According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a "zombie gene" in the human body, which tries to resurrect the dead.

2024/07/0103:17:33 science 1275
The zombies in

movies are usually infected by the so-called "corpse gas" after death and become zombies.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see.

However, a human study pointed out that there is a " zombie gene " in the human body, which tries to resurrect the dead.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Zombie Nemesis Lin Zhengying

In our impression, once a person dies, the genes in the body will slowly undergo apoptosis.

However, through tracking of genes in the body, scientists found that some genes become abnormally active after death.

So what exactly is the “zombie gene” and can it really bring people back to life?

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Resurrected zombies

Strange corpses

Scientists in Washington, USA, monitored the messenger RNA levels of dead experimental animals and found that they had abnormally active . The

messenger RNA is the RNA chain that matches one of the single-stranded when the gene directs the synthesis of the protein .

It stands to reason that after an organism dies, the cells in the body also die, and all life-related activities, such as the replication of the gene, the transcription of , , etc., will stop. The

messenger RNA is active, indicating that there is a gene synthesizing the protein in at this time.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Three kinds of RNA in the human body

Scientists followed the RNA and found that when the organism died, part of the gene in the body actually suddenly appeared , and was more active than before life.

What’s even more surprising is that the purpose of this gene’s existence is to “activate and ” in the human body.

It turns out that what doesn’t want the organism to die the most is actually the organism itself.

Because this gene is so weird, it tries to bring individuals back to life, so it is called the "zombie gene."

The so-called zombie gene is not a single gene of , but a combination of multiple genes participates in. Most of them appear in the brains of organisms .

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Resurrection from the dead

In modern medicine, human brain death is used as a sign of individual death.

Many people also have misunderstandings about brain death. They believe that brain death means that all brain cells have died and has died, so people will die.

In fact, brain death refers to the death of brainstem , that is, the function of brainstem is irreversible and stops .

The brainstem controls the breathing of humans. Its failure means that humans no longer breathe .

heartbeat stopped can also be restored by pressing, electric shock and other methods. brainstem has stopped and current medical technology cannot wake up .

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Doctors announced death

Scientists found that the brain stem dies, but brain cells do not necessarily stop working completely.

Scientists discovered more than 1,000 genes in the brains of mice. became active within According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a 4 hours after death, and the activity accumulated to the highest peak within within 4 days after .

Their number will gradually decrease the longer they die.

Since experimental mice can have zombie genes, humans should also have them, and human brain structures are more complex , so they will have more zombie genes than small white mice .

So, how do zombie genes work?

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

"Zombie genes" were found in mice

Zombie genes

Zombie genes are divided into three categories, and they play different roles.

The first type of zombie gene, which is also the fastest to die, is the gene in neuron cells. It exists for about According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a 2 to 24 hours . The

neuron is the most basic component of in the nervous system . Its function is to sense stimulation, generate excitement and conduct information .

In other words, when a person dies, the neurons do not die completely. Instead, they are fully fired and remain active.

If you go to to stimulate the body at this time, will there be pain? Scientists think there might be, but can't do anything about it.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Neuron cells

Scientists have done experiments before. They believe that people can still hear sounds after death because they found that neurons do not die immediately following the death of the human body, but will continue for a period of time.

This discovery made countless viewers shout. In "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Zhen Huan only told Prince Guo about the life experience of her two children after his death. Prince Guo most likely heard it.

The second type of zombie gene comes from within glial cells, which are the second most cells in the human nervous system in addition to neurons.

Its main function is to auxiliary neurons , distributes substances, repairs neurons and engulfs .

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

People may still be able to hear sounds after death

The active time of glial cell genes coincides with that of neurons. When the human body dies 12 hours ago, neurons have begun to decrease, and at this time, there are more glial cells.

Because glial helps neurons . When it finds that neurons have decreased, it will think that something is wrong with the neurons, so frantically rescues neuron .

appears, and the DNA inside it reaches its peak when the activity of neurons is at its lowest.

The third type of zombie gene accounts for 80% of the genes monitored this time. It is called " housekeeping gene " . After the death of the human body, it will try its best to control the cells in the body not to be destroyed and remain in their original state. .

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Glial cells

Among them, neurons and glial cells are under its control, and it is the main body of the entire set of zombie genes.

and the "housekeeping gene" is also active for the longest time, and usually decreases after 4 days.

Zombie gene Although has the purpose of trying to wake up the human body , it has no ability to wake up because the brain stem has stopped working and humans have no breathing.

Breathing will provide energy to the human body and maintain the operation of the body.

No longer breathing, these zombie cells are actually "burning" the last bit of energy in the human body.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Medical equipment breathing

The essence of zombie genes

Zombie genes are named for intuitive description. These three types of genes cannot resurrect humans. Scientists even believe that the so-called "zombification" is actually a continuation of return to light .

Retrospection, to put it mildly, is 's struggle before death . It is a collective explosion of body functions at the last moment, working for the last time under the command of the brain.

Because the body's firepower is fully activated, even people who have been ill for a long time will suddenly feel in good spirits . Their waists are no longer sore, their legs are no longer painful, and their food tastes better.

During the period of light return the human body is in overload exercise , and some organs have failed. It is the brain that controls the hormones secreted by the body to support the entire human body .

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

The return of light

When the hormones are exhausted, the return of light ends, and the person enters the dying stage and slowly moves towards death.

In this process, the brain that controls the body is not willing to give in. It still gives it a try , but it is a pity that the body is no longer under its control.

In other words, even if the doctor has declared brain death, the neurons, glia, and "housekeeping genes" in the brain are still active.

If scientists had not specifically monitored messenger RNA, it would be difficult to find that the three genes are still working .

Since these zombie genes finally lost their activity completely due to lack of energy, if gives them energy , can they resurrect people?

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Can people be resurrected?

people come back from the dead?

If zombies are given genetic energy, can humans come back to life ?

Of course not. As mentioned before, the essence of human death is brain death , and the essence of brain death is brain stem death .

As mentioned before, the loss of normal function of the brain stem is irreversible. No matter how active the brain cells are and how powerful the energy is, the brain stem cannot return to its previous appearance.

Then if zombie gene is fed at this time, a fearful situation may occur, that is, the person is dead but the brain cells are still alive, but the person cannot breathe.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Human brainstem

This is equivalent to the body becoming a "parasitic beast", living on the supply of nutrients.

However, even so, the body will still rot, because the zombie gene cannot keep the cells in the body as they are , and microorganisms will invade the body.

Put the body into the sterile room . Some of the microorganisms in the human body will also decompose the body from the inside out.

Scientists believe that resurrection and resurrection itself are contrary to natural principles and are impossible to achieve with current technology.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Resurrection is against nature

The body's production of "zombie genes" is not really about resurrecting living creatures, but a series of reactions made by the body before death.

The more advanced the organism is, the more complex its composition is. Even in the last moments of life, life must choose to bloom once.

Judging from future discoveries, "zombie genes" are not the direction of immortality and immortality.

Of course, it also has its own role, which is to describe in more detail the changes that occur inside the body after the death of a biological individual, providing new research samples for organ transplantation and other aspects.

For example, now organ transplantation must race against time, otherwise it will lose its effect.

According to folklore, zombies have no brains, and their behavior is closer to wild beasts, that is, they bite everyone they see. However, a human study pointed out that there is a

Organ transplantation

If zombie genes can be used to extend the effective time of organ transplantation, perhaps there will be no need to worry so much.

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