Spoon-billed Sandpipers, Black-faced Spoonbills, Black-billed Gulls, and Relict Gulls. In recent years, a variety of rare birds have been continuously recorded in the Zhanjiang mangrove wetland, and the ecosystem has been revitalized. The Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserv

2024/06/2317:52:33 science 1403

Spoon-billed Sandpiper , Black-faced Spoonbill , Black-billed Gull , Relict Gull . In recent years, a variety of rare birds have been continuously recorded in the Zhanjiang mangrove wetland, and the ecosystem has been revitalized. Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve is the largest nature reserve in my country mangrove . However, during the previous central environmental protection inspection, it was found that the historically formed breeding farms had not been cleared, and there were some problems such as partial encroachment or destruction of mangroves. . The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, and the Zhanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to this and vow to win this battle to defend ecological restoration. Through unremitting efforts, 5,700 acres of mangrove forestation has been added to the reserve in recent years. The reserve's biodiversity has continued to grow, and its ecological functions have been effectively exerted.

Spoon-billed Sandpipers, Black-faced Spoonbills, Black-billed Gulls, and Relict Gulls. In recent years, a variety of rare birds have been continuously recorded in the Zhanjiang mangrove wetland, and the ecosystem has been revitalized. The Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserv - DayDayNews

The ecological functions of Zhanjiang mangroves continue to improve.

The mangrove area accounts for 33% of the country.

The total area of ​​the Guangdong Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve is 20,278.8 hectares, of which the mangrove area accounts for 33% of the country. The reserve is located in the Leizhou Peninsula at the southernmost tip of mainland China. Mangroves are intermittently distributed along the 1,556-kilometer coastline. They play an important role in controlling coastal erosion, preserving soil and water, resisting typhoons, protecting embankments, absorbing and transforming pollutants, purifying seawater, and protecting biodiversity. plays an important ecological role.

The mangroves in Zhanjiang City grow densely and have prominent ecological functions. However, they are scattered over a wide area and are difficult to protect. Especially in the mid-1980s, affected by activities such as sea reclamation, pond farming, and firewood collection, mangrove communities were fragmented and their area declined sharply. Since 1990, Zhanjiang City has strengthened management through the establishment of nature reserves and other measures, supplemented by artificial afforestation and restoration, which has reversed the trend of sharp decline in mangrove area. In the second-category forest resources survey in 2018, the mangrove area increased from 1985 to 1985. The area has recovered from 7186.3 hectares to 9958.13 hectares, but it is still threatened by human activities such as reclamation, breeding, and sea reclamation.

In 2016, Zhai Qing, deputy leader of the Fourth Environmental Protection Inspection Team of the Central Committee and deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, led a team to the Zhanjiang Mangrove Reserve for on-site inspection. The feedback from the inspectors also pointed out that more than 4,800 hectares of breeding farms historically formed in the Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve have not been cleared, and there are problems such as local encroachment or destruction of mangroves.

In this regard, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government attaches great importance to rectification work. In the "Guangdong Province Implementation List of Rectification Measures for Implementing the Inspection Feedback of the Fourth Central Environmental Protection Inspection Group", it is clear that the Guangdong Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve Management Measures have been adopted. , scientifically prepare the overall planning adjustment plan for the Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve, adopt co-management, batch redemption, and off-site addition of mangroves to the farms, carry out ecological restoration of the damaged mangrove environment, and carry out protection planning Management and control of mangroves within a certain area.

As a result, the ecological restoration campaign of Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve has officially begun.

Spoon-billed Sandpipers, Black-faced Spoonbills, Black-billed Gulls, and Relict Gulls. In recent years, a variety of rare birds have been continuously recorded in the Zhanjiang mangrove wetland, and the ecosystem has been revitalized. The Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserv - DayDayNews

Zhanjiang mangroves have become a paradise for birds

Implement ecological compensation to ensure the normal growth of mangroves

The Zhanjiang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attach great importance to it, adhere to the principle of meeting people's demands in accordance with laws and regulations, and use legislative means to solve practical problems in protection and management. By strengthening law enforcement, improving patrol systems, and increasing patrol intensity, we will further strengthen the management and protection of mangrove reserves and severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations. Investigate and handle three cases in accordance with the law: the illegal occupation of natural wetlands in the nature reserve to build docks within the Sanhewo mangrove area, the illegal construction of water blocking and drainage facilities in the nature reserves, and the case of landfilling natural wetlands in the nature reserves, and order responsibilities Fang Dui carried out re-greening work, replanted 70 acres of mangroves and planted 40,000 casuarina trees, which effectively promoted the protection of mangroves.

In order to speed up the ecological restoration of mangroves, Zhanjiang City issued the "Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve 4,800-hectare Breeding Pond Retirement Plan", investing 26.3154 million yuan in rectification work from 2018 to 2020. Clear out 410.5 hectares of breeding ponds in the core area of ​​the mangroves on Lingtou Island and restore the normal tidal habitat of the mangroves. A mangrove natural resource co-management agreement was signed for 4570.5 hectares of breeding ponds in the experimental area, and ecological compensation was implemented to ensure the normal growth of mangroves in the ponds.

Realized my country’s first blue carbon project transaction

Through active rectification, the ecological environment in the reserve has been significantly restored. As an internationally important wetland, Zhanjiang Mangrove Nature Reserve is an important stop and habitat for international migratory birds. According to records of observers, in recent years, white-rumped curlew, little egret, greenshank , snipe , great knot and other birds have migrated and inhabited in the nature reserve. Sometimes there are thousands of them. Thousands of waterbirds feed and play on the wide tidal flats. What's more precious is that among the many similar-looking waterbirds, long-lost friends appeared - spoon-billed sandpipers, black-faced spoonbills, black-billed gulls and relict gulls. The spoon-billed sandpiper is one of the rare migratory birds in the world. There are only 300 to 400 left in the world. Its global population is smaller than the total population of giant pandas. For this reason, the World Conservation Union will be included in the Red List of Endangered Species. It is rated as Critically Endangered (CR). The black-faced spoonbill is a rare and endangered species in the world, with only more than 3,000 left. It is a national second-level protected animal. The black-billed gull is an internationally protected bird species and is included in the "Red Book of Endangered Species" compiled by the International Committee for the Conservation of Birds. The return of these rare waterfowl, which are particularly sensitive to the environment, shows that the Zhanjiang mangrove ecosystem is becoming increasingly stable, its ecological functions are recovering and improving, and the entire ecosystem has basically achieved a virtuous cycle.

In April 2021, the Zhanjiang mangrove afforestation project passed the review of Verra, a certified carbon standard development and management organization. The 380 hectares of mangroves planted within the protected area between 2015 and 2019 were successfully registered as my country's first blue carbon carbon sink project. At the same time, due to the special significance of this project in protecting the critically endangered species (IUCN CR) Spoon-billed Sandpiper and the endangered species (IUCN EN) Black-faced Spoonbill in Leizhou Peninsula, it was certified by CCB and became the first in the world to simultaneously comply with the certified carbon Carbon sequestration projects under the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB) mean a higher market value when carbon is traded. The Beijing Entrepreneur Environmental Protection Foundation purchased 5,880 tons of carbon dioxide emission reductions produced by the "Zhanjiang Mangrove Afforestation Project" as of May 2020. As an additional result of this blue carbon transaction, the Beijing Entrepreneurs Environmental Protection Foundation raised more than 7.8 million yuan for the Zhanjiang Mangrove Reserve, which will be used for mangrove protection, restoration and community co-construction to enhance the mangroves' ability to cope with climate change. . This marks the official completion of my country's first blue carbon project transaction, provides a demonstration for the way to realize the value of mangroves, and is of great significance in encouraging social funds to invest in mangrove protection and promoting future carbon neutral .

Text and pictures/Guangzhou Daily·New Flower City reporter Du Juan Correspondent Guangdong Environmental Publicity Guangzhou Daily·New Flower City editor Li Lin

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