Like any good golf shot, a successful chip shot needs to be accurate and reach the correct distance. Of course, these are easier to achieve on a chip shot because the distance and swing are short.

2024/06/2912:39:32 sports 1708

Like any good golf shot, a successful chip shot needs to be accurate and achieve the correct distance. Of course, these are easier to achieve on a chip shot because the distance and swing are short.

But in golf, easier doesn't mean easier to do. Although chipping may seem simple, many golfers struggle to achieve consistent contact. Unless you hit the ball consistently, you're going to be plagued by distance control issues.

The most common mistakes when chipping are playing deep and thin. Although the results are opposite, the cause is often the same mistake - trying to hit the ball up into the air.

Just like making a full swing with an iron, the chip shot must be struck in a downward direction, with the loft of the club playing a role in sending the ball into the air. The following drills will teach you the proper technique to make chipping as easy as it looks.

Like any good golf shot, a successful chip shot needs to be accurate and reach the correct distance. Of course, these are easier to achieve on a chip shot because the distance and swing are short. - DayDayNews

One-Handed Batting Drills

Most of what you need to know about this drill is given in the title. Yes, you will be chipping with only one hand. This may seem a little difficult, but it's one of the best drills you can do to improve the way you hit the ball when chipping. This drill is so effective that some golfers even use it on the actual downfield to start chipping with one hand during the game. We don't recommend that you get that aggressive, but it's a great drill that will go a long way toward improving your chipping performance.

So, which hand do you think you would use to chip the ball in this drill? If you guessed it was the left hand, you would be correct. Follow the steps below to hit some quality chipping drills using only your left hand.

  • Before you start, you need to prepare a few golf balls , a place where you can chip the ball, and a chip shot. Choose a flat area with short grass for your chip position. Also, you'll want to use a wedge with a slightly wider loft, such as a sand wedge. Have 5-10 balls ready to ensure you don't have to walk back and forth to the green too often to retrieve your balls.
  • Before practicing, you need to choose a goal. Since you're chipping with only one hand, the target you choose should be as simple as possible. For example, choose a hole in the middle of the green, and don't set the chip distance to a range that requires hitting the ball very hard. The ideal goal setting is that if you encountered this ball on the court, you would think this ball is very easy.
  • After selecting the target, place the ball on the ground and prepare your shot. You should prepare for the shot as you would a normal shot, and you should have both of your hands on the club. Only when you are steady and ready do you take your right hand away from the club. During the swing, your right hand can be placed neatly into your trouser pocket, or it can be placed directly behind your back.
  • Next up is batting practice. Since you only have one hand to control and move the club, you need to focus more on your shoulders. Just like you do when putting, use your shoulder action to move the club and your left hand to stabilize the club, but nothing else. Your left wrist should remain flat throughout the entire swing, giving you a solid feel at impact.
  • When doing this drill, the first few shots you hit may not necessarily be good. But that’s okay, stick with it and see your progress as you practice. As long as you pay attention to the fundamentals of the movement, you should be able to hit a clean chip shot in no time.
  • can be divided into groups of 20 balls. The first 15 balls can be practiced with one hand. It is best to return to normal two-handed hitting with 5 balls. When hitting the ball with two hands, continue to maintain the movement pattern and feel of a one-handed ball. You'll find that your confidence in chipping will be greatly increased, and you will have better impact on the ball.

Like any good golf shot, a successful chip shot needs to be accurate and reach the correct distance. Of course, these are easier to achieve on a chip shot because the distance and swing are short. - DayDayNews

This drill will teach you a lot about how to control the club without an active right hand in the short game. Most amateur golfers use too much of their right hand when chipping, and this drill is designed to fix that problem. Even if you put your right hand back on the club, don't give it too much control. Use your shoulders primarily to move the club and let your left hand guide the club into position for solid shots time after time.


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