite prince with his own hands.

Yaoyao was so moved by her father's words that she showed this happy dress to Qingqing N times, and Qingqing was jealous and envious of Yaoyao for having such a good father N times.

Yaoyao was worried that she would be distracted and not be able to complete her work in time. She restrained her inner impulses, corrected her mentality, and worked hard.

"Qingqing, it's time, hurry up and eat!" Aunt Xu greeted.

"Ah? So fast? I still have the kitchen and balcony to clean!" Qingqing exclaimed.

"I have already made the balcony and kitchen for you, you can eat in peace!" Aunt Xu smiled and pointed to the two dishes she cooked for Qingqing to eat.

"Auntie, what you are doing is wrong. How can you use the boss's food to entertain others?"

"Qingqing, don't worry, the boss personally told you! You said you were entertaining distinguished guests for him!"

"What? Auntie, I Did you hear me wrong? How could the boss know me?" Qingqing expressed disbelief.

"He doesn't know you, but his girlfriend knows you!"

"Huh?" Qingqing exclaimed, the white skirt in her mind overlapped with the white tissue under the bed - there were five or six crumpled paper balls, Qingqing spent a lot of effort to get them out with a telescopic rod. Thinking of this, Qingqing felt uncomfortable in her heart.

"Is his girlfriend Yaoyao?" Qingqing asked feebly.

"Qingqing, you are so smart!"

"Hey, I should be happy for her, right? Yaoyao has finally got what she wanted. Marrying into a rich family and living a wealthy life was her original intention. Besides, she has I found true love!" Qing Qingshi picked up the food without knowing it, but couldn't relax his brows.

"Qingqing, your idea is too simple!" Aunt Xu shook her head and said, "Xu Sheng is just a newbie. It is impossible for him to marry an unmatched woman like Yaoyao!"

Qingqing was not satisfied with her answer. Although she cited many examples to prove that the rich also regard marriage as a business and commodity, focusing on the exchange of interests between both parties, Qingqing refuted it by saying that there were exceptions.

During lunch, the topic discussed by the two friends was whether the rich man was sincere or not? Aunt Xu's family went off topic while she was talking. She asked Qingqing when she would marry her boyfriend.

"Hey, Auntie, how are you sure I have a boyfriend?" Qingqing was confused. How could she have told her aunt about a relationship that she was not sure about?

"Hehehe, I know how to count!" Aunt Xu said with a sly smile. Seeing that Qingqing was serious, she explained that Qingqing hadn't chatted with him for a long time, "Women are animals that value sex over friends, so I guessed You're in love!"

Qingqing didn't want to say that she didn't even have a clue, so she excused herself that it was time to place an order. Qingqing didn't want to worry about Yaoyao's affairs, but as soon as she stopped being busy, she would think about Yaoyao's affairs. She was worried that Yaoyao would meet someone unkindly, and that Yaoyao would be deceived, so she dreamed about it for several nights in a row. The scene of Yaoyao holding her hand and crying.

I just want to be as beautiful as a flower (Serial 18) Qingqing was called for service by her first customer. She was a little confused. Could it be that this customer was an acquaintance of hers? The store manager laughed at her wild imagination. She said that customers can chec - DayDayNews

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