On June 27, the China Atomic Energy Agency held the second quarter forum in Beijing. Experts and scholars attending the meeting conducted in-depth exchanges around the theme of "Nuclear Fuel Empowering Development" and provided suggestions and suggestions for the development of t

Source: Study Corps · Chinese Bugle Author: People's Liberation Army Daily reporters An Puzhong and Wang Lingshuo

html On June 27, the National Atomic Energy Agency held the second quarter forum in Beijing. Experts and scholars attending the meeting had in-depth exchanges around the theme of " Nuclear Fuel Empowerment Development" and provided suggestions for the development of the nuclear fuel cycle industry. Dong Baotong, deputy director of the China Atomic Energy Agency, attended the forum and delivered a speech.

Dong Baotong said that the nuclear fuel cycle industry is an important foundation for the development of the nuclear industry. Without an advanced nuclear fuel industry, the nuclear energy industry would become "water without a source, a tree without roots, and cooking without rice." It is necessary to further improve the understanding of the strategic status and role of the nuclear fuel industry, accurately grasp the essential characteristics of the high-tech strategic industry of the nuclear fuel industry, carefully analyze the characteristics and special laws of the international nuclear fuel market, and promote the nuclear fuel cycle industry to embark on a successful path of high-quality development. road.

Dong Baotong pointed out that China's nuclear fuel cycle industry started from the "two bombs and one boat" project and has made outstanding contributions to national defense construction and economic and social development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has successively realized technological upgrading of the entire nuclear fuel cycle industry chain, with some technologies reaching the world's advanced level, and the construction of a closed nuclear fuel cycle system has been accelerated.

Dong Baotong emphasized that it is necessary to accurately grasp the current stage characteristics of the development of the nuclear fuel cycle industry, assess the situation, and step up research and formulation of scientific and effective nuclear fuel cycle industry policies. In the next step, the China Atomic Energy Agency will focus on the overall goal of building an internationally competitive advanced nuclear fuel cycle industrial system, focus on the two key links of technological innovation and management improvement, and promote the three key points of optimized layout, digital transformation , and green development to promote The development of the nuclear fuel cycle industry has reached a new level.

China Atomic Energy Agency Secretary General Deng Ge gave a keynote report on the development of the nuclear fuel cycle industry. China Nuclear Energy Industry Association , China National Nuclear Corporation , China General Nuclear Power Group , and the China Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Technology Support Center respectively focused on the "double carbon" goal. , and made special reports on the impact of nuclear power’s “going global” strategy on the nuclear fuel cycle industry. The forum released the International Observation on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle.

It is understood that China’s nuclear fuel cycle industry mainly includes uranium geological exploration, mining and metallurgy, uranium purification and conversion, uranium enrichment, component manufacturing, reprocessing, decommissioning of nuclear facilities and radioactive waste treatment and disposal.

After more than 60 years of independent innovation, reform and development, China's nuclear fuel cycle industry has achieved a leap from "zero breakthrough" to "international advanced" in many key areas. The third generation of uranium mining technology has achieved industrial-scale application, and uranium enrichment technology has achieved After upgrading, independently developed nuclear fuel elements have begun mass production, and the scale of the nuclear fuel cycle industry ranks among the top in the world. Generally speaking, China's nuclear fuel industry system has laid a relatively solid foundation for the development of nuclear energy and effectively met the needs of national development.

This forum is hosted by the China Atomic Energy Agency and hosted by the National Nuclear Security Technology Center and the China Atomic Energy Agency News and Publicity Center.

Author丨People's Liberation Army Daily reporters An Puzhong and Wang Lingshuo

Source丨Study Legion (ID: xuexijuntuan)

(Study Legion·China Bugle Produced)