Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees.

2024/07/0103:16:33 science 1755

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits , osmanthus trees, and a tree-chopping man on the moon. Wu Gang .

Now, we know that there is no palace or osmanthus tree on the moon, but the moon does have "Chang'e" and "Jade Rabbit". In 2019, my country's Chang'e-4 lunar probe officially landed on the back of the moon, becoming the first probe to land on the back of the moon in human history, causing a global sensation.

However, some Western media are unwilling to believe that our country has achieved such achievements and question our country's "moon landing fraud." At this time, NASA in the United States also produced evidence to help us "slap those Western media in the face."

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

The dream of exploring the moon

In the history of mankind, we have never stopped looking up at the stars. Moreover, the more human science and technology develops, the easier it is for humans to be attracted to space.

As early as the period when the United States and the Soviet Union were competing for hegemony, space competition was also an extremely important part. The United States and the former Soviet Union were competing to launch satellites and spacecraft into space to send humans into space and explore the universe.

It was also during this period that the United States' Apollo 11 realized the dream of human beings landing on the moon for the first time, and Commander Armstrong became the first human being to land on the moon.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

In our country, due to well-known reasons, our lunar exploration started much later than that of the United States and the Soviet Union. It was not until 2004 that our country officially launched the lunar exploration project. This project is named after Chang'e who flew to the moon. "Chang'e Project".

In 2007, my country successfully launched the "Chang'e-1", which broke through a large number of core and key technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and also made our country one of the few countries in the world with deep space exploration capabilities.

Subsequently, the second phase of my country's lunar exploration project was launched. In 2013, the Chang'e-3 lander and the "Yutu" lunar rover successfully landed on the moon, achieving the first soft landing and patrol detection of extraterrestrial objects in our country. It is our country's aerospace technology Another major breakthrough in the field of .

Yutu is our country's first lunar rover , and it is also our country's first footprint on the moon. Its expected service period is only 3 months, but it has served for more than two years, and has worked on the moon in total. 972 days, making a huge contribution to our country's lunar exploration cause.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

While working on Yutu, scientists also opened a social media account specifically for it to share the work of Yutu and various popular science knowledge with netizens. Yutu has thus become the "little rabbit" raised by the Chinese on the moon, and its every move touches everyone's hearts.

Of course, at this time, we are still catching up with the West, and what we have done is nothing more than what the United States and the Soviet Union have already done. But by the time of Chang'e 4, we have begun to achieve things that humans have never accomplished. Dreamed.

On December 8, 2018, Chang'e-4 was launched into space and successfully landed on the moon on January 3, 2019. On February 11, Chang'e-4 and Yutu 2 completed the mutual photography between the two instruments.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

The greatest significance of Chang'e-4 is that it is the first human probe to land on the back of the moon. It has realized the human dream of soft landing and patrolling and surveying on the back of the moon. It is of extremely far-reaching significance and also means that our country has advanced in the field of lunar exploration. Finally, we can keep pace with the world.

Chang'e-4 carried 6 scientific equipment including a panoramic camera and an infrared imaging spectrometer to conduct detailed exploration of the topography and landforms on the far side of the moon and the composition of the lunar soil.

So far, Chang'e-4 has acquired more than 3780GB of data, making a major contribution to Chinese scientists' research on the moon.

The Yutu-2 lunar rover has also traveled a total of 1,239.88 meters on the far side of the moon, photographing the topography and landforms formed in many different periods on the moon, providing more clues for us to further understand the moon.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

For example, Chinese Academy of Sciences news said that research has found that the moon is rich in helium 3, which is a clean, safe and efficient nuclear fusion power generation fuel. As long as it can be developed and utilized by humans, then we will be able to obtain a few Nearly “perfect” energy. The latest data from

shows that Chang'e-4 has been working on the back of the moon for more than three years and is currently sleeping on the 44th lunar night. It is expected that after it wakes up from sleep, it can continue to detect more data, providing insights for our country's exploration. Monthly projects make more contributions.

is such a research project that can benefit all mankind. It has also been questioned by the Western media. They do not believe that China has the ability to explore the moon and think that we are "faking".

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

Rumors fabricated by Western media

After the Chang'e-4 moon landing, most of the support and blessings we received were, but some Western media like to "talk by looking at pictures" and start "making rumors based on a picture" ".

After publishing the moon picture released by my country, a British media also added a sensational title, claiming that the picture released by China proved that the Chang'e 4 moon landing was "fake" because the picture had " Mysterious Chalk Lines”. The article

also pointed out in detail China's "falsehood", that is, in one of the pictures, there is a white straight line in front of Yutu 2, which is similar to the white line drawn with chalk.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

In addition, the British media also put forward a piece of evidence, that is, in the videos we released, the lunar soil captured by Chang'e-4 and the lunar soil captured after the previous American moon landing , as well as the lunar soil in our traditional understanding The soil is different.

The British claim that the lunar soil in our minds and the lunar soil in Americans' photos are both gray, but the lunar soil photographed by the Chinese is indeed red. Obviously this is "faking" by the Chinese.

In this After the "astonishing" discovery was pointed out by the British media, many foreign media reprinted the report and believed that this "chalk line" proved that China was committing fraud. Some Western media even bluntly stated that China's Chang'e 4 was fundamentally There was no moon landing.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

In our eyes, the reason why the Western media can ignore the facts and fabricate such rumors is because of their arrogance in their bones. They believe that it is impossible for the Chinese to do what the West has not done. If the Chinese can do it, then it will be inevitable. Just because of fraud.

Some Chinese people don’t care about these rumors. They believe that as long as we continue to do practical things, one day the West will recognize our achievements. However, more Chinese people cannot tolerate this, and they have come up with evidence to overturn this disgraceful statement. He said it was a "brain-breaking" rumor.

The rumors about the "chalk line" are actually very easy to crack. After all, as long as you are willing to open the video released by our country and take a look, you can easily find that the so-called "chalk line" is the reflection of the Yutu 2 vehicle body or the solar wing. .

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

In the video, this "chalk line" moves on the ground as Yutu 2 turns around. It can be clearly seen that this cannot be a "chalk line".

This "picture-telling" rumor is so false that even foreign netizens can't stand it. They bluntly pointed out in the comments of the article that this is a "reflection". Some foreign netizens even claimed that he hadn't read it yet. From the original video, you can see that this is just a reflection, not a chalk line.

As for why the color of the lunar soil is reddish in the photo, there are actually many explanations. Some people believe that the far side of the moon is a place where humans have not yet reached, and the lunar soil here may not be the same as the lunar soil seen by Americans.

After all, it is easier to understand that there are different soils even on the earth. However, this explanation is not the most "scientific". In fact, Chinese scientists later gave a formal explanation.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

The camera carried by my country's Chang'e-4 is the CMOS camera developed by Aerospace Technology 508. The photo of the lunar soil in red is the first photo taken by Chang'e-4. Although it was taken by a color camera, it can However, the resolution is automatically adjusted by the camera, and the generated digital photos are still original, and the colors will also be distorted.

Sun Zezhou, chief designer of Chang'e-4, once said that after these pictures are sent back, they must be color corrected to be close to the color pictures in human vision.

As for this first photo, the time was tight and the task was heavy. The post-production color grading did not keep up with the progress, so the color of this photo was distorted and reddish.

Later, we were able to keep up with the color grading progress, and the colors of the published photos were no longer distorted. The color of the lunar soil was all gray-white.

So, some people are bound to want to ask, why were there no distortions in the photos taken by Apollo 11?

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

This is because the United States originally installed a 24-color standard color card, which not only restores the colors in the universe to the "real colors" acceptable to our human vision, but also minimizes the color difference in the photos, so they The photos taken are distortion-free.

As an aside, my country's Zhurong Mars rover has a standard color card. By then, the photos taken by and Zhurong and will be able to show the true colors that we can see without having to go through post-production color correction.

Having said that, although we and foreign netizens are refuting rumors about our lunar landing exploration, the Western media are not so easy to "back down". They have been pretending not to see the refutation information until even the United States came out to help refute the rumors.

Seeing that the "big brother who took the lead" came out to speak, these Western media finally dispersed in dismay and stopped raising so-called "questions."

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

A "slap in the face" from an American satellite

The British "Metropolitan Daily" reported the statement of NASA scientists. The report stated that NASA scientists released satellite photos of the Chang'e 4 landing site and claimed that Chang'e 4 did indeed land in January 2019. On the 3rd, it landed safely on the plain of Von Kármán Crater.

This is obviously in response to some Western media and people's previous doubts about the "false moon landing" of our country's detectors. NASA's statement not only slapped these Western media in the face, but also completely shut up those who were waiting to see China's jokes.

Some people may have questions, why did NASA take photos of the landing of my country's Chang'e-4? In fact, this is also a coincidence.

The thing is, the United States successfully landed on the moon in 1969, but after the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States never landed on the moon again, nor did it conduct any decent lunar exploration operations.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

Until 2009, NASA launched a Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LOR), announcing that it would "return to the moon." The main purpose of launching this LOR is to provide data for the United States' manned lunar exploration and exploration of the solar system.

It was this LOR that photographed the landing site of Chang'e-4 probe . On January 30, 2019, NASA scientists posted a photo on the LOR mission blog. There was a yellow arrow in the photo, which pointed to the landing site of Chang'e 4.

Relevant personnel said that when LOR was approaching the Chang'e-4 landing site, it "rolled 70 degrees to the west", which allowed Zou Hongguo's detector to enter the field of view of LOR.

When LOR took this photo, it was more than 330 kilometers away from the landing site of Chang'e 4. As a result, Chang'e 4 was only 2 pixels in size in the photo, and the smaller lunar rover could not be seen in the photo at all.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

But in any case, this NASA photo completely shattered the rumors fabricated by some Western media, confirmed the authenticity of my country's Chang'e 4 moon landing, and completely shut up those Western media.

Speaking of this, some people may have questions. At this time in 2019, the relationship between my country and the United States has begun to decline. Why will the United States help us clarify it?

On the one hand, to a certain extent, science does have no borders. NASA helps us clarify that it has nothing to do with the position of the US government and has no political implications.

Moreover, NASA is often questioned by the outside world - as the British "Metropolitan Daily" said, NASA has been entangled and questioned by various conspiracy theories for many years, and they feel the same way.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

For example, for many years, some people have been questioning the authenticity of the American Apollo 11 moon landing. Many people have always tried to find various evidence to prove that the United States did not land on the moon at all. The photos were taken in a "photo studio".

Some people also pointed out that if the United States had the ability to land on the moon in 1969, how could it not be able to "land on the moon" in the 21st century?

When my country's Chang'e 5 brought back samples of lunar soil, and scientific research found that the lunar soil brought back by my country was very different from the lunar soil given to us by the United States, the United States "faked the moon landing." The voice of doubt is once again noisy.

On the other hand, NASA has always wanted to cooperate with my country in space projects, and has also offered to share the data detected by LOR with us. In fact, this is NASA's goodwill to my country, and it hopes that the two countries can explore in space in the future. There can still be some cooperation.

Human beings have never stopped wanting to explore space. In ancient times, our ancestors imagined Chang'e flying to the moon. They imagined that there were palaces, jade rabbits, osmanthus trees on the moon, and Wu Gang who cut down trees. - DayDayNews

After all, the United States is "preparing in advance" for its own benefit. After all, the International Space Station will be decommissioned soon. If the United States cannot launch a new space station , then there will only be our country's in space. The space station "Tiangong" exists. If the United States wants to conduct scientific research in space, it must cooperate with us.

has shown goodwill to our country in advance. When NASA proposes to us to use the space station again in the future, we may "approve" it faster. From this point of view, it may be the Americans who really "take advantage".

So, after all is said and done, we still have to continue to develop science and technology and enhance national strength in order to avoid being bullied to the head.

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