Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people,

2024/07/0106:13:32 science 1243

Among mammals, the gestation period of elephants is very long , which can be as long as about 22 months. Therefore, female elephants are very protective of their calves. When their calves are in danger, they always rush to protect and rescue them as soon as possible, and do not let the calves The elephant is harmed. Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province, , the central region of Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her, but the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people. People are worried about the safety of baby elephants.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

This drainage channel is about 2 meters deep. The baby elephant cannot get up on its own, and the mother elephant does not have enough strength to roll up the baby elephant with its long trunk. According to the surrounding residents, they heard the elephant calling last night, so It is very likely that this little elephant has fallen into the deep ditch for a night or so. The longer it goes, the more dangerous it will be for the little elephant..

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

The rescuers could not forcefully drive away the baby elephant, but if they tried to pull the baby elephant away at this time, the elephant would inevitably think that it was hurting the baby, and the elephant would retaliate and attack it. Therefore, the rescuers decided to anesthetize the elephant first. This also happened a touching scene. When the mother elephant was given three doses of sedatives, she immediately became unsteady, but just when she was about to faint, she stumbled towards the baby elephant, and finally fell into the drainage ditch, her head He stood close to the entrance of the cave, as if he was trying his best to protect the little elephant even if he was about to faint.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

The rescuers quickly started the rescue, first rescuing the female elephant, and the veterinarian immediately performed CPR on the female elephant, because when the elephant fainted, her head also hit the entrance of the hole, and she was probably injured. The staff on the other side also rescued the baby elephant, and the baby elephant immediately came to the mother elephant. touched the elephant with its head and trunk, and also tried to wake up the mother elephant . After the efforts of the veterinarian, the mother elephant also began to wake up. The rescuers quickly evacuated and allowed the baby elephant to walk back into the forest.

  • Elephants’ touching behaviors of protecting their calves

Calf protection is an instinct of animals, a behavioral ability that they are born with. It is also obvious in female elephants. They will do their best to protect their cubs. prevents baby elephants from being left alone or injured when they are harmed by other animals, and also makes every effort to prevent predators from attacking baby elephants.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

For example, in June 2021, in Yuxi, Yunnan, a group of Asian elephants heading north entered the jungle and disturbed the pheasants hiding in the grass. The pheasants were frightened immediately when they saw the size of the elephants. Yuan Yuan escaped, but it also scared the elephants. The leading elephant immediately stopped walking. The elephant behind protected the young elephant and quickly approached the leading elephant. The two adult elephants protected the young elephant in the middle, even though Even such a small animal arouses the elephants' great vigilance.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

In May 2021, in a wildlife park in the central Israeli city of Ramat Gan, a group of elephants heard the air raid siren, which threatened the herd. The adult elephants quickly formed a circle , protect the baby elephant in the circle to prevent being attacked.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

In addition to showing fighting power when protecting their calves, elephants will also show their ferocity in protecting their territory. For example, in March 2021, in a farmland in India, when people were preparing to use excavators to reclaim farmland, an elephant was also The excavator's behavior angered the elephants as they ate plants on the farmland. In order to protect their territory, the elephants angrily collided with the excavator to drive the excavator away. This is also a common aspect of human-elephant conflict.

  • The emotional bond of elephant groups

Asian elephants are generally 5 to 6 meters long and weigh 3 to 5 tons. are the largest existing land animals in Asia . Male and female elephants are easy to distinguish. Female Asian elephants have no tusks, only male ones. Asian elephants have tusks. Wild Asian elephants are mainly distributed in tropical areas such as Southeast Asia and South Asia. The domestic wild Asian elephant population is mainly distributed in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

In the elephant population, baby elephants are the key protection objects of the entire elephant group. This is the elephant's calf-protecting instinct and behavioral habits. Baby elephants are strictly protected from birth, no matter they encounter large predators. The eater is still a relatively weak herbivore. If the elephant encounters a threat, it will immediately guard the baby in the middle.

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Recently, in Nakhon Nayok Province in central Thailand, someone found a baby elephant falling into a drainage channel. The mother elephant was guarding her. However, the mother elephant became very irritable and refused to let people get close to her. She even bumped into people, - DayDayNews

Elephants are social animals and are very affectionate towards the members of the group. When encountering a lone baby elephant, the elephant group will wait for the baby. When encountering a baby elephant falling into a puddle, the elephant group will try their best to save it. Knowing how to Take care of injured group members. When a companion dies, will have the behavior of "wailing" for the companion. Some elephants even know how to bury the companion among fallen leaves and branches. This is also an emotional bond among elephants.

pay attention to the six-dimensional nature, let nature take its course and understand nature !

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