China, Japan and South Korea lost their first game, South Korea bowed their heads, Japan was unwilling, China happily clocked in and got off work

2021/09/0422:31:02 sports 1317

The selection for the 2022 World Cup World Cup preliminaries has officially started, and the Asian arena is in full swing. The three East Asian teams, China, Japan and South Korea, all lost in the first round of the top 12 matches. China has no suspense and lost 0 to 3. To Australia, Japan lost 0 to 1 to Oman, South Korea tied Iraq 0 to 0, but for them, this result was a loss.

China, Japan and South Korea lost their first game, South Korea bowed their heads, Japan was unwilling, China happily clocked in and got off work - DayDayNews

What is interesting is that the performance of these three teams after the loss can be described as very different. As we all know, the former Chinese, Japanese and Korean football teams are a force that cannot be ignored in the entire world. In 2002 The World Cup made these three football teams shine all over the world. Subsequently, Japan and South Korea, through various policies and reforms, built the team into a world-class team. On the other hand, Chinese football has fallen into the golden dollar football. Among the surface illusions, various reforms, various capital investments, and various coaches have made the Chinese men’s football team a joke all over the world. representative.

China, Japan and South Korea lost their first game, South Korea bowed their heads, Japan was unwilling, China happily clocked in and got off work - DayDayNews

This kind of game and grouping is a piece of cake for Japan and South Korea. South Korea actually drew with Iraq in the whole game. After the game, the camera was given to Sun Xinghan. At this time, he looked indifferent. He lowered his head and didn't speak, but still greeted his opponents and teammates friendly. It can be seen that he was very dissatisfied with this result. It is estimated that he is also contemplating this performance and the next response. The Japanese football team lost 0 to 1 to Oman. You know, the Japanese team attached great importance to this game, and even recruited overseas players. They suffered a loss at the beginning of the game. This kind of result was a great blow to them. The players' faces were full of unwillingness and their eyes were very hollow.

China, Japan and South Korea lost their first game, South Korea bowed their heads, Japan was unwilling, China happily clocked in and got off work - DayDayNews

Obviously every team does not want to lose in the first game, but the performance of the Chinese men's football team is surprising. After the 0-3 loss to Australia, it was like nothing. Exchange of jerseys, the Chinese team's mentality and performance in this game is obvious to all. The players on both sides can't be called opponents at all, just like they knew each other before. After the game, they even started to talk about their own routines. Their faces were full of joy. It seems that 0-3 is already very good. At least they didn't let their opponents kick twice. Digit score,The Chinese players don't have any feelings, just like they are usually clocked in and off work, playing football is work, winning or losing is another matter.

China, Japan and South Korea lost their first game, South Korea bowed their heads, Japan was unwilling, China happily clocked in and got off work - DayDayNews

The performance of these three Chinese football teams after the loss can be seen, why the Chinese football team has been so desperate, there is no so-called sense of honor and competitiveness, and playing football is regarded as a job to get off work. Destined to not have good results.


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