There are many "masters of camouflage" in nature. They can blend themselves into the environment to avoid predators or ambush prey. Today, Mr. Naodong brings you the top ten "invisible" animals on the earth. If you were in the wild, could you spot them at a glance? As per the old

There are many "masters of disguise" in nature. They can blend themselves into the environment to avoid predators or ambush prey. Today, Mr. Naodong brings you the top ten "invisible" animals on the earth. If they were in the wild, could you spot them at a glance?

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is good, tenth place, flounder . Flounder looks very strange. Its eyes are on one side of its body. It has a flat shape and no swim bladder. It basically moves on the seabed. Despite their inconspicuous appearance, flounder are among the best camouflage masters among fish.

Flounder have a colored side of their body, often with orange spots and patches, which allows them to blend in with the colors of the seafloor. They also cover themselves with sand by constantly shaking their pectoral and anal fins, leaving only two eyes to observe the outside world.

When flounder hide, prey or predators with poor eyesight cannot see them. In addition, some flounder can also change their color to match the color of the environment and better hide themselves.

Good, ninth place, guano frog. The famous name of the guano frog is Malay leatherback tree frog . It mainly inhabits the tropical rain forests of India, Malaysia , China and other places. They are small in size, mostly only 3 centimeters in length. They have raised spots on their bodies. Their main color is brown, while their buttocks, head and sides of the body are white.

The body color of the Malayan leatherback tree frog is not special, but the combination and matching can have miraculous effects. Because of their small size, when they lie motionless on the ground, they look like a pile of bird droppings from a distance, so they are also called guano frogs.

Looking like daddy is not a glamorous thing. But for the guano frog, being disliked by others can save lives at critical moments. Even if natural enemies see them, they will think it is "real" bird droppings and walk away in disgust.

Below is the eighth, leaf-tailed gecko. gecko Everyone should have seen it. Our common gecko is not big. The leaf-tailed gecko is the "giant" in the gecko family, with a body length that can generally reach 30 centimeters.

Of course, their large size is only the most common characteristic of leaf-tailed geckos; their most peculiar feature is their camouflage. The color of the leaf-tailed gecko is very similar to that of dead leaves. The tail is flat like a leaf. The stripes on its body are very similar to the veins of the leaves. The edges of the head and tail have jagged depressions, just like leaves that have been bitten by insects. It plays a very strong camouflage role.

When they imitate dead leaves, they look almost real. Even if a natural enemy comes right in front of him, he may not be able to spot this master of disguise.

seventh place, Lin Wei , an ordinary little genius in disguise. Wood Owl is the general name for all birds under the order Nighthawks, family Wood Owl, and is a relative of the owl. But compared to the ferocity of owls, wood owls are much less courageous. When encountering natural enemies, they will remain motionless and pretend to be dead.

When natural enemies appear, the forest owl will adjust itself to a "frozen" posture. The feathers on 's body tightened and the muscles tensed, masquerading as a dry branch. Due to their superb camouflage skills, they are usually invisible to natural enemies. Moreover, in order to camouflage itself more closely, Lin Ou can remain motionless for several hours.

Even a hungry predator would probably not have the patience to wait for Lin Ou to expose himself. In addition to avoiding natural enemies, the wood owl's camouflage can also confuse insects, waiting for them to suddenly attack when they pass by to complete the prey.

is good, sixth place, stick insect . Stick Insects are the collective name for animals under the Insecta Subclass Pteroorders Stick Insects. Their bodies are slender and have obvious segments, which are similar to bamboo . The color of stick insects is mostly dark brown, and a few varieties are green or dark green.

In nature, whether it is dark brown or green, it is very common.So by imitating tree branches and bamboo, stick insects can be easily captured. As a nocturnal animal, stick insects are basically inactive during the day and stay on the branches, camouflaging themselves through the color of their bodies.

Too high or too low temperature and low light can make the body color of stick insects darker, and conversely, it will become lighter. This color change also helps them hide themselves.

fifth place, leafworm . Leaf insects are also insects of the order Stick Insecta, but their appearance is quite different from stick insects. Stick insects are slender, while leaf insects are wide and look like a leaf.

Leaf insects are mostly green and have stripes similar to leaf veins. What's even more amazing is that they can also "fake" the defects of chewed leaves on the edges of their body surface, making their disguise look more realistic. 's appearance alone is enough to confuse the enemy, but Ye Chong still insists on polishing his "acting skills."

When they crawl, they sway their bodies back and forth, just like leaves blown by the wind. This acting skill really beats some of the lesser talents in idol dramas.

is good, fourth place, orchid mantis , the insidious predator in full bloom. The orchid mantis is the most beautiful species in the order Mantis, mainly distributed in Southeast Asia.

It is said that the more beautiful the animal, the more dangerous it is, and the same is true for orchid mantises. They have perfect camouflage. They can adjust the color of their bodies according to the depth of the flower color, and their limbs have evolved a structure and color similar to petals.

Especially the female orchid mantis looks like a brightly colored orchid; They stand quietly in the grass, attracting insects like a flower. Insects cannot tell the difference between true and false, and when they fly over to try to collect nectar, they are already standing under the scythe of death.

ranked third, withered leaf butterfly . The dead leaf butterfly, also known as the dead leaf butterfly, is mainly distributed in Southeast Asian countries and also in central and western my country. From their names, you may have guessed that dead leaf butterflies look like dead leaves.

Other butterflies are colorful and very beautiful. The color scheme of the dead leaf butterfly is basically brown, which makes it look ordinary. When the dead leaf butterfly is resting, there is a dark brown horizontal line from the top corner of the forewing to the hip corner of the hind wing, plus a few diagonal lines, which resembles leaf veins. The camouflage color of allows the dead leaf butterfly to better avoid natural enemies.

In addition to being able to camouflage, the dead leaf butterfly is also very good at flying, flying high and agile. When they are chased by birds, they fly in an erratic manner and then fall into the trees, folding their wings to disguise themselves as dead leaves to get away from the predator.

is good, second place is Dwarf Seahorse. Speaking of which, the pygmy seahorse is still a relatively new species, only discovered in 2009. There are a total of 5 species of dwarf seahorses. All new species seahorses are less than 2.5 cm in length. is one of the smallest vertebrates known.

Can you find the pygmy seahorse?

Pygmy seahorses are extremely good at camouflage and are mainly found in coral reefs in the Red Sea and Indonesia. In order to camouflage themselves, they have evolved colors similar to those of coral reefs. Coupled with their curved bodies and protruding skin, hides on corals , which is perfect.

What's more, they are still small, so predators are really easy to trick them. In fact, if it weren’t for the extremely keen eyes of underwater photographers and divers, we might not be able to discover this mysterious new species.

is obviously better,

is the first, willow eel . Strictly speaking, willow eel does not refer to a specific species, but eel and other fish larvae development process of a specific period . Fish such as Japanese eels, moray eels , and naked-breasted eels can all be collectively called willow eels in their larval stages. Their bodies are flat, transparent, and as thin as willow leaves.

During this period, their bodies are not composed of fish meat in the conventional sense, but composed of mucopolysaccharides . Therefore it appears transparent.

When the willow eel is in seawater, its transparent body is the perfect camouflage. As long as they stay still, they can basically merge with the sea water, making them very difficult to detect. But when they grow up, they will lose this perfect disguise. I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse.