Xinjiang's loss at night can hardly conceal one person's brilliance. The 30-year-old man blasted 20+6, and his strength proved worthy of the 7 million contract

On January 25th, Beijing time, the CBA regular season continued to play. The Xinjiang men's basketball team lost 93-100 to the North Control Men's Basketball Team. In this campaign, the Xinjiang men’s basketball backup guard once ordered Xu to play 34 minutes off the bench, 8 of 16, scoring 20 points, 6 assists and 2 rebounds. The overall performance was remarkable, but the continued downturn of the forward line was helpless and the team’s free throw percentage was poor. , This allowed the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team to have the initiative to win the game many times, but it did not turn into a breakthrough. It could only regret to accept the loss of the game.

However, the Xinjiang men’s basketball team lost the night. For Zeng Lingxu, a three-year-old man, he is definitely a local player who can leave with his head high. Due to injury problems, he did not enter the starting list, but he can start from the game. The trend can be seen, as long as it is a debut, it is just a fight for the floor, or a fast break to move forward, activate teammates, keep the pigs sufficiently aggressive, etc., contribute all of their own energy, refer to his desperate efforts. His degree and professional attitude prove that he is worthy of the 7 million contract.

Many fans think that Zeng Lingxu's 7 million contract, which makes Ah Dijiang coach between Xirelijiang and Zeng Lingxu, can only make one choice. In fact, this rumor has no basis.

Because when the CBA salary limit started, Zeng Lingxu had already signed a three-year 21 million contract with the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team. It was only in a sensitive time period that Xirelijiang’s contract was difficult to match, which caused him to leave. Including Kolanbek the same.

Combined with the rematch stage of last season, coupled with the current overall performance, Ah Tejiang reuses Zeng Lingxu's choice, which is currently extremely wise, because the small foreign aid has not returned to the team for a long time, and Yu Dehao is one A local player who is difficult to maintain enough output on the offensive end for a long time, which means that Zeng Lingxu plays an irreplaceable role in the sorting of key balls and the first-hand selection of activating teammates.

Compared with the Beijing Shougang Twin Towers and most of the current maximum salary contracts of CBA, Zeng Lingxu's 7 million contract is definitely a very conscientious and cost-effective performance.
