Many cultures in ancient times attached great importance to astronomical events, such as the ancient Indians and the ancient Mayans. They developed a complex system to observe events in the sky.

Indian prodigy Anand brought you the latest prediction video on June 30. The video predicted what may happen from the second half of 2022 to 2023. So what predictions does Anand have for the future, and what is the nature of astrology predictions?

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Many cultures in ancient times attached great importance to astronomical events, such as ancient India, the ancient Mayans, etc. They developed a complex system to observe events in the sky. In India, the Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa (Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa) is one of the earliest known Hindu astronomy and astrology (Jyotisha) texts. The Indian prodigy Anand uses Indian Vedic astrology. In addition, Anand is also proficient in multiple foreign languages. In addition to his mother tongue, he can also speak fluent English and understand Tamil. , Hindi, etc.

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Anand’s prediction in the June 30 video predicted that the epidemic will begin to improve after 2023.

Anand said in the June 30 video that although the epidemic problem still exists now, the epidemic problem will not happen after 2023. It will no longer be a problem that bothers people. In fact, scientists have also predicted that the epidemic may improve in 2023. A research article published in the Journal of Medical Virology stated that the COVID-19 pandemic may be over by 2022, but by 2023, COVID-19 may be twice or twice as lethal as seasonal influenza. This prediction takes into account the emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants and is supported by the characteristics of the Omicron variant and other facts. In this study, scientists used nonlinear regression to analyze the global mortality and case fatality rates of COVID-19, and derived the relevant predictions above.

Screenshot of a research article published in the Journal of Medical Virology

However, there are variables in predicting the end of the epidemic, such as whether new popular variants of the new coronavirus will emerge in the future. Everyone also knows that after the original strain of the new coronavirus, mutated strains such as delta , Omicron , and some sub-variants of Omicron have appeared. And as the virus continues to spread among the population, this increases the chance of the virus mutating.

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In addition to predicting the epidemic, what other predictions does he have for the future?

Anand predicted natural disasters and some important events - Anand said in the video that due to people's destruction of the natural environment, more extreme weather and natural disasters occur more frequently. Nature is responding to human actions, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and some water-related natural disasters. There is also the Tonga volcanic eruption in January 2022. This is the largest volcanic eruption since the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, and the most powerful since the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. An eruption.

According to NASA analysis, the power of this eruption was "hundreds of times more powerful" than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima . The eruption was the largest explosion in the atmosphere recorded by modern instruments, far larger than any volcanic event or nuclear bomb test in the 20th century. According to relevant studies, the Tonga volcano was the most violent eruption in the past 140 years, as powerful as the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia, which was one of the deadliest and most destructive volcanic events on record. The eruption sent pressure waves across the globe that had rarely been observed before and triggered an unexpected tsunami wave. The Tonga volcano eruption pushed huge plumes of gas, water vapor and dust into the sky, causing huge pressure disturbances in the atmosphere and causing strong winds.

In fact, everyone should be relatively familiar with the issue of climate change without Anand’s prediction. Nowadays, due to climate warming caused by human destruction of the environment, the probability of extreme weather is increasing. If humans continue to destroy the environment in the future, extreme climate events will become more and more frequent.

The above are the relevant predictions made by Anand in the video on June 30. So what is the essence of astrological predictions? Is it really reliable?

Astrology has now been proven to be a pseudoscience, and it cannot predict things on earth. Scientists have also conducted some tests on astrology, such as Sean Carlson's "Double-Blind Experiment in Astrology" . No evidence has been found to support the effects outlined in traditional astrology. Most astrology makes vague, untestable statements that, as a result, apply to just about anyone. There are also many astrologers who claim that planets can affect people, such as magnetic fields and gravity. However, scientists have verified that these are not credible because the magnetic fields of large but distant planets (such as Jupiter ) measured from the Earth are much smaller than those produced by ordinary household appliances. No matter how these planets are arranged, their impact on the earth and people will be very small (far less than the impact of the sun and moon on the earth).

There is also the so-called prophecy, which is an after-the-fact explanation and can also be considered as the hindsight effect. The general meaning is that after the incident happened, some people said that they had expected the outcome of the incident to be like this, but these people did not express any thoughts before the incident happened. It can be thought of as the effect of hindsight bias, which explains some of the so-called predictions of major events. For example, most of the so-called prophecies of figures such as the prophet Nostradamus (Nostradamus) are so vague that there is almost no explanation before the event occurs, making these so-called prophecies unable to predict the future at all. Tool of.

However, after the event, its proponents can emphasize the "hits" and ignore the "those that didn't" prophecies by using selective thinking. Details are then forced into the prophecies to make these so-called prophecies look more believable and give the impression of accurate "predictions", while those that are inaccurate are omitted. In short, the so-called predictions are unreliable, so everyone can just watch predictions for entertainment. That’s it for today. I’m Fire Sect Lord. See you next time!