Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon?

2020/12/1310:57:02 science 2091

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

If you use an ordinary astronomical telescope to observe the moon at night when the weather is good, you can see the undulating landforms of the moon's surface and get a good observation experience. But have you ever thought that if you stand on the moon and look at the earth, you will How does it feel? Why do some people say that when looking at the earth from the moon, one will feel fear?

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

Gagarin was the first astronaut in human history. He was also the first human being to look at the earth in the universe. The ancients often said, "I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, but I live in this mountain." If human beings have not left the earth and entered the universe, they cannot imagine how huge the earth is.

The earth has a radius of 6371 kilometers and a surface area of ​​510 million square kilometers, most of which is covered by the ocean. The earth is a rocky planet. Although it looks azure from the surface, it is the densest terrestrial planet in the solar system. Only by observing it with your own eyes in the universe can you appreciate the hugeness of the earth.

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

Armstrong is the first person to land on the moon. In the Apollo project, a total of 12 people have landed on the moon and left their footprints on the moon. Only these 12 people have the opportunity to stand on the moon and look at the earth. , We can only experience the feeling of observing the earth from the moon through various photos.

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

Why does observing the earth from the moon make people feel scared? Fear is a common psychological activity. There are many reasons for us to have fear. Under normal circumstances, when we face a certain danger and cannot get rid of it, the strong inner worry is called "fear".

But in some cases, huge objects can also make people feel scared. This situation is called "giant phobia", and some astronauts also have such psychological problems, called "astrophobia" Or "cosmophobia".

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

In the early astronomical work of mankind, due to the lack of technological level, the number of astronauts participating in space missions was small and the working hours were relatively long. Being in a claustrophobic environment for a long time made some people suffer from "cosmophobia". Of course, with With the advancement of technology, this situation has greatly reduced until it disappears completely. Every astronaut needs to undergo rigorous training and screening before conducting a mission, and serious psychological problems will hardly appear.

Observing the Earth from other planets or space stations, why is it scary? The reason is actually very simple. For human beings, the earth is too large. Observing the whole picture of the earth will make people feel that they are extremely small. The earth is the homeland of mankind. Human culture is established on the earth. When you are on the moon or a space station, you will feel panic, because accidents in these areas will not be rescued from the earth. Any small accident will cause serious as a result of.

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

As a social animal, human beings are most afraid of "loneliness". Looking at the earth from the moon will increase a person's loneliness. The universe is immense, and there are vast numbers of planets in the universe. The earth and the moon are just a very common celestial system among countless planets.

For human beings, the earth and the moon are the only ones that cannot be changed. Human culture is on the earth. Most people cannot leave the earth in their entire life, and can only move within a limited range. You need to prepare many things for a long trip. , Not to mention the inner pressure that may be caused by leaving the earth.

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

Why is it scary to observe the earth from the moon? - DayDayNews

Voyager 1 probe was far away from the earth and took the famous "dark blue spot". In this photo, the earth is just a dim blue light spot, which is insignificant in the entire dark universe. See This photo also makes people feel a little scared.

For the entire universe, the earth may be insignificant. If the earth disappears, it will not have any impact on the universe, but for human beings, the earth is everything to us. Looking at the earth from another angle also allows us to think about the relationship between the earth and the universe from another angle.

If you were given a chance to become an astronaut, would you choose to seize this opportunity to enter the universe and look at the earth from another angle?

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