They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D

2024/05/1723:21:33 story 1680

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

During my sophomore and junior years, three classmates from our class, including me, shared a dormitory with five classmates from Class 77 (3). Class 77 (3) includes Brother Bi, Brother Fei, Brother Yang, and Brother Yang, an educated youth from Shanghai. They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. There is also a classmate named Zhao Bo who looks about 23 or 4 years old. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School (second only to the Middle School Affiliated to Northeast Normal University and Jilin Experimental Middle School), Brother Bi is a teacher to the No. 1 Middle School in Shuangliao City, and Brother Yang is a teacher to the Dehui No. 1 Middle School. It is very lively on Monday to Friday nights. The elder brothers are experienced and have high IQs. They talk and laugh for about an hour every night. We little brothers gained a lot of knowledge and gained countless happiness from it. They created their own "Song of the Week", that is, they took turns singing a song every Monday night, and they had to sing old songs and "yellow songs" (that is, love songs, which could not be sung in public at that time). For example, Zhou Xuan's " Tianya Songstress ", Teresa Teng's "When Will You Come Again", "Fine Wine and Coffee", etc., I heard them here for the first time. I also got to know Zhou Xuan and Teresa Teng for the first time. At that time, this was all music and was not allowed to be played, and records from Hong Kong and Taiwan were not officially imported. Brother Yang from Shanghai has overseas connections. He has a tape recorder and some Teresa Teng tapes that he often plays in his dormitory. Therefore, our dormitory is like a paradise, and we can hear music that cannot be heard outside. There is a TV set in the department, and several big brothers often watch it at night. We also used the light to watch TV series with them. I remember watching the domestic TV series "Eighteen Years in the Enemy Camp", the American "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic", etc. I have also watched foreign movies such as the Yugoslav film " Cassandra Bridge " and the Japanese film " Hunting ".

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

Our dormitory is similar to this one, except that there are no tables and chairs.

Some of the impressions on the teachers were profound, and some were already very vague. The head teacher, Fan Xiujie, is also the "Mathematical Analysis" tutor. She is a kind-faced, clean and generous female teacher in her thirties. Although she is the class teacher, she rarely comes to class. If you have anything to do, contact the class cadres. Specific matters will be reported and handed down by the class cadres. "Mathematical Analysis" is the first and most important basic course. Since I have never learned many basic knowledge, it is very difficult to learn it. If you don't even understand the symbol f(x), how can you learn "Mathematical Analysis" well? If you ask your classmates, some students can't figure it out, but if you ask Big Brother, they will explain it eloquently and coherently. After I finished speaking, I still didn’t understand, and I was embarrassed to say I didn’t understand, so I had to pretend to understand but not understand. About a full week later, one day I suddenly realized, "Oh, it turns out this is such a thing." It caused me a lot of suffering!

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

Notes and cover of my professional course in college

Although Teacher Fan was the tutor of "Mathematical Analysis", I remember that she rarely asked her questions. Later she took maternity leave. Therefore, I am not more impressed with her than other teachers. I remember that she came to self-study once a week in the evening and told us about the topics of "Mathematical Analysis Exercises" written by Jimmyovich. I scored in the 70s in both semesters of the exam, and even though my grades were not high, I was still very satisfied. After all, my foundation is poor and my foundation is too thin. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and having a score of more than 70 points is a great encouragement to me. Although my academic performance in the four years of university was mediocre, I still ranked among the best with over 90 points in several professional subjects. What I am most satisfied with is that I didn’t fail a single subject. The academic style at that time was very simple and the teaching style was very strict. It's very embarrassing to fail an exam. The teacher won't show mercy and won't let you pass with a score of 58 or 9. The political class was the most common one to fail, but I was spared it, but I didn’t feel too happy because I was more interested in party history, which improved my consciousness of studying political classes.

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

My professional course notes in college

Counselor Teacher Zhao Sixiao, he manages three classes and is the teacher with the most penetration among students. He is very approachable and has talked to me to learn about his family situation, study and living situation.He is a retired soldier in his 40s. He was recommended to go to college and stayed as a counselor. He has a rigorous and resolute work style. His physical health is not very good. He has severe rheumatism. When he walks, it is obvious that one of his legs is uncoordinated. Teacher Chen, who teaches "Mathematical Analysis," is about fifty years old, tall and elegant. He is very proficient in class and often gives us temporary tutoring on the missing knowledge, such as complex numbers, permutations, combinations, binomial theorem, etc. Teacher Zhang who teaches us "Advanced Algebra" is a disciple of Professor Zhang Herui of Peking University . The textbook we use is compiled by Zhang Herui. I like Teacher Zhang's class very much. Although he has some unclear enunciation of certain words, his logic is clear, his language is concise, and it is easy to understand. In "Advanced Algebra", I actually got a high score of 96 and entered the top three. Associate Professor Deng Henian lectures on "Spatial Analytical Geometry". He is from Hubei and speaks Hubei Mandarin and can hardly understand it. For example, he said "interior point" is "nui die" and "satisfying the equation" is "muo zu fou ce". Fortunately, I had a good foundation in analytic geometry in high school, and I got over 90 points in the exam (can’t remember clearly). Teacher Li Huai is very talented and teaches "Differential Geometry". Due to poor health in his forties, he looks old and thin, which also affects his teaching performance. Teacher Liu Qinghua of "The Theory of Real Variable Functions" is also from the south. He speaks Mandarin very well. We were very interested in learning and learned very solidly. We also got a high score of 94 in the exam. Professor Fang Jialin's "Topology" is close to the "cutting edge". People don't understand it well but it is very popular. Maybe it is because of the celebrity effect. Although he is the vice president in charge of the work, he is a well-known expert in "Topology" in the country. However, he is very approachable and does not have the airs of an official. After the Cultural Revolution, he resumed work at Yanbian University and was later transferred to our school. On the day we moved from Yanji to the expert building of the college (equivalent to a two-family villa, there are more than ten buildings in total. The upper and lower floors seem to have an area of ​​150-160 square meters), the students in our class moved there under the leadership of the head teacher. Went to help and was warmly welcomed by the family.

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

My computer internship report

The education internship of the senior year is the last lesson of the university. Our class was divided into two places for internship. A dozen of my classmates and I were assigned to the provincial key middle school - Gongzhuling No. 1 Middle School. My instructor is a female teacher about 40 years old. She is very experienced. Whether she is guiding the work of a class teacher or guiding mathematics teaching, she can grasp the key points and get to the point, which has benefited me a lot. I remember that the teaching task was to submit three proposition lesson plans (I forgot the topic) and a hands-on practical lesson. Among the few classmates who received "excellent" grades, I "stood out", which surprised me and strengthened my confidence in my future career.

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

These are two songs from the university's handwritten songbook

On the eve of graduation, the department organized us to go to Beijing. It was considered a graduation trip, which lasted about ten days. After calculation, each of us bought a monthly bus pass in Beijing. It covers all the major attractions and it is still very cost-effective. We all stayed at a bathhouse in Dongsi , where we stayed and took a bath at night and went out to play during the day. No one has anything, so they simply store their luggage together. Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, Forbidden City , Zhongshan Park , History Museum , Military Museum , Great Hall of the People , Summer Palace Park, Zizhuyuan Park, Yuyuantan Park , Xiangshan Park , Beihai Park , Jingshan Park , Lama Temple , Changling and Dingling of the Ming Tombs , Badaling Great Wall , almost none of the famous attractions opened in Beijing at that time were left. I also visited Dongdan , Xidan, Wangfujing , and Dashilan . The black-and-white point-and-shoot camera brought by my classmate was of average quality (it had just become popular, and it was already pretty good). Due to poor shooting skills, some functions could not be used. Although I took a lot of photos, I could rarely use them. However, it is also enjoyable to take pictures and appreciate it by myself, but it is a pity that it has long been gone after several moves.

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

This is our graduation photo

When I was about to graduate, I felt very conflicted. On the one hand, I was eager to go to the podium and show off my talents, but at the same time, I could finally repay my parents and society with my own labor. On the other hand, I miss this wonderful college life. For four years, day and night, I spent time with the people here and the things here. Everything here is as familiar as at home, and the people here are as kind as family. On the eve of graduation, I walked alone on a road that my classmates and I had walked thousands of times. The way to the classroom together, the way to class together, the way to the cafeteria together, the way to the library together, the way to take a walk together after dinner... This is the most important journey in my life, and I want to keep every journey in my heart. I walked into the classroom alone and observed every item carefully. Every table and chair and the voice and smile of its owner; the podium, the blackboard and the beautiful figure who once stood there, listening to the sounds of nature coming from there; the doors, windows, the broom, the rag, and even every corner. However, for fear of missing any object or mark, I want to keep them firmly in my mind. I walked around every corner of the campus and the romantic orchard alone. In the past, every mountain, every river, every brick and tile, every plant and tree was so kind. Suddenly I felt so strange again, as if I had never met before. I am leaving and saying goodbye to them. Perhaps we will never see each other again, and they will disappear forever from my sight. But I am unwilling a hundred times, a thousand times unwilling, or ten thousand times unwilling! I want to remember all this and store it in the deepest part of my heart that cannot be disturbed!

They are all over thirty. Except for Brother Yang from Shanghai, the other three eldest brothers have wives and children. Brother Fei is a teacher at Changchun No. 11 Middle School, Brother Bi is a teacher at Shuangliao City No. 1 Middle School, and Brother Yang is a teacher at D - DayDayNews

The main teaching building at that time was replaced by it.

I also prepared a notebook and almost frantically asked for signatures for messages. All classmates, alumni and teachers I know will not be spared.

However, 40 years later, I feel a little ashamed and depressed. Looking back on those passionate years, very little remains in my memory, and I can never go back to the "before".

(Next issue preview: "(07) Reunion after a long separation (Part 1)")

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