"Golden Heart Double Color" Bougainvillea Petunia "Guangzhou No. 1". The flowers are huge, with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, one-third larger than ordinary petunias. It is especially suitable for the hot and humid weather in Guangzhou, and is suitable for various planting

2024/05/3101:05:33 science 1148

"Golden Heart Double Color" Bougainvillea

Petunia "Guangzhou No. 1". The flowers are huge, with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, one-third larger than ordinary petunias. It is especially suitable for the hot and humid weather in Guangzhou, and is suitable for various planting methods such as flower beds, flower borders and potted plants.

is outstanding. It is selected from the hybrid offspring of Morin and Indian Melastoma. It is an evergreen upright shrub with a height of 1.2 to 2.5 meters. The flower has large flowers and leaves, with a flower diameter of 10 to 13 cm. The flowering and fruiting period spans almost the whole year, and the peak flowering period is from the end of May to mid-to-late June.

wish. It is bred from the F1 seedlings of Buttercup and Melastoma tenuifolia. 0.5 to 2.0 meters high, with a spreading plant shape. The flowering period is from June to August, and the fruiting period is from July to October.

Periwinkle 'Purple Cloud Fairy'

'Brazilian Purple' Bougainvillea

Pink Fan Rose . Conduct screening and comprehensive evaluation of heat- and moisture-resistant rose varieties to select varieties with excellent heat resistance. Among the selected varieties, Pink Fan and Golden Phoenix are the two rose varieties that are most used in the south.

Tianjiao No. 2. It is a mutation among the descendants of "Tianjiao", and the plant height can reach 1.2 to 1.5 meters. The petals are light purple or rose red, with slightly wrinkled edges like skirts. Flowers bloom in early June, the peak flowering period is from mid-to-late August to mid-to-late September, and the fruiting period is from September to November.

cloud. It is selected from the hybrid offspring of Mao Nin and Indian Melastoma. This variety has flowers and fruits almost all year round, with the peak flowering period from the end of May to mid-to-late June. Compared with the parent Mao Nin, the leaves and flowers are smaller and the flowers are more numerous; it has stronger adaptability and is less likely to degrade.

Tianjiao. It is bred from the F1 generation seedlings of Melastoma as the female parent and Hairy Pond as the male parent.

beautiful different kapok . It flowers first and leaves later. In winter and spring, the flowers are in full bloom and the trees are full of purple. It is an excellent tree species for garden greening and street trees.

Germplasm resources are constantly innovating, such as peony, petunias that are resistant to heat and high temperatures, and roses that are resistant to humidity and heat... In recent years, Guangzhou's plant scientific research has continued to make breakthroughs, and has successively overcome bottleneck technologies, and the innovation of germplasm resources has shown a "blowout" growth. . At present, Guangzhou has built a Guangzhou Garden Plant Science and Technology Resource Garden and the country's first national Melastomataceae germplasm resource bank. It has collected and preserved more than 33,000 varieties of ornamental plants, obtained 37 new varieties of plants, and has successively promoted and applied the beautiful Kapok, etc. There are more than 100 new and excellent plants. In the experimental garden of the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Landscape Sciences, some have never been seen before, or some plant varieties that seem familiar will make people dizzy. In the magical Wanhua Garden, Guangzhou is rich in greening and beautification. The resource species are amazing, and there are abundant plant resources reserved for major flower city construction projects such as "Guangzhou Garden".

Recently, reporters visited the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Garden Sciences to explore the "star" varieties that have been born from Guangzhou's plant scientific research in recent years.

Text and pictures/Guangzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Quan Jie Correspondent Sui Lin Yuanxuan, Cheng Renwu, Wu Chao

Highlight 1: The wild peony germplasm resources are the largest in the country

Walking into the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Gardening Sciences is like walking into Encyclopedia of the plant kingdom. The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly Melastoma. As the country's first national Melastoma germplasm resource bank, it collects and conserves the largest number of Melastoma germplasm resources in the country - 76 species; and has obtained 5 new Melastoma varieties with independent intellectual property rights. A breakthrough in tissue culture and propagation technology - 2 types.

Among the wild peony varieties, the new varieties "Tianjiao", "Whisper", "Chaoqun", "Yuncai" and "Tianjiao No. 2" developed in recent years have attracted widespread attention.

"'Tianjiao' was bred from F1 seedlings with Melastoma as the female parent and Hairy Poison as the male parent." said Dai Seping, deputy director of the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Gardening Sciences. In contrast, , another new variety "Super", with a more cute and unique shape. "It is selected from the hybrid offspring of Mao Nin and Indian Melastoma. The flower has large flowers and leaves, and the flower diameter is 10 to 13 centimeters." Dai Seping said.

Among the wild peony flowers, the reporter also saw a variety with light purple flowers. What is special about this variety is that the stamens are rolled into a ball like petals, forming the inner ring of petals, which is unique and unique. “This is the ‘Wish’ variety, which was bred from F1 seedlings of Purple Pond and Melastoma tenuifolia.Dai Seping said that "Wish" is an evergreen small shrub, 0.5 to 2.0 meters high, with an extended plant shape, but the flowering and fruiting periods are slightly shorter, only from June to August and July to October respectively.

However, it is smaller than In the flowering and fruiting period, we have to mention the new variety "Chaoqun". "The most special thing about this flower is that the flowering and fruiting period spans almost the whole year, with the peak flowering period from the end of May to mid-to-late June. " Dai Seping said.

Attention point 2: Petunia "Guangzhou No. 1" is gradually promoted

In areas with high temperature and high humidity, it is not conducive to the growth of grass and flowers . Especially when the temperature is high in summer, flower varieties will be affected by the temperature. However, after 10 years, the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Gardening Sciences finally overcame the problem of low-flowering landscapes caused by high temperatures in summer in Guangzhou and cultivated F1 seeds of a new strain of petunia. The new variety was named Petunia. "Guangzhou No. 1".

Professor Liu Guofeng of the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Gardening Sciences has been committed to the research and cultivation of new petunias for more than 20 years. He told reporters that the biggest feature of the petunia "Guangzhou No. 1" is its flowers. It is huge, with a maximum flower diameter of 10 centimeters, one-third larger than ordinary petunia.

"And its flower edges have wavy edges, like a skirt; the flower color is also very special, with a gradient from pink to light pink, and white halo spots. ; The flowers also have a light fragrance and elegant colors, which are rare characteristics among petunias and are highly decorative. "Liu Guofeng said that compared with the weak and slender petunia "Guangzhou No. 1", the new variety has better resistance, is not easy to lodging, and has excellent disease resistance, stress resistance and rain tolerance. It has obvious advantages and is especially suitable for planting in the hot and humid weather in Guangzhou.

It is reported that petunia is an important grass flower widely cultivated around the world and enjoys the reputation of "the king of flower bed plants". However, petunia is currently cultivated and used in my country. Cattle breeds basically come from abroad. These breeds have poor adaptability to my country's climatic conditions, especially the hot and humid weather in South China. Therefore, it is particularly important and urgent to cultivate new petunia varieties with independent intellectual property rights that can better adapt to my country's climatic conditions. According to reports, in the next step, petunia "Guangzhou No. 1" will be combined with Guangzhou's park flower mirrors, road greening, etc. to create demonstration sites for new and excellent varieties, and gradually promote and apply them.

Highlight 3: Select 16 types of bougainvillea greening bridges

bridges. There are certain difficulties in planting greening, such as severe car exhaust, high dust, high temperatures in summer, cold winters, limited bridge load, limited greening space, etc. In response to these difficulties, the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Landscape Sciences began trial planting in 2004. Climbing plants such as bougainvillea, lantana, and purple vine were tested and screened. Among the many trial-planted plants, bougainvillea stood out as having the best growth and strongest resistance.

According to Guangzhou Forestry and Gardening. Ruan Lin, president of the Academy of Sciences, said that in recent years, in order to continuously enrich the green landscape of bridges, the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Landscape Sciences has collected more than 200 bougainvillea species. From three aspects: ornamental value, ecological adaptability, and development and application potential, Varieties suitable for bridge greening applications are preferred, and 16 varieties have been used on bridges. “Currently, a bougainvillea germplasm resource nursery has been established, and more than 300 bougainvillea germplasm resources have been collected, which is the largest collection of bougainvillea germplasm resources in the country. , one of the resource nurseries with the most complete categories. "She said.

It is worth mentioning that not only has excellent results been achieved in flower color and cultivation applications, but also in terms of genomics research, Guangzhou has completed Bougainvillea transcriptome sequencing, screened out related genes that regulate the formation of Bougainvillea flower color, and carried out

Ruan Lin showed reporters the latest varieties in recent years, including the "Brazilian Purple" Bougainvillea, which has lush branches and leaves. The branches are soft, spreading, strong resistance, vigorous growth, flowers all year round, suitable for outdoor growth. There are also "golden heart double color" bougainvillea, whose leaves and flowers are very special, with golden patches on the leaves and rich color changes of magenta. , white and often branched. It is worth mentioning that this flower can bloom all year round, which is very suitable for the characteristics of the "Flower City" Guangzhou.

Regarding flowers, Guangzhou also has these innovative achievements

Innovations in hot and humid rose germplasm

A rose germplasm resource nursery has been established to collect and conserve more than 300 rose varieties with strong heat tolerance, high resistance and high ornamental value suitable for South China. Breaking through the bottleneck of difficult application of rose in hot and humid areas. More than 10 types were screened and successfully promoted and applied in Huacheng Square and Dafushan Forest Park.

Rose is Rosaceae Rosa is a perennial evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub. It is one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China. It has the characteristics of beautiful flower shape, rich color, many varieties and long flowering period. It is widely used in courtyards, Road green belts, parks and other garden green spaces.

Beautiful exotic kapok

The first batch of beautiful exotic kapok introduced to Guangzhou in 1984 took root in the Guangzhou Academy of Forestry and Garden Sciences. Since then, through domestication and grafting techniques, the hospital has developed excellent strains with characteristics such as long flowering period, large flower quantity, bright flower colors, positive crown width, and wine bottle-shaped trunks of adult trees. After years of promotion and application, the beautiful kapok has bloomed in Guangzhou, beautifying the flower city of Guangzhou.

Orchidaceous plants germplasm innovation

Established orchid germplasm resource nursery, collected and preserved 647 species of orchid plants, including Dendrobium 235 species, Paphiopedilum 99 species; carried out hybrid breeding , cultivated and developed independent Currently, 6 new strains with specificity and stability have been bred for property rights varieties.

Collect and promote improved forest tree species

Establish a native plant resource nursery and collect 350 species of native plants, including Ficus plant germplasm resources of 68 species; Rare trees 60 species of improved species for landscaping applications; and screen 12 species of highly efficient carbon sequestration tree species. ; Collected 30 species of tree species with health care functions; collected 350 species of economic forest trees; promoted and applied more than 300,000 seedlings.

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