With the advancement of human science and technology, humans now have a certain understanding of the universe. Modern science believes that our universe was born 13.8 billion years ago. 13.8 billion years ago, a singularity exploded. The singularity is A point with infinite mass,

With the advancement of human science and technology, humans now have a certain understanding of the universe. Modern science believes that our universe was born 13.8 billion years ago. 13.8 billion years ago, a singularity exploded. A singularity is a point with infinite mass, infinite energy, infinite density, infinite heat, and infinitely small volume. After this point exploded, the universe began to expand rapidly. It took 13.8 billion years for the universe to expand into what we are now. As you can see, there are many celestial bodies in the universe. The stars, planets, comets, asteroids, neutron stars, etc. these celestial bodies we see were all created after the Big Bang. Our earth is a planet in the solar system. , there are eight planets in the solar system, they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter , Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Among the eight planets, only the earth has given birth to life. Human beings are the most intelligent life on the earth. Human beings have been constantly exploring the mysteries of the world since their birth. Due to the limited technology of human beings, what humans have explored the most at present is In the solar system, according to the research of scientists, we can know that the mass of the sun accounts for 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system, and the remaining eight planets and other materials account for 0.14% of the total mass of the solar system. From the proportions, we can It can be seen that the mass of the sun is very large, the surface temperature of the sun is as high as about 5700 degrees Celsius, and the core temperature is as high as 15 million degrees Celsius. Since the birth of the sun, it has begun to release heat continuously.

The reason why life can be born on the earth is because the earth meets the basic conditions for the birth of life. Scientists believe that if other planets in the universe can also meet these basic conditions, then the possibility of life being born on other planets is also very high. In order to find extraterrestrial life. Scientists have also made a lot of efforts to study star life. At present, humans can observe very distant planets through the astronomical telescope . However, when scientists observe the universe, they find an unknown object larger than the earth near the edge of the sun. Moving back and forth, scientists determined through its movement pattern and frequency that it was not a planet. Since this mysterious object is not a planet, could it be a spacecraft of an alien civilization?

Scientists now generally believe that in addition to life on earth, there must be other life in the universe, and the civilizations of other life may be more powerful than human civilization. Based on the time of the Big Bang , scientists have calculated that at the time of the Big Bang One billion years after the explosion, the cosmic environment began to become stable. At this time, the first batch of planets in the universe began to be born, and the earth was not the first batch of planets born in the universe. If the first batch of planets born in the universe had already appeared on If there is life, then based on the speed of life evolution, advanced civilizations have already evolved on these planets. After billions of years of development, these advanced civilizations have become very powerful in technology.

Therefore, scientists believe that it is possible for alien civilization to create a very large spacecraft. Through the solar video released by NASA, we can see that this huge unknown sphere suddenly appeared, and this huge sphere moved for the second time. After the position, it stayed in this position for more than 20 minutes, and then disappeared. Through calculations, scientists speculated that the volume of this object was several times larger than the earth. However, in another video, we can clearly see This mysterious object appeared almost instantly, and then ran to another place within a second. According to calculations, scientists concluded that its movement speed is approximately 1.39 million kilometers per second, which is beyond human cognition.

Now we know that the fastest flight speed in the universe is the speed of light. The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second, which is equivalent to being able to circle the earth seven and a half times in one second. And this mysterious object is obviously flying faster than the speed of light. , which makes scientists feel very incredible. The once famous physicist Einstein believed that any object with mass cannot exceed the speed of light, and it is impossible to reach the speed of light, because once an object reaches the speed of light, its mass will Become infinite. In existing physics, there is no infinitely large or infinitely small object. Therefore, scientists believe that any object with mass cannot fly at the speed of light or exceed the speed of light.

And this mysterious sphere can move more than 1 million kilometers in an instant. This speed has exceeded the speed of light. Could it be said that alien civilization has mastered the method of exceeding the speed of light? Scientists believe that if alien civilizations can exceed the speed of light, then their civilization level has reached at least Level 2 civilization. Scientists divide civilization levels into 4 levels. At present, human civilization is less than Level 1 civilization and can only be considered a Level 0.7 civilization. , in addition, before this, NASA has also released many videos about mysterious aircraft, but currently scientists are not sure that these mysterious objects are spacecraft of alien civilizations.

However, some scientists believe that these mysterious objects passing by the sun may use the sun to replenish energy, so they will stay near the sun for a period of time. If so, then our solar system may still be at an important transportation hub. On the road, if scientists’ conjectures are correct, then humans need to be vigilant. If alien civilizations really use the sun to replenish energy, then they may have discovered the earth. If they want to occupy the earth, then with the fundamentals of human technology, There is no way to resist, so humans need to be vigilant now. This is why many scientists warn humans not to contact alien life easily, because we don’t know whether they are friendly to humans.

The editor believes that in the vast universe, it is impossible that life was born only on the earth. There are too many planets in the universe to count. With so many planets, there must be many planets on which life was born. However, human beings' current technology is still not there. They are not powerful enough, so we did not find them. In the future, with the advancement of human science and technology, humans will definitely be able to find alien life, but it will take a long time. The biggest problem facing humans at present is how to fly out of the solar system. Only by flying out Only in the solar system can we have a chance to find extraterrestrial life. However, the current flight speed of humans is too slow. According to human flight speed, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to fly out of the solar system, so humans must continue to work hard. The editor hopes that humans can fly out of the solar system as soon as possible. Do you have anything to say about this?