So far, do you know the 11 Chinese who have won the Nobel Prize?

Since the establishment of the

Nobel Prize, as of 2019, a has awarded a total of 919 individuals and 24 groups, of which 4 individuals and 1 group won twice and 1 group won three times. Hard-working and intelligent Chinese have also left their footprints in the history of the Nobel Prize. Up to now, a total of 11 Chinese have won the Nobel Prize.

Nobel Medal

1. Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957

strong215strong born in Hefei, Anhui 192216strong, 1922 Graduated from National Southwest Associated University , won the Boxer indemnity scholarship in 1945 to study in the U.S., studied at University of Chicago , and entered Princeton Spa1span Institute of Advanced Studies in 1948. Research work also started his cooperation with Li Zhengdao here.

Mr. Yang Zhenning

In 1956, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao published a paper together, overturned one of the central information of physics-the conservation of parity elementary particles and their mirror image The performance is exactly the same. The following year (1957), Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao won the Nobel Prize in Physics for proposing the parity non-conservation theory. Yang Zhenning was 35 years old at the time. Since Yang Zhenning became American citizen in 1964, he was still Chinese when he won the Nobel Prize. In 2015, Yang Zhenning gave up his American citizenship and became a Chinese citizen.

Li Zhengdao , born in Shanghai in 1926, Suzhou, Jiangsu, was admitted to Zhejiang University Department of Physics in 1943, transferred to the National Southwest Associated University in 1944, and went to the United States to study at the University of Chicago in 1946. In 1955, at the age of 29, Li Zhengdao became the youngest full professor in Columbia University in more than 200 years of history. In 1956, he and Yang Zhenning jointly proposed the theory of parity non-conservation, and the two won the Nobel Prize in Physics the following year. Li Zhengdao was 31 years old at the time. Since Li Zhengdao became American citizen in 1962, he was also Chinese when he won the Nobel Prize.

Mr. Li Zhengdao

2, Ding Zhaozhong, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1976

Ding Zhaozhong, born in Rizhao, Shandong, was born in 1936 in in the United States of in Michigan. He returned to China with his mother when he was swaddling a month, but because of the frequent wars in China at that time, he had not been able to receive traditional education. In 1948, Ding Zhaozhong went to Taiwan with his parents. In 1956, he went to the United States to study at at the University of Michigan and obtained a doctorate in physics from the University of Michigan at .

Mr. Ding Zhaozhong

In 1974, Ding Zhaozhong discovered , a long-lived neutral particle with a mass about three times the mass of a proton and named it "J particle". In 1976, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded Ding Zhaozhong and Richter were given to for their pioneering work in discovering a new type of heavy elementary particles. Ding Zhaozhong was 40 years old.And he himself is also a foreign academician of many countries and an honorary professor of many universities.

3. Li Yuanzhe, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1986

Li Yuanzhe, born in Hsinchu City, Taiwan Province, China in 1936, completed the primary to master's level in Taiwan, 1962, Li Yuanzhe went to the United States

span2span University of California, Berkeley is a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry and received a Ph.D. During his Ph.D. studies, he has a keen interest in the use of crossed molecular beams to study reaction kinetics.

Mr. Li Yuanzhe

In 1986, Li Yuanzhe and Dudley Hirschbach from Harvard University , from John University of Toronto, Canada, , , John University, Canada, , and . Won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in recognition of their research results in the reaction kinetics using the cross molecular beam experimental method. At that time, Li Yuanzhe was 50 years old. In 1994, Li Yuanzhe gave up his American citizenship and returned to Taiwan. He himself is also an academician of many countries.

4. Zhu Diwen, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997

Zhu Diwen, born in 1948 in USA University of Missouri_span_span_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1_span1

span2span PhD in Physics,Inaugurated at Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1978. In 1997, Zhu Diwen won the Nobel Prize in Physics for “inventing the method of cooling and trapping atoms with a laser” at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory . At that time, he won the Nobel Prize together with American scientist William · Phillips and French scientist Coen Tanuji .

Mr. Zhu Diwen

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Diwen once served in the US government. He was the 12th Secretary of Energy of the United States. This is an experience that no other Nobel laureate has ever had. .

5. Cui Qi, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1998

Cui Qi, born in 1939 in Baofeng County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, completed high school in Hong Kong in his early years, went to the United States for further studies in 1958, 1967 Obtained a PhD in physics from at the University of Chicago in , USA, and worked at Bell Labs after graduation. In 1998, Cui Qi, German scientist Horst Stemmer and American scientist Robert Laughlin won the Nobel Prize in Physics in recognition of their discovery and explanation of the special phenomenon of electronic quantum fluids. Because Cui Qi had already become American citizenship before that, although he was born in Henan, he is already the sixth Chinese to win the Nobel Prize after Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao.

Mr. Cui Qi

6. Gao Xingjian, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2000

Gao Xingjian, born in Ganzhou, Jiangxi in 1940, under the education and writing of his mother during his childhood And painting produced a strong interest. In middle school, he came into contact with a large number of foreign language books. Under the influence of family and external environment,Gao Xingjian gradually took the road of literature.

Mr. Gao Xingjian

In 2000, Gao Xingjian won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his novel " 灵山". Since he had already obtained French nationality in 1997, he was no longer a Chinese at the time of the award, but He is the first Chinese writer in history to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

7. Qian Yongjian , won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008

Qian Yongjian, whose ancestral home is Hangzhou, Zhejiang, was born in New York in 1952 and is the nephew of Mr. Qian Xuesen . In 1968, 16-year-old Qian Yongjian won the first prize in the " Westinghouse Science Talents Trial ", which is also known as the "Juvenile Nobel Prize." While studying at , Cambridge University, England, Qian Yongjian used chemical technology to invent the organic dye , which dramatically changes the fluorescence when combined with calcium.

Mr. Qian Yongjian

In 2008, Qian Yongjian and were the three of , biologist Martin Salfi and Japanese organic chemist and marine biologist Shimomura The research on green fluorescent protein won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry of the year. Qian Yongjian passed away in 2016 at the age of 64.

8. Gao Kun, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009

Gao Kun, born in 1933 in Jinshan County, Jiangsu Province (now Jinshan District, Shanghai), after graduating from middle school, Gao Kun went to , East London Wool, England Study at Vicky Institute of Technology,In 1965, Gao Kun obtained a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University College London . In 2009, Gao Kun won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his breakthrough achievement in "the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication".

Mr. Gao Kun

Gao Kun is very knowledgeable in optical fiber and won the Nobel Prize for his research in optical fiber, so he is also called " the father of optical fiber ", "the father of optical fiber communication" "And "The Godfather of Broadband." Gao Kun passed away in Hong Kong in 2018 at the age of 84.

9, Mo Yan, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012

Mo Yan, born in Gaomi, Shandong in 1955, was transferred to the countryside for 7 years during the Cultural Revolution, and joined the army in 1976 and officially became the first Chinese People’s Liberation Army. During his four years as a librarian in the army, he read a lot of books, which laid a solid foundation for his future writing. In February 1988, the film of the same name adapted from his novel " red sorghum " won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin film festival , becoming the first Chinese film to win the highest honor in the international category A film festival. In 2012, Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his numerous literary works, becoming the first Chinese nationality Nobel Prize in Literature winner.

Mr. Mo Yan

10. Tu Youyou, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015

Tu Youyou,Born in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province in 1930, his name comes from "Yoyou Luming, Ping of Shiye" in 's " The Book of Songs·Xiaoya ". In 1951, he was admitted to , majoring in biopharmaceuticals, Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Peking University. After graduation, he has been working at Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine ( was renamed Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in 2005).

She has been engaged in the research of traditional Chinese medicine and the combination of Chinese and Western medicine for many years. has created new antimalarial drugs artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin. In 1972, she successfully extracted a colorless crystal with the molecular formula C15H22O5 and named it artemisinin . She won the Lasker Award and because the artemisinin that she discovered has saved millions of lives in the world, especially in developing countries. Outstanding Achievement Award in Life Science". In 2015, she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine . The reason given by the jury is that the artemisinin she found in can effectively reduce the mortality of malaria patients.

Ms. Tu Youyou

Tu Youyou is the first scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Science. On January 9, 2017, she won the country's highest science in 2016 . Award, On December 18, 2018, the Party Central Committee and the State Council awarded Comrade Tu Youyou the title of pioneer in reform, and awarded the reform pioneer medal .


So far, a total of 11 Chinese have won the Nobel Prize, of which 6 have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, 2 have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and 2 have won the Nobel Prize in Literature , 1 won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. They are the pride of the Chinese community. Worthy of our admiration, they also proved to us that Chinese, especially Chinese, are no worse than foreigners. With the improvement of China's national strength and the rapid development of scientific research, it is believed that more Chinese people will win the Nobel Prize in the near future.

However, the first Chinese Nobel Prize candidate was Wu Liande . He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1935. The candidate was the first Nobel Prize candidate in the Chinese world. The literary master and Shen Congwen also passed the Nobel Prize for Literature. Ma Yueran, the only Sinologist on the Nobel Prize Committee, once revealed that if Shen Congwen did not die, then he would get the Nobel Literature in 1988. However, he died before the Nobel Prize was awarded in 1988, and one of the rules of the Nobel Prize is not to award the deceased person.
