IT House has learned that the protoplanetary disk of a general binary star system is located on the same plane as the orbit of the star. However, reports say that the protoplanetary disk of this binary star system is at a certain angle with the orbital plane of the star, and the

IT Home July 15 news, according to Xinhua News Agency report, an international team led by Professor Zhu Wei of the Department of Astronomy of Tsinghua University recently announced the discovery of two rare star systems in the universe, named Bernhard-1 and Bernhard-2.

This system is composed of two central stars orbiting each other, surrounded by a disk of gas and dust, and the disk is at a certain angle with the orbit of the central star, showing the fantasy effect of " fog orbiting double star ".

IT House learned that generally the protoplanetary disk and the stellar orbit of the binary star system are located on the same plane. However, reports say that the protoplanetary disk of this binary star system is at a certain angle with the orbital plane of the star, and the protoplanetary disk will swing like a top. . Due to the occlusion effect, the total brightness of the binary changes cyclically. , Bernhard-1 dims for 112 days out of every 192 days, and Bernhard-2 dims for 20 days out of every 62 days.

The two binary star systems are 3,000 to 10,000 light years away from Earth.