When we look up at the sky, we can often see all kinds of strange-shaped clouds. Maybe we have long been accustomed to it, but recently more and more people have photographed rare clouds, and some strange phenomena are occurring at the same time. So some people assert that alien

When we look up at the sky, we can often see all kinds of strange-shaped clouds. Maybe we have long been accustomed to it, but recently more and more people have photographed rare clouds, and some strange phenomena are occurring at the same time. So some people assert that alien spacecraft are hidden behind the clouds. What do you think?

A cloud that looks like a tsunami

It's a lenticular cloud

While chasing a tornado near the small town of Earth, Texas, Laura Rowe captured this massive cloud filtered by soft sunlight.

Just some extremely crazy lenticular clouds over North Dakota

Extremely rare rainbow colored iridescent clouds over Vadodara, India.

These weird clouds

Mammatus clouds over Oklahoma

Ring clouds over the city

I'm not a meteorologist, but this appears to be a cumulonimbus with a lenticular cloud above it.

Cirrus clouds move over Lake Michigan . I'm sure there's an alien spaceship inside

There's a special cloud floating in the sky, unknown name

Rare spherical cloud

Bird-shaped clouds

Wave clouds on the beach earlier today

Spectacular lenticular clouds over Mount Fuji .

The night sky during a thunderstorm

These clouds form the shape of a skull

Incredible clouds in the Italian Dolomites

High-altitude thunderstorms

Polar stratospheric clouds

This huge cloud about to cover my town is arranged almost perfectly


This photo of a storm near Grand Cayman is stunning with those purple clouds!

Photographer Jeff Miles witnessed upward firing lightning in Western Australia and was able to capture the electrical current shooting from the tops of the clouds.

Godzilla Cloud

I went to the lake today and I caught a glimpse of a rainbow colored cloud.

volcanic eruption mushroom cloud

punch cloud, a spectacular hole formed in the clouds.

These are called "Scud Clouds". This was recently captured in South Carolina .

The color of the sky

Cumulonimbus clouds over Africa seen from space

Lonely clouds

"Crown flash" is a rare meteorological phenomenon.

This lenticular cloud I saw yesterday lasted about half an hour and reminded me of a giant UFO

A textbook morning glory cloud

A rainbow wrapped around a rain cloud

It looked like a "nuclear explosion" Storm clouds look like rain clouds that just leveled our town

Nimbus clouds off the beach

You've seen cube clouds and spherical clouds, but have you seen a communist cloud?

The small island of Lítla Dímun is often covered by its unique clouds.

A rare cloud phenomenon in eastern Victoria, Australia

These clouds that look like UFOs are called lenticular clouds. They occur in mountainous areas.

lenticular cloud.

. Mount Etna 2. Lenticular clouds 3. The shadow cast by clouds on Mount Etna can be seen in the sky.

Creates clouds at right angles

Two lenticular clouds hover over Mount Rainier

What is this? Just flew over my house and all the air around it changed from dark to glowing with cloud rings.

I saw this strange cloud while running

This ever-changing cloud is a little suspicious

Objects in the sky near Reading, Pennsylvania

Classic triangular mysterious objects over Shanghai