In the eyes of many people, "alien" and "alien civilization" are synonymous with advanced civilization, and their civilization is much higher than human civilization. In many science fiction novels and movies, this point is particularly prominent. Aliens always appear to be omnip

In the eyes of many people, "alien" and "alien civilization" are synonymous with advanced civilization, and their civilization is far higher than human civilization.

This is particularly prominent in many science fiction novels and movies. Aliens always appear to be omnipotent, playing with human civilization at their fingertips, and can control human civilization without any effort. Although the situation at the end of the story changes suddenly, and human civilization basically defeats alien civilization with some unexpected wisdom, in fact that is more like wishful thinking.

How can an alien civilization that can visit the earth be easily defeated by human civilization?

Logically speaking, the alien civilization that can cross the vast interstellar distance and come to the earth must have a civilization far higher than human civilization.

Simply think about the height of development of human civilization today. We have only set foot on the moon. It is very difficult to reach Mars, which is a little further away, let alone the solar system. That is even more unrealistic. It will not be possible for a long time in the future. It's not realistic.

Therefore, logical analysis shows that alien civilizations that can visit the earth will definitely have the ability to crush human civilization. The height of their civilization is beyond the reach of human civilization.

It is not an exaggeration to say that alien civilization can even easily wipe out human civilization. It’s no wonder that Mr. Hawking once warned mankind not to launch human civilization information into outer space to avoid causing "fatal disasters."

However, will aliens who can come to the earth really attack human civilization? Perhaps we are too self-righteous and always judge aliens based on our own thoughts and thinking.

The most important thing is to look at the purpose of aliens visiting the earth. However, theoretical analysis shows that the purpose of aliens coming to the earth across the vast interstellar distance is unlikely to be just to destroy human civilization.

Let’s do a thought experiment. Suppose that one day in the future, human civilization realizes interstellar travel and comes to a distant alien planet and finds that there are many orangutans and monkeys living there. Will humans take action against orangutans and monkeys?

obviously doesn't.

However, this situation cannot be ruled out: In order to obtain the resources on that planet, humans have carried out various developments on the planet. In the process of development, they have indirectly caused the death of orangutans and monkeys.

Isn’t this what humans are doing all the time on earth today? In order to obtain forest resources, humans have cut down forests arbitrarily, causing many animals to lose their homes and become extinct.

Perhaps, alien civilizations will also cause devastating damage to human homes in the process of acquiring earth resources, but it is obviously unlikely that they will directly kill humans.

Alien civilizations capable of interstellar travel should be more like "nomads". Every time they arrive at a planet, they will mine all kinds of resources that can be used, and then go to the next planet.

In the eyes of alien civilizations, human beings are so insignificant that they don’t even bother to kill humans.

Another point is that we don’t have to worry too much about the arrival of alien civilizations, because the earth is too small in the universe, and the universe is so big, the chance of aliens finding the earth and humans is very small. The earth is not even a grain of sand in front of the universe, and it is almost impossible for humans to find a specific grain of sand on the earth.