As the free market opened, the Philadelphia 76ers, who had selected their targets early, immediately signed four people. Judging from the five people signed by the 76ers, the team's tactical intention is very obvious, to enhance the depth of the lineup and make up for the shortco

With the opening of the free market, the Philadelphia 76ers , who had chosen their targets early, immediately signed 4 people. Judging from the 5 people signed by the 76ers, the team's tactical intention is very obvious, to enhance the depth of the lineup and make up for the loss. The lineup is insufficient. These four people are PJ Tucker, DeAndre Jordan, House and Trevelin Quinn. What is interesting is that among the four newly signed people, three of them were former Rockets players, plus those who were already in the 76ers. Harden , the 76ers have a total of 4 Rockets players, and they are jokingly called the "Philadelphia Rockets" by the outside media.

html The goal of the 176ers in the new season is still to chase the championship. For this goal, the 76ers have communicated with Harden many times, trying to get Harden to make concessions on the contract amount, so as to free up more salary for the team to sign some contracts that will be helpful to the team. player of. After several negotiations, the two sides seemed to have formed a united front. Harden declined to implement the $47.4 million player option for the final season and became a free agent. He is currently waiting for the 76ers to renew his contract.

The main reason why Harden made the concession was that he wanted to gain some honors at this stage of his career, and the championship was one of them. The 76ers took advantage of this to get the two parties to reach an agreement. Judging from Harden's past performance, this is simply unbelievable. In this agreement, Harden is very likely to give up a lot of salary space and sign a non-maximum short-term contract with the 76ers.

A reporter from Philadelphia revealed that the 76ers and Harden will start discussing contract renewal next week. Salary experts analyze that the 76ers now need Harden to make concessions in order to reduce the team's total salary to within the league standard, and Harden's annual salary must be controlled at around 35-37 million to achieve this. Therefore, Harden's annual salary is most likely to be 3,500. About ten thousand US dollars.

html Among the four newly signed by the 176, three are former Rockets players. Among them, P.J. Tucker and House are Harden’s former teammates. In the 2018-2019 season and the 2019-2020 season, all three were with the Rockets. In terms of playing, it is worth noting that these two also performed at their highest in these two seasons. In addition to the improvement of the Heat last season, Tucker left the Suns and followed Harden to perform at his highest in recent seasons.

76ers signed a three-year, $33.2 million contract with P.J. Tucker. This contract is considered to be more appropriate. Tucker’s annual salary in the last year of the Heat was $7 million. The Heat tried to renew Tucker based on this annual salary. about. The 76ers stood up and snatched him away. When negotiating with Tucker, the 76ers promised a contract of at least 30 million US dollars for three years. Now the contract is more than 1 million per year, which is enough to show the sincerity of the 76ers.

Tucker's arrival will be of great help to the 76ers. His defensive ability can make up for the 76ers' shortcomings at the 3rd and 4th positions. Tucker made great progress in all three areas last season, averaging 41.5% three-point shooting for the 76ers. Create a lot of space.

At the same time, the 76ers also signed former Rockets player Trevelin Quinn for 2 years and US$3.3 million. Quinn played 10 games for the Rockets last season, averaging 4.3 points and 1.6 rebounds per game.

signed House for 2 years and $8.5 million. House moved to three teams last season, from the Rockets to the Knicks , and then from the Knicks to the Jazz. During his time with the Jazz, House averaged 6.8 points, 2.7 rebounds and 1 assist per game, and his three-point shooting percentage was 41.5%.

Currently, the 76ers have signed three former Rockets players, but they are not satisfied. News revealed that the 76ers are pursuing the Rockets' most accurate outside player last season- Gordon . Gordon averaged 13.4 points, 2.7 rebounds and 1.9 assists per game with the Rockets last season and shot 41.2% from three-point range. The Rockets trained new players and reduced the number of Gordon's shots, so Gordon's scoring declined.

A reporter from Philadelphia revealed that the 76ers have signed several Rockets players in succession and are also pursuing Gordon. The main purpose is to stimulate Harden's state. He hopes that this group of familiar people can inspire the "Rocket Harden" state. . If the 76ers get Gordon again, then Harden will have three former teammates in the 76ers. Tucker, Gordon and House are all old friends who have experienced several seasons together. The 76ers are trying to use these people to get Harden back to his old playing style.

Not only that, the 76ers also made up for Harden. Harden made concessions on salary. The 76ers also acquired these Rockets players to make Harden more relaxed and comfortable in the team and ease the tension among the team. Atmosphere, only in this way can the 76ers team be more harmonious.

Seeing so many Rockets players joining the 76ers, not only did he think of some possibilities, but could their arrival inspire Harden's fighting spirit? Can Harden recreate the classic "salt" move in Philadelphia? Can he recreate the passionate Harden he once was? Worth the wait!

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