Boston-based auction house RR Auction recently had an unusual item up for auction: 40 milligrams of lunar dust and three dead cockroaches. They were valued at more than $400,000, but the auction was urgently stopped by NASA. What's going on? ?

Boston-based auction house RR Auction

recently had an unusual lot:

40 milligrams of moon dust and 3 dead cockroaches

Their estimated value was over $400,000

But the auction was called an emergency call by NASA Stop

What's going on?

The lunar soil being auctioned this time

In 1969 Apollo 11 launched

Humanity's first lunar landing mission

Astronaut Armstrong said the famous sentence

"This is one small step for me,

But But it is a big step for all mankind.”

The footprints left by Armstrong on the moon

The lunar dust sample in this auction

is the one brought back from the moon by Apollo 11

Scientists want to know

whether the lunar soil is harmful to living things

So they ground about 2 kilograms of lunar dust

A part was put into a water tank to expose aquatic species

A part was mixed with food and fed to insects

Scientists did not find

The organisms died due to exposure to lunar dust

After that, NASA put German cockroaches that had eaten lunar soil corpses

were handed over to entomologist from the University of São Paulo

Marion Brooks for research

Swipe left (don’t slide if you are afraid of cockroaches)

Brooks dissected these cockroaches

and found nothing Signs of disease and pathogens

Lunar soil also did not damage the cockroach's stomach cells

The July 31, 1970 issue of Science published

"Apollo 11: Lower animals exposed to lunar material"

The paper explains 10 species Lower organisms

were exposed to lunar materials for 28 days

No pathological effects caused by exposure to lunar materials were found

But after the study was completed

NASA did not take back these samples

So Brooks collected three cockroaches, lunar soil samples

, news clippings, and postcards Hang them on the wall together as a memorial wall to commemorate Brooks. In 2007, Brooks passed away. Three years later, her daughter sold these souvenirs for 10,000 yuan. After that, they came to the RR Auction auction house and were appraised. After paying a high price of US$400,000,

NASA said: "According to regulations,

all Apollo samples belong to NASA.

No person, university or other entity is permitted

to retain them after analysis, destruction or use for any purpose,

especially for sale or personal display. "

The current auction has been suspended

NASA lawyers asked the auction house to cooperate with the current owners

Return these materials

After reading this story

I can't help but raise some doubts about NASA's ability to manage space objects


The auction The bank also recently sold the manual controller handle of Apollo 17

Source: Comprehensive editor of China Popular Science Network

Picture source: RR Auction

Editor: Mao Mengnan

Review: Wang Fei

Final review: Chen Lei