People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv

2024/07/0208:55:33 science 1693

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together in peace. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other living things, then we had better anticipate more violent forms of invasion. So, where to start? That question has been revealed, and today, we're answering this particular question.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

What's the smartest thing to do when aliens invade? Do you regard the truth as your friend? Are you often curious about things? First of all, where do these aliens come from? The likelihood that another intelligent species will come from a neighboring planet or moon is very low, as we already have a good understanding of most of them, but so far... nothing! We already know a lot about the solar system and are learning more at an ever-increasing rate. We have placed landers on the Moon, Venus and Mars, as well as some satellites of other planets.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

We don’t yet have a good understanding of the internal conditions of gas giants, and we know very little about ice giants. But, generally speaking, if there is intelligent alien life, it is not in our solar system. A microscopic microbial life may live in the subterranean oceans of Europa or Callisto , but a communicative, all-conquering alien race is unlikely. In fact, in this case, the closest alien life to us may be living near Proxima Centauri , which is the closest star to the sun, 4.2 light-years away from the sun. But even a distance of 4.2 light-years is enormous.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

This means that if these hypothetical Proxima people could also travel at the hypothetical speed of light, they would still need four years of space flight to get here. Apart from some unpredictable things, living on Earth is very safe! Assuming that an alien society did undergo extremely difficult and expensive interstellar travel to reach Earth, then you can be sure that they are not just passing by and that they are here for a reason. If their reason is to take over, we're in big trouble. As Sun Tzu said in the ancient book "The Art of War Sun Tzu ": "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle." Understanding your opponent's motivations is the key to victory.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

In this scenario, we are unaware that aliens are invading us (perhaps unexpectedly) and they probably know all about us (already planning their arrival), so we are at a disadvantage by default. But, thinking quickly, we can at least anticipate their needs and some options here. They may want to settle on our planet because there are some problems on their own planet, or they may be looking for some Earth-specific resources and take them from us, or the Earth and the solar system may be just these aggressive aliens in the universe The Overlord is the latest in a long line of captives to be part of a growing interstellar empire.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

The fact that they are here immediately prompts us to ask why and react accordingly. The answer in Hollywood blockbusters is often simple - fight back, prepare all our troops, load up all our weapons, let them have it! In the real world, however, this type of resistance can really be futile. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons. First, humans have a home court. We live on our own planet with the resources we need for our long-term survival. We understand our planet – the resources we need to live long-term. We understand our planet—its terrain, its layout, where to hide and where to get things.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

In contrast, the aliens can only carry as many supplies as they can on their ships. There's no denying that those spacecraft could be behemoths in the sky, possibly even larger than Earth, and filled with technology we can only imagine. Our aliens will be limited to what they bring with them, though, and they'll also be entering relatively uncharted territory.If we were going to fight, we would probably want to have more warriors, at least the invading alien fleet would match 25 million to 30 million people, which is roughly the number of active military personnel in the world, assuming the whole world works together, it could be a lot Big assumptions. But then there are the shortcomings, which can mostly be attributed to technical capabilities. An aggressive alien species almost certainly has far superior technology than ours, the argument goes, and how did they get here. Even the most optimistic predictions tend to suggest that we're decades, maybe centuries, away from achieving any form of interstellar travel , but aliens already have it.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

Apply the same idea to weapons and firepower, and Earth would soon find itself completely powerless. No matter how many soldiers we have, or how well we understand the terrain of the continent, it will only add fuel to the fire for the aliens, and any attempt to fight back will only likely irritate them - and that's not a good idea. Then the next option is to run away - abandon Earth in front of our overlords (aliens) and try to find another planet to live on. Today, of course, this is easier said than done, but it may not be the case in the future. Even if moving to another planet is a simple task, there is a high probability that we will have no choice. Because if there really is a habitable world within reach, then our alien invaders may also occupy it.

For example, the moon may not be safe. If we go to Mars, or even further - although this is a very distant dream for us, it may become a reality for future humans. When we reach the red planet, we will most likely only find The aliens we've been trying to escape. Ultimately, for whatever alien army gets here first, an invasion of Earth will likely be just part of a plan to invade the entire solar system. So, unless we are in a stage where it is possible for us to break through ort cloud , something like this, we will have nowhere to escape. Of course, if aliens invaded Earth tomorrow, and Mars or even the Moon were not viable destinations, we would be inevitably trapped from the start. In all cases, running away is not an option. So we can't run away, and if we try to fight we'll be a target, so we have only one chance of survival - cooperate with them. Indeed, one of the most dangerous aspects of our struggle or resistance against such an incredible enemy from the very beginning is that it could dismantle humanity from within.

The world map may be divided into different factions, such as different countries or regions dealing with alien problems in different ways. Our alien travelers, then, are likely to find human infighting—chaos within our ranks—that makes their invasion much easier to begin with. But if humans as a whole can agree to cooperate, the experience becomes easier, hopefully safer, and potentially even profitable.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

From some perspectives, we can view this as surrender. But there is some wisdom in this white flag, because if, for whatever reason, aliens set their sights on our planet and we try to survive here, a cooperative stance can at least ensure the continuation of humanity. As for how we can establish harmonious relationships with other earthly creatures, that's another story - check out our video to learn more about 'How to Talk to Aliens' - and what it will mean once we do it Many things. First of all, we humans are not going to die, which is always a good thing. Then, we will inherit an unparalleled wealth of knowledge and a deeper understanding of the workings of the universe. Third point, if our alien visitors are willing to share, we will also have alien technology.

People always hope that if intelligent aliens suddenly visit the earth one day, then everyone will live together peacefully. However, not all extraterrestrial visitors are so friendly! If the history of human expansion and occupation is indicative of the behavior of all other liv - DayDayNews

Following that, we may also be able to explore other galaxies and star systems . You might even argue that cooperation would be best for aliens as well. If they simply destroy humans, then they have given up a valuable resource on the earth that they have acquired.Yes, if they have gotten this far, they may soon run out of Earth's resources...but we can hope! And at the same time, we can take some comfort in the fact that none of this is likely to happen anytime soon. First of all, although we suspect that there are alien creatures, in fact we do not know whether alien creatures really exist... Then of course we do not know whether alien intelligent creatures exist, or even if they exist, what will they look like? ’s... not to mention the earth, which is only one of billions of planets. Just because we think this is a beautiful and magical world doesn't mean that the rest of the universe is heading straight for us. If we hope to survive when aliens do arrive, we must at least try to find something in common with each other. It's not as exciting as some big-budget movies, but at least it's the smartest move when alien creatures invade .

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