He also served as commander and conducted three extravehicular activities. "My eyes are dazzled. I was on this flight. I wore reading glasses, and my hair has turned white. Some indicators of my body and physical fitness are not as good as before."

He carried out two manned missions

and served as the commander, and conducted three extravehicular activities

However, Zhai Zhigang said that he would also be convinced.

"My eyes are dazzled. I was

wearing reading glasses on this flight. , My hair has turned white

Some indicators of body and physical fitness are not as good as before."

Zhai Zhigang, who is nearly 56 years old, said

If he retires one day,

he will not be able to let go of his feelings for aerospace. "I have been working in aerospace all my life."

"We have left

a lot of regenerated water for you, please taste it."

In order to ensure that the astronauts stay in orbit for a long time

the core module of the space station is equipped with a

regenerative life support system

which can discharge the

astronauts Carbon dioxide , urine, water vapor and other waste

are converted into drinking water and oxygen and other substances

to realize the recycling and reuse of water resources in the space station

Ye Guangfu said

When I drank recycled water for the first time

I felt a little uncomfortable

But the recycled water was It is

that has been checked through layers of filtration.

The water that has finally passed the test

not only meets the drinking water standards

but is even far better than the drinking water standards

" Shen Twelve They often joke about

' We left it for you above. There is a lot of recycled water

You should try it."

"I also want a bathtub"

While living on the space station

Zhai Zhigang misses the most

Those ordinary living habits

"Drinking water, urinating and defecating

Wake up in the morning and wash your face, after exercise Taking a bath

is on the ground

We think the most conventional thing

is the thing in the sky that we miss the most and cannot realize." Zhai Zhigang feels that

sleeping in a space environment is more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.

There is no need for pillows. The entire cervical vertebra and head

are in a completely relaxed state.

It is conducive to sleep. Go to the ground

No matter how soft the bed is

Lying on it, I feel uncomfortable

"Peace, happiness, dreams come true, victory, happiness"

Do you still remember Wang Yaping's "little rabbit" doll hanging in the sleeping cabin


Wang Yaping introduced

This is his daughter's favorite doll

The daughter gave her the "little rabbit"

hoping that it would accompany her mother instead of herself

During the half-year flight in orbit

Wang Yaping often dreamed about her daughter

and would still be in her dreams. Holding her daughter in her arms

Waiting until the moment when she returned to Earth

and saw her daughter

Wang Yaping had a

"both familiar and unfamiliar" feeling

She immediately handed over the "star" customized before the flight mission

to her daughter

"This star There are words on it

"Peace, happiness, dreams come true, victory, happiness"

These are the things I want to do in space

and blessings for my daughter"

"I am in a bad mood now"

6 months of in-orbit flight

Complex Difficult missions

put forward extremely high demands on the physical and mental quality of astronauts

Their moods will inevitably fluctuate

Wang Yaping chose to greet his companions in advance

When he felt irritable and lonely

he would say to them: "I am now "In a bad mood"

Zhai Zhigang believes that

it is impossible in heaven to be in such a good mood every day

It is even more impossible to be in such a bad mood all the time

When you feel that you are going to get angry

just find other interesting things to do

Ye Guangfu mentioned

He would also get annoyed when he was in a hurry on a mission.

Both companions would help him soothe his mood.

"You have to chew it, take it off."

Although pilot is

the profession closest to astronauts

, there is a big difference between sky and space.

But it is a huge leap.

In addition to completing basic theoretical studies

Space environment endurance and adaptability training, etc.

8Hundreds of subject trainings that challenge physical and mental limits

Astronauts also have to face psychological torture and challenges

In 2010,

Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu

was also selected into my country's second batch of astronauts

Wang Yaping recalled

The first course at that time was advanced mathematics

It had to be mastered in 3 months

What undergraduates learn in one year

She started every day by getting up in the morning and just studying in class

"In the past three years, I have not taken a step out of the gate of Aerospace City . I have not gone shopping once."

Ye Guangfu said that the course is very brain-burning, but "you have to chew it and take it down"

I also hope that I can

be the one who sows the seeds."

In addition to the two spacecraft missions

Shenzhou 13 also carried out

two space lectures activities

three "space teachers"

in the " Tiangong Classroom" "

Two wonderful space science classes for young people

Wang Yaping said

Being a "space teacher"

is not only a sense of gain, but also a kind of happiness

"Our colleague, the young man, told me

He said Teacher Wang Do you know

I was actually one of the students who sat in the ground class when you were teaching in space


She felt that

this was also a kind of dream transmission

"This is the most beautiful love letter written by astronauts to the motherland"

China Space Station The flag

is in the same frame as the earth!

Looking up at the stars

The shining "Chinese Palace"

Every time they pass through the sky above the motherland

The Earth and the Chinese Space Station

But astronauts only need to look out the portholes

to find the direction of home

Taihang Mountains, Bohai Bay


This is so Clear and beautiful

Seeing this scene

netizens expressed

"How lucky I am to be born in China

This is the most beautiful love letter written by astronauts to the motherland"


"神十三" crew has returned with a full load

"神十"Four" crew members are taking over the baton

and are continuing to shine on my country's space station

I hope they can also receive the "blessings from the stars"

peace, happiness, dreams come true, victory


brings more stories and "Easter eggs"


Source: Communist Youth League Central Committee