The giant panda is my country's national treasure and a national first-level protected wild animal. When my country leases a pair of giant pandas, the annual rent collected is as high as 3.5-6.9 million yuan, not counting various other expenses such as building a panda park. It c

The giant panda is my country's national treasure and a national first-level protected wild animal. When my country leases a pair of giant pandas, the annual rent collected is as high as 3.5-6.9 million yuan, not counting various other expenses such as building a panda park. It can be said that the panda is one of the most well-known animals in the world. The whole world knows how precious the giant panda is. But in Yunnan, there was a shocking case of hunting giant pandas. Not only were they hunted, but their meat was also sold privately as game. What was going on?

Businessmen in Yunnan are selling giant panda meat as game.

At the end of 2014, the Yunnan Provincial Forestry Public Security Bureau received a report that someone was openly selling various "game" in Taiping Town, Shuifu County. Yunnan has more than 15 million hectares of high-quality forest resources, and the forest coverage rate has reached 50%. The good natural environment has raised a large number of precious wild animals. The number of animal species is the highest in the country, and it is known as the "Animal Kingdom". Because there are so many wild animals, Yunnan Province has done a very good job in protecting wild animals. The police rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the news.

The person who sells "game food" is named Wu Jichao, and he is a small businessman. Seeing the police approaching him, Wu Jichao jumped through the window and escaped without hesitation. However, a dragnet had already been set outside, and he was soon pushed to the ground. From Wu Jichao's freezer, the police found frozen meat of a series of wild animals such as mountain monkeys, pheasants, and bats. In addition to the identified pieces of meat, there was a large piece of unidentifiable meat.

"What kind of meat is this."

"I, I don't know, it's just some game meat."

Wu Jichao kept silent about the identity of this piece of meat, obviously he was worried. All the game was packed away, and the police conducted DNA testing on the unidentifiable meat. When the results came out, everyone's jaws dropped. On February 3, 2015, according to the test results of professional institutions, it was confirmed that the frozen meat in this batch was giant panda meat. The giant panda is a national treasure. How could anyone be stupid enough to hunt a giant panda? Whether people believe it or not, the facts are before their eyes.

The rare "national animal" giant panda

The giant panda is a unique species in my country. It mainly inhabits the mountain forests of Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places. It is a mammal of the bear family giant panda subfamily. In ancient times, people called the giant panda "Pi", "Pi Xiu" or "Tapir". In modern times, people also called it "Bamboo Bear", "Silver Dog" and "Hua Xiong". Later, Western countries named this unprecedented magical animal "Big Panda". The name "Cat Bear" was used in a specimen exhibition in Chongqing in 1939. However, at that time, Chinese was still accustomed to read from left to right. So "Cat Bear" became "Panda", and it was later passed down.

In the early days, our country did not provide special protection for giant pandas. Many hunters at home and abroad had hunted giant pandas, which made the already few giant pandas even rarer. Later, my country's protection mechanism for giant pandas became increasingly perfect. As of 2013, the number of wild giant pandas in my country has reached more than 1,860. And because of the thorough publicity work, no one will take the initiative to harm giant pandas.

Follow the clues and find the murderer

In order to solve this rare incident of giant panda hunting, the Yunnan police set up a task force and launched a comprehensive investigation into the case. Faced with a mountain of irrefutable evidence, Wu Jichao had no choice but to tell everything he knew. He told him that he had purchased this batch of giant panda meat from a person named Li Kequan, and that Li Kequan seemed to have other goods. The police immediately mobilized to find Li Kequan and followed the clues to capture Wang Bin who bought four panda paws. At Li Kequan's home, the police also found 9.75 kilograms of panda meat, a panda skin, and a panda gallbladder.

A tragedy caused by a sheep

Through interrogation, the police learned that Li Kequan was also a buyer and that his panda meat was obtained from the "Wang Brothers".Who are the "Wang brothers"? These two brothers, one named Wang Wenlin and the other Wang Wencai, are villagers in Longtai Village, Pu'er Town, Yunnan. The two brothers make a living by herding sheep. They usually look honest and honest, so why would they provoke giant pandas? It all started with an unusual night. On December 3, 2014, Wang Wenlin got up early and went to the sheepfold to look at the sheep. As he walked, he smelled a particularly strong smell of blood. Wang Wenlin knew something was wrong, so he ran over to take a look, and sure enough, a sheep fell down. In a pool of blood. It looks like he was bitten to death by some ferocious beast. For farmers, a sheep is half a life, which is a big loss. Angry, Wang Wenlin went to the warehouse and took out a large animal trap specially designed for catching wild beasts, and took out the gun he had collected for many years. No matter what kind of monster you are today, you have to pay a price.

Wang Wenlin went to the trap early the next morning to check. The animal trap had been tampered with, but nothing was caught. Apparently the guy who stole the sheep had run away. Armed with weapons, the two brothers gave chase. Following the footprints on the ground, they found the sheep thief, who looked like a bear, in a tree. Wang Wenlin took aim with his gun and successfully hit the old bear. It fell from the tree to the ground, but soon struggled to get up again and tried to escape. Wang Wenlin saw this and fired again. This time the old bear died completely. Looking closer, the two brothers realized that they had killed a panda. But something happened, so they kept doing nothing. They carried the giant panda home and took care of it. Some of them made soup and ate it, and the other part was sold to Li Kequan for 4,800 yuan. In Wang Wenlin's home, the police found two guns and giant panda bones. Wang Wenlin also knew that he could not escape and cooperated with the investigation throughout the whole process.

will eventually face jail time.

Places rich in wild animal resources are prone to conflicts between humans and animals. In recent years, our country has introduced many policies to compensate people who have suffered economic losses due to wild animals. This is especially true in Yunnan. There will be regular meetings to emphasize this matter, so it is impossible for the Wang Wenlin brothers not to know the preciousness of giant pandas. This time they are completely ignoring the law to vent their anger. According to relevant laws and regulations, Wang Zhilin was sentenced to 313 years in prison and fined 10,000 yuan for illegal killing, hunting of rare wild animals, illegal gun possession and other crimes. Wang Wencai was sentenced to 11 years in prison and fined 10,000 yuan for illegally birthing rare wild animals. Li Kequan, Wu Jichao and others who trade giant panda meat also face 1 to 4 years in prison and fines.

There are many precious protected wild animals in our country. Their numbers are rare and on the verge of extinction, but many people still harm them every year because of greed or ignorance. Protecting wild animals and rejecting the trade of wild animals is also protecting ourselves as humans.