Page ~223 Recently my cat has started to exercise. Compared to humans, my sports are more advanced, such as spinning around in a book, catching mantises, cicadas, sliding on the pine, wall running, etc., which are very interesting. "Looking at this cat, I feel a little envious. I

2024/05/1910:33:32 story 1505

page number ~ 223

Page ~223 Recently my cat has started to exercise. Compared to humans, my sports are more advanced, such as spinning around in a book, catching mantises, cicadas, sliding on the pine, wall running, etc., which are very interesting.

My cat has started to exercise recently. Compared to humans, my sports are more advanced, such as spinning around in a book, catching mantises, cicadas, sliding on the pine, wall running, etc., which are very interesting.

Page ~223 Recently my cat has started to exercise. Compared to humans, my sports are more advanced, such as spinning around in a book, catching mantises, cicadas, sliding on the pine, wall running, etc., which are very interesting.

"Looking at this cat, I feel a little envious. It is free and playful, unlike humans who are forced to stay open every day."

The weather is too hot, and I also want to imitate humans and go to the bathhouse to take a bath. I have to say that there are quite a lot of stories in the bathhouse. Chatting, gossiping, and washing away the dust and dirt. Unfortunately, I came across a quarrel between the master and his students in the bathhouse. It was really inconsistent with his status as a teacher, but I am used to it.

When I got home for dinner, the host didn't know what happened, so he kept asking the hostess to hit my head and make me scream. I don't want to lose face! It’s not over yet, it’s not over yet, okay, to give him face, I pretended to shout, and he actually asked my wife if it was an interjection or an adverb. The master’s brain circuit is really strange, I can’t guess, forget it. , let the couple discuss it, I can just be a bystander.

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