"The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42", without universal values ​​such as love, eternity, and world peace, it is just such a boring number, 42.

Elon Musk wrote the phrase "Don't panic" on the screen of Roadster, which should indeed be remembered from time to time. If one day, human beings discover that the universe is void, we can also laugh at ourselves optimistically at that time. Don't panic".


Don’t ask, it’s 42.

There is a classic security guard's three questions. From ancient times to the present, after thousands of years, it has been repeatedly asked and answered by countless people with great wisdom. In fact, it can be simplified into one question, what is the meaning of life? This question has a myth in the science fiction circle, and the answer is 42. Why 42? Unfortunately, after tens of millions of years of calculations, in the last five minutes when the results were finally coming out, the supercomputer was turned into dust due to road construction, and there has been no answer since.

Regarding the origin of this meme, in fact, Elon Musk made a big advertisement. On February 6, 2018, Musk’s Space There is a copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and a towel in the glove box of the billion-year-old sports car. "Don't panic" is written on the central control screen. In fact, the words on the towel and the central control screen are derived from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." This book.

The central control screen of the Roadster convertible:

This book has been adapted into radio, film and television dramas, and the movie has been a hit once it was released.

The robot who flaunts his high IQ and is dejected every day Marvin , important props towels, various All kinds of T-shirts have become hot-selling peripheral products, and the

books and movies have ordinary stories, but are full of British humor and self-deprecation. The protagonist Arthur encountered an opportunity to get rich in China. His house was decided to be demolished by the government. Arthur also resorted to the same method as a nail house in China, lying in front of an excavator to block it. Later, he was pulled down by his alien friend Ford. Go and tell him a shocking news. In order to develop the remote areas of galaxy , the Milky Way Management Committee decided to build a highway. The earth is an obstacle and is about to be destroyed. At the last moment when the earth was destroyed, the two finally escaped on an alien spaceship. Ford gave Arthur a book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", but it didn't work. He didn't read the book and couldn't sit still. , the owner of the spacecraft, the Vogon, threw the two out of the spacecraft. The two held their breath and had to be rescued within 30 seconds, otherwise they would die. The probability of the two being rescued is one in 2079460347.

This small probability event that is infinitely close to 0 actually happened. The two people landed on the spaceship of the President of the Galaxy. On the spaceship, there was Arthur's long-awaited heroine Cui Lien. They discovered that there is an intelligent race. In order to get the answer to the ultimate question. The answer, built the second most powerful computer in the Milky Way, and after 7.5 million years of calculations, they finally got the answer, which is 42. "The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42", without such universal values ​​as love, eternity, and world peace , it is just such a boring number, 42. To know why it is 42, it takes 10 million years to build the most powerful computer in the Milky Way, and the Earth is the most powerful computer. When there are still 5 minutes to calculate the answer, the Earth, a planet in a remote area of ​​the Milky Way, needs to The construction of the Galaxy Highway was turned into powder by the Vogons.


Wilson How to see the meaning of human existence.

On the blue planet in the corner of the Milky Way, a carbon-based organism , Professor Edward Wilson , known as the contemporary Darwin , answered this question and wrote a small book "The Meaning of Human Existence", because he wanted to make it together. I bought it because won the Pulitzer Prize and won the Pulitzer Prize. After reading through it, I have to complain about Zhanlu Publishing House. Such a small book sells for 69.9, and it also has a lot of line breaks and blank spaces. Let’s take a test at the beginning. What does the bunch of ads at the back mean?

We can’t ask whether the famous old man is still traveling to Hexi. Such a grand theme covers everything from biology, history, society, religion, and culture. Each theme is more than just a glimpse of the water, it is like flying a fighter jet passing by. It feels like an unscrupulous editor has cobbled together various speeches into a book. It lacks logic and a running theme. It also needs insufficient content and blank spaces to make up the book, and then uses Wilson's name to harvest it. Zhanlu Culture , I can only laugh.

Back to the book itself, if I say the harvest, the single most touching point is that according to Wilson's point of view, human beings are trapped between two extreme forces. If we completely follow the instinctive drive generated by individual choices, society will Fall apart, if we completely succumb to the instincts generated by group selection, we will become angelic and kind-hearted robots, completely losing the essence of human beings.. This also reminds me of Gentleman Country in " Mirror Flowers " I read when I was a child. I had a question at that time. They are really all altruistic. I can't imagine how ridiculous bargaining in the market is. These two forces promote the continuous progress of human society. Through conflict, human society and intelligence evolve .


Seize the moment, Don't panic!

Back to the ultimate question, apes are the ancestors of carbon-based organisms that cannot answer, and the answer 42 given by a silicon-based supercomputer after tens of millions of years of calculation is even more meaningless. It's a nonsensical joke, but it is precisely this kind of gag and banter that implies that the ultimate question is unknowable, and even if there is an answer, it is incomprehensible. It's better to seize the moment, just like when the beauty Cui Lien invited Arthur to Madagascar , Arthur should seize the moment even more. After all, the earth may be demolished in the next second because of road construction!

In addition, the sentence "Don't panic" written by Musk on the roadster screen should indeed be remembered from time to time. If one day, human beings discover that the universe is void, we can also laugh at ourselves optimistically at that time. Don't panic".

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