Why does the human body ignite spontaneously? The latest views will take you to understand the "true murderer"!

We live in a dangerous world, with all kinds of flammable and explosive things around us. We have seen houses on fire and plant stalks burning, but have you ever seen our bodies catch fire suddenly? This kind of thing sounds completely impossible, but the phenomenon of human body spontaneous combustion does exist.

The phenomenon of spontaneous combustion of the human body has a long history and is not fabricated out of thin air

According to records, one of the earliest events with sufficient evidence that the human body can ignite spontaneously was recorded in 1963 by the Danish anatomist Thomas Bartholin One thing: There is an old woman named Parician, who returned to her room to rest after drinking one night, but she did not expect to be burned the next morning to the skull and finger bones, but there was nothing in the room. Signs of fire.

After reading this incident, some people may think that this does not mean that the old Parishian woman died because of her body's spontaneous combustion. Because no one saw it, the following incident can directly prove that the human body can indeed spontaneously combust.

On September 20, 1938, at a dance party in Liverpool, England, a young woman who was dancing suddenly screamed. There was a fire on her body. People were helpless and could only watch. Watching her burn to death.

In addition, on March 26, 1986, a man named George Mott was burned in his home by a mysterious fire, leaving only a few bones, but the house he lived in was intact.

The events listed above are all considered by scientists to be caused by spontaneous combustion of the human body. So, why does the human body ignite spontaneously? What is the murderer?

Is the real culprit of human body spontaneous combustion "burning particles"?

For hundreds of years, scientists have been exploring to uncover the secret of spontaneous combustion of the human body. There are many opinions so far. The most credible of them is that there may be a kind of "flame" smaller than atom in the human body. Particles, which can cause spontaneous combustion in the human body. However, this is only one of the most convincing guesses. Does the "burning particle" actually exist? How does it cause spontaneous combustion in the human body? It is still a mystery today.
