As we all know, the Chinese women's volleyball team recently ushered in a peak showdown with Italy in Turkey. After the game finally came to an end, the Chinese women's volleyball team unfortunately lost 1:3 to the Italian women's volleyball team, and ultimately missed the semi-f

As we all know, recently the Chinese women's volleyball team ushered in the peak showdown with Italy in Turkey . After the game finally came to an end, the Chinese women's volleyball team suffered a very unfortunate defeat at 1:3, losing to and the Italian women's volleyball team , and ultimately missed the semi-finals and were eliminated. For the Chinese women's volleyball team, this time they can only return to China for quarantine, and then after resting and adjusting, they can go abroad to participate in the World Championships in September or October.

From the current point of view, the failure of this game is indeed very sad news for the Chinese women's volleyball team, including the fans who are quite disappointed. After all, the Chinese women's volleyball team has maintained victory in the past few years when facing the Italian women's volleyball team, so this time the game was so difficult and lost by so many points, which is indeed unexpected and a bit difficult for fans to accept. Such a gap.

From the current point of view, for the Chinese women's volleyball team, after losing this game, they received all kinds of bad news one after another. For , Cai Bin, , it is really a disaster that never comes singly.

Just recently at 8 o'clock in the morning, according to media reports, after the game, the International Volleyball Federation officially announced an update to the rankings of this issue of the World Women's Volleyball Team. Judging from this ranking, the Chinese women's volleyball team has dropped from third to fourth in the entire world rankings.

Before the Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team once ranked first in points. However, with the disastrous defeat in the Olympics, it has not been able to achieve very good results. After that, the rankings dropped one after another, and finally fell to the current level. The fourth place does make the fans a little sad. This ranking says it all, that is, the overall strength has declined, including the results in this competition that were not particularly ideal.

So for us, if we cannot achieve great results in the World Championships, the entire world ranking may undergo new changes. Therefore, in the subsequent games, the Chinese women's volleyball team must really work harder to get this ranking back.

In addition to the overall decline in the ranking, which is bad news for Cai Bin's coaching staff, the players also showed a bad state in this game, which is also bad news for Cai Bin.

Looking back at the entire game, we can find that the reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team lost the game was mainly because there were many mistakes. To be honest, the Italian women's volleyball team did not play particularly well in this game. They made many mistakes, including Egnu 's condition was not the best. So in the post-match interview, their coach Mazzanti said that the performance in this game was not as good as before.

But in the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team still failed to seize the opportunity. If they could seize the opportunity like they did in the third set and catch the opponent off guard, the Chinese women's volleyball team could win this game. But it is a pity that whether it is Li Yingying or Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan , the overall performance is not very good, but the overall mistakes are still too many. In the end, the opponent still seizes this opportunity. We are sorry to lose this game.

Obviously, this game showed a lot of nervousness and mistakes, which is bad news for Cai Bin. This problem is a traditional problem of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the past. Even in the Tokyo Olympics, there was no way to get good results because of too much pressure and burden.

So for us, this problem is an area that needs to be adjusted in the future. If this problem cannot be adjusted quickly in the future, we may suffer more losses in subsequent games.

Overall, I hope the Chinese women's volleyball team can learn from this experience. Although this competition has reached the goal set before the competition, it can still be better. I hope to work hard and achieve better results in the subsequent World Championships starting in September.