We are pleased to announce that the impact factor of the journal "Chinese Neuroregeneration Research" in 2021 reached 6.058, an increase of 18% from the previous year, ranking in the Q1 division of neuroscience and the Q2 division of cell biology, including 274 journals in the ne

Just now, Clarivate Group released the 2022 Journal Citation Report (JCR). We are pleased to announce that the 2021 impact factor of the journal "Chinese Neuroregeneration Research (English version)" (NRR) reached 6.058, an increase of 18% from the previous year, ranking Neuroscience Q1 Division , Cell Biology The Q2 division of field is , which ranks 60th among 274 journals in the neuroscience category (JCR Q1) and 69th among 194 journals in the cell biology category (JCR Q2). This is our first entry into the Q1 division of the Neuroscience category!

NRR2021 subject ranking:

NRR total citation frequency trend chart:

NRR impact factor trend chart:

We would like to thank all the journals Supporters: Our editorial board team has been outstanding and has supported and helped the journal grow and mature; our Our team of reviewers, who provide timely and thoughtful review comments to ensure the excellent academic quality of articles published in the journal; our readers, who believe that the quality of NRR papers is worthy of attention and citation; and finally, and most importantly, our Authors who choose to submit their excellent articles to NRR!

We hope you can continue to pay attention to and support NRR, let us continue to work hard, and hope that NRR will be more successful in 2022!