In 2016, from the moment I stepped out of high school, I was full of confidence in the outside world and considered myself "talented" and "unique."

2024/05/1708:37:33 story 1691

I think that many people will have a desire to make progress from the moment they walk out of school, right? Or maybe you are full of self-confidence that you have never "been beaten"?

In 2016, from the moment I stepped out of high school, I was full of confidence in the outside world and considered myself "talented" and "unique." With this heart in mind, I boarded the bus to Dongguan .

After six or seven hours of turbulence, I successfully arrived at the North Bus Station. When you walk out of the station gate, you will see towering buildings, lively streets, and a vast six-lane road filled with "black, white, silver, blue, and red" cars. Compared with my hometown county, I feel like my hometown county is more like a gorgeous countryside.

contacted my former classmate and he drove to pick me up. Because he dropped out of school early and worked hard in Dongguan for a year or two, he also bought a car. I admire him on this point. Although he doesn't like to study, he is quite talented in painting. I heard from him that he was working in a nearby design company and the salary was quite good. Although he didn't make more than 10,000 yuan a month, he still earned 4,000 to 5,000 yuan.

After we had a drink in a hotel, I talked to him about work. He also knew that I had no talent in drawing, so he recommended his brother's classmates to me. I heard from him that his brother wanted him to resign here and work there, and his monthly salary could easily exceed 10,000 yuan. He was also hesitant about whether to go there. After all, the work here was going quite smoothly.

Seeing that he was hesitant, I took the initiative to help him and took the lead for him first.

In fact, he also wanted me to go. After all, in school, we were sworn buddies, roommates and bunk beds that the class teacher could not force us to separate.

That's it, I want to go to that person's QQ and start chatting.

At night, I was still chatting with that person. The strange thing was that he obviously didn't know me, didn't know me, didn't understand me, but he always said good things about me, which made me "emotionally happy". I guess many people can't refuse others to praise themselves and say good things about themselves, right? In this way, we agreed to meet at 13 o'clock tomorrow.

The next morning, I packed my things early. Check it when you go out. Seeing the ID card and graduation certificate in the backpack, I also remembered the words of my parents and the announcement before leaving the station, "Bring your own documents, especially your ID card." After thinking about it for a while, I took my ID card and graduation certificate with me.

Just like that, after bringing my things, I boarded the city bus to Songshan Lake .

The atmosphere of the Citybus is very good, respecting the old and caring for the young. There are also many young people like me who offer their seats to the elderly and pregnant women. They are chatting and laughing along the way. Although I can't understand the local dialect, I still smile cooperatively.

It took more than an hour to travel, so I arrived at the appointed place ten minutes early. I also picked up my phone and sent a message to the person who picked me up. The series of news made me unable to stand it anymore. Maybe I am too impatient, or maybe I am too impatient for this "job with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan". Just kidding, earning over 10,000 yuan a month at such a young age is not enough to honor one’s ancestors!

had already passed the appointed time, so I continued to wait there for half an hour, and finally someone came.

At this time, I always feel that something is not right.

There were two people here. Judging by their clothes, they seemed to fit well, but they didn’t look like they had the aura of “earning more than 10,000 yuan a month.” On the contrary, they were not as good as me. After

said hello to them, I thought about asking them to take me to the company first. They said I was in a hurry and asked me to go shopping with them first. After

said that, he took the initiative to help me carry my suitcase and even rushed to carry my bag. The contents of the backpack are all daily necessities and valuables, so you have to carry them yourself. They also noticed it and didn't carry my bag.

They walked in front, and I followed behind. Slowly we arrived at a large shopping mall.

first took me from the first floor to the third floor, and then from the third floor to the first floor. My feet were tired from walking, but they still didn't reveal anything about the company. At this time, I was already on guard.

walked to the meat supermarket on the first floor and bought a pound of lean meat. When paying, they swiped the supermarket card, bank card and credit card.I was puzzled: Why do people with "a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan" pay so much for buying meat? And I only bought one pound. I followed them without saying a word, just silently recording in my mind.

After buying the meat, I thought they would take me to their place of work. What I didn't expect was that they took me to a milk tea shop outside the mall. Three people ordered two drinks, and the other only drank mineral water. Three people were sitting at the table, chatting about topics that were "unrelated" to work.

I clearly remember that they were talking about the prosperity of Songshan Lake, or the technology center of Dongguan.

At this time, I was already in a state of confusion, and I kept thinking over and over again, "Are they a pyramid scheme?"

It was already 16:00 sharp at this time. At this time, they said they would take me to the place where I lived.

Although I got to the point, I was still unsure.

They were walking slowly in front carrying my suitcase, and I was walking closely behind with my bag on my back. It feels like "Grandma Liu enters Grand View Garden and appreciates it step by step." The word "slow" stands out! It felt like I was stalling for time. I didn’t think too much about it. I wanted to see where I lived first and then talk about it.

When we arrived at the residence, we saw six people, men and women. There were four men and two women, one of whom was a little older. Looking at the eyes of the others, they all had a different feeling about this person. This person should be the "head" of this group of people.

The room was well kept, but the tattered furniture affected the aesthetics of the entire room.

After putting down his luggage, he checked the remaining rooms because he couldn't find the bathroom. These rooms all have one thing in common. Regardless of whether they are between men or women, the hygiene is equally good, and the quilts are all well folded. There was only one room filled with suitcases of various sizes. Just when I was wondering, someone from the crowd came and took me there.

A group of 9 people including me sat together and said some words to welcome me to join. Afterwards, they all introduced themselves.

The two girls are from Guangxi, my classmate's brother's classmate is from Hunan like me, the other two are from Yunnan, the other three are brothers, from Guizhou, and the "eldest" is from Sichuan.

It was already 17 o'clock at this time. At this time, I already had an 80% feeling that this was a pyramid scheme den.

At this time, the "boss" asked us to play at a nearby stadium. A group of people walked 2 miles to Songshan Lake Stadium. There is a football field, a basketball court, and a park.

Several men asked me to play ball, but I refused because I felt unwell. At this time, I didn’t want to get involved with them, so I walked alone on the cobblestone road next to the football field. Watch the fish in the pond for a while, watch them play football for a while, and then return to the cobblestone path. I bent down to tie my shoes and saw a man and a woman following me.

Actually, I have noticed that someone is following me a long time ago, I just wanted to make sure. This man and woman were two of a group of people in the room.

I know, I shouldn't be able to run away now. If this is the case, then I won’t run away and will take one step at a time.

At this time, it is already 18:30.

At this time, they seemed to be very punctual, not at all like the timeouts when they were waiting for me in the morning.

A group of people gathered first, then surrounded me in the middle, and the group of people walked toward the residence in a mighty manner. The speed is a bit fast, not as slow as when I came here. After

entered the room, the "boss" had already prepared the meal. four dishes and one soup , the only meat dish is the pound of lean meat, oh, there is also a bowl of bitter melon and scrambled eggs. A group of people wolfing down food is nothing like "highly qualified" people sitting in an office with a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan.

Soon, the bowls on the table were empty, and even the soup bowls were very clean, so there was no need to wash the dishes.

It is now 19:30 in the evening.

They were sitting neatly on the tattered sofa, and some were sitting on stools. A group of people were staring at the TV, as if they couldn't see the TV if they didn't watch it quickly.After

finished reading, it was already 20 o'clock. Everyone except the "boss" took out a book. Some were " The Weaknesses of Human Nature " and some were " Guiguzi "... They were all sales books and Psychological knowledge. These books all have one characteristic, that is, they are particularly brainwashing. During this period, I asked them why they stopped watching TV, and they just replied coldly: "I will buy you a copy when the time comes."

At 21 o'clock, they put down their books neatly and lined up to take a shower. Because I just arrived, I was the last one in their "gang", so I was also the last one to take a shower.

looked at their behavior one by one, it was very similar to the military discipline in the TV series, but it didn't feel like it. It's a bit like "painting a cat like a tiger".

It was finally my turn. When I went in to take a shower, I seemed to hear some noise, but I didn't pay attention because I was in a hurry to take a shower.

After I finished washing, I got dressed and wanted to go out, but found that the door was locked. I didn't yell at the first time, but I confirmed in my heart that this was a "pyramid marketing organization". Then he shouted loudly: "Open the door!"

They were sensible and opened the door for me quickly. The bunk arranged for me by

was the upper bunk. After I lay down on it, I searched for the characteristics of MLM organizations with my mobile phone and thought about how to escape.

Someone on the lower bunk smoked a cigarette. The smoke drifted to the upper bunk with the flow of air. I smelled it and it was quite fragrant, and then I fell asleep. While I was still conscious, I held the lit cigarette in my hand and put my hand on the crack near the window to prevent the smoke from extinguishing.

After a while, I was burned by the cigarette. I woke up quickly from the severe pain. I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom, opened the door, and wanted to run away quickly while they were sleeping. But I didn't expect that there was a person sleeping there behind the door. After I woke him up, he asked me what I was doing. I said go to the toilet.

looked at the door carefully and not only closed the bolt but also locked it. It seemed that there was no hope of escaping from the front. I can only find another way.

After entering the bathroom, I carefully looked at the building below the bathroom while taking a shower. There is a food stall downstairs, and there is a shed in the back, which should be convenient for handling chicken, duck and fish on rainy days. The windows in the entire room are covered with stainless steel bars, except for the bathroom.

I put on my shoes, took my mobile phone and precious documents with me, and jumped out of the toilet window on the third floor. Because there was a shed, I had a buffer, but I still sprained my foot during the second jump. I didn't care whether I made any noise or not and limped forward.

Originally, I wanted to run down the alley, but it was dark there. Considering that they might be more familiar with it than me, I ran directly in the direction of where I got off the bus.

ran through the streets for more than two minutes. It was already 1 o'clock in the morning. I don't know if they are chasing me. I just know that it's not a good place to stay for a long time, so I can only keep running.

ran under an overpass and saw a cement pipe underneath. By this time I was already tired from running, so I didn’t care so much, so I just got in and hid...

The buzzing mosquitoes woke me up. It was already 5:30. I looked at my phone, and there were 4 Grid electricity.

climbed out of the pipe and looked around. It was getting brighter and the surrounding scenery could be seen clearly. I checked the location on my mobile phone and found that my location was not far from the bus stop, so I got up and went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. During this period, I was restless and looking around, for fear that they would catch me, take me back and whip me with a whip...

html At 05:45, the car came. I didn’t care where I was going, so I got on the car first. I told the Citybus driver about my experience. After hearing this, the driver thought I was a lunatic and didn't want to put in the coin. When he was about to yell at me, he saw that my upper and lower body were covered with dust. He swallowed the lesson he was about to say. I can only be asked to cooperate in taking a photo so that I can submit it to the company.

When I arrived at the transfer station, I said thank you to the driver and got off because I saw a cash machine next to me.

I took out the remaining 200 yuan in the card, bought some cheap clothes, and waited at the station for the bus to my classmate's house...

In the restaurant, my classmate looked at me and listened to my experience, filled with indignation, and shouted to call the police. deal with. I just said lightly: "Forget it, as long as everything is fine, all you have left there are some clothes."...

After dinner, I asked him to borrow 1,000 yuan and planned to rent a house nearby. Then find a job nearby and stabilize it first...

Blame yourself for being impatient, blame yourself for wanting to prove yourself too much, blame yourself for not understanding the current situation of society, and thinking that "earning more than 10,000 a month" is very simple. In short, everything In the final analysis, I still blame myself for being too young, unable to reach heaven in one step, and unable to become fat even in one bite.

After returning to the rental house, I thought about this incident carefully.

first takes advantage of young people's impatient and aggressive mentality that does not understand society, and then takes them to shopping malls to lose themselves in the bustling city. Then they use compassion and enthusiasm to build a relationship, and then take you to exercise. It seems ordinary, but you didn't eat during this period. Your body will definitely be very relaxed after exercise. If I give you a good meal, you will definitely be grateful. Humans are social animals. When others are doing the same action, you will definitely imitate it and eventually lose yourself.

I guess, if I hadn't run away, I would have been like them the next day, a walking zombie, as if my consciousness was controlled by someone, and I would beat you if you didn't obey.

Finally, I would like to advise students who are just starting out in society that pie will not fall in the sky, but will only fall into traps. After you go out to work, you must understand the local salary situation and don't blindly follow anyone's words.

Today’s job search software, most of the “monthly income over 10,000” jobs that don’t even require work experience are scammers.

The last sentence: "You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others."

In 2016, from the moment I stepped out of high school, I was full of confidence in the outside world and considered myself

In 2016, from the moment I stepped out of high school, I was full of confidence in the outside world and considered myself

In 2016, from the moment I stepped out of high school, I was full of confidence in the outside world and considered myself

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