Nowadays, quantum computing is jumping out of the laboratory and entering the world of real-life applications, providing disruptive ideas for solving many traditional computing problems. Quantum computing is a new computing model that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to cont

2024/06/1901:41:32 science 1737

Today, quantum computing is jumping out of the laboratory and entering the world of real applications, providing disruptive ideas for solving many traditional computing problems.

Nowadays, quantum computing is jumping out of the laboratory and entering the world of real-life applications, providing disruptive ideas for solving many traditional computing problems. Quantum computing is a new computing model that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to cont - DayDayNews

Quantum computing is a new computing model that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to regulate quantum information units for calculation. It is usually compared with classical computing. From a principle point of view, quantum computing can have calculation speeds faster than classical computing, and this gap may be as high as a trillion times.

Recently, NVIDIA released the Quantum Optimized Device Architecture (QODA), which can help accelerate quantum research and development breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI), high-performance computing (HPC), medical, finance and other disciplines.

Nowadays, quantum computing is jumping out of the laboratory and entering the world of real-life applications, providing disruptive ideas for solving many traditional computing problems. Quantum computing is a new computing model that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to cont - DayDayNews

Similar to CUDA, QODA provides an open, unified environment to make quantum computing more accessible by creating a coherent hybrid quantum classical programming model for some of today's most powerful computers and quantum processors.

Currently, hybrid solutions combining classical and quantum computing may lead to breakthroughs in scientific research. The so-called hybrid quantum computing means that quantum computers and classical computers work together to give full play to the advantages of classical computing (such as CPU and GPU) in traditional operations, such as circuit optimization, correction and error correction, and system-level quantum processors (i.e. QPU) as a new accelerator.

NVIDIA-developed hybrid quantum-classical capabilities provide efficient programmatic access to quantum and classical computing resources in a comprehensive environment, enabling HPC developers to accelerate their existing applications. Near-term applications in chemistry, drug discovery, materials science, and more can now be seamlessly integrated with quantum computing.

With QODA, experts in HPC and AI can easily add quantum computing to existing applications—with today’s quantum processors as well as simulated future quantum computers powered by NVIDIA DGX systems and the massive NVIDIA GPU scientific supercomputing center and public cloud.

QODA will revolutionize quantum computing by providing developers with a powerful and efficient programming model. Now quantum computing research organizations have used NVIDIA AI GPUs and highly specialized NVIDIA software NVIDIA cuQuantum to develop their own quantum circuits. With NVIDIA QODA, developers can build complete quantum applications that can be simulated on GPU-accelerated supercomputers with NVIDIA cuQuantum.

Nowadays, quantum computing is jumping out of the laboratory and entering the world of real-life applications, providing disruptive ideas for solving many traditional computing problems. Quantum computing is a new computing model that follows the laws of quantum mechanics to cont - DayDayNews

Recently, AWS provided cuQuantum in the Braket service and demonstrated that cuQuantum achieved 900 times acceleration on quantum machine learning workloads while reducing costs by 3.5 times.

Industrial collaboration is the key to achieving breakthroughs in quantum computing. It is reported that NVIDIA will next work with quantum hardware suppliers IQM quantum Computers, Pasqal, Quantum, Quantum Brilliance and Xanadu, software suppliers QC Ware and Zapata Computing, as well as supercomputing centers Germany's Jurich Research Center , Lawrence Berkeley National Experiment Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are collaborating on QODA.


In order to better promote the development of quantum computing, related software and hardware equipment need to continue to make breakthroughs, especially to solve the unified programming problem of classical computing and quantum computing. NVIDIA QODA fills the gap between classical computing and quantum computing, making related application development easier and accelerating the implementation of quantum applications.

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