According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several "tribulations". The consequences of each of the five mass extinctions of organisms that we are familiar with have been subversive. So will

2024/05/2501:01:32 science 1689

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several "tribulations". The consequences of each of the five mass extinctions of organisms that we are familiar with have been subversive. So will there be another mass extinction of organisms? The following events could lead to another mass extinction.

◆ 1: Mineral resources

The sixth extinction of mankind may occur due to environmental pollution caused by mining resources, and you may still be partying now.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

Due to environmental pollution caused by humans, an estimated 100,000 species are wiped out every year.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 2: Yellowstone National Park

The huge volcanoes of Yellowstone National Park and Hawaii are not suitable for eruptions under any circumstances.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

If these volcanoes erupted, the United States would be destroyed and the world would be covered in toxic volcanic ash .

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 3: Computer

The self-defense instinct may also be the nature of artificial intelligence AI.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

If computers have self-preservation instincts, no wonder computers will attack humans no matter how much wasted human resources are wasted.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 4: gamma ray burst

When a star collapses, a large number of gamma rays are emitted accordingly, which is called gamma ray burst . If this happened, the Earth would be temporarily exposed to high fever.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

Fortunately, however, it seems that Earth will be facing this situation in about 500 million years.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 5: Bee Extinction

Bees are in greater danger than ever due to rising temperatures and the use of pesticides.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

33% of the food humans eat is pollinated by bees. Because plants depend on this function, if bees became extinct, it would cost at least $20 billion per year.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 6: Resident Evil

The job of a synthetic biologist is basically to deal with extremely dangerous pathogens.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

If these pathogens leak to the outside, there are few means to stop the spread of these disease-causing bacteria.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 7: Emissions of carbon dioxide Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) over the past two centuries have increased the acidity of seawater by 25%.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

If this situation continues, marine life may become extinct.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 8: Collision with comet

The mass extinction may also be caused by a comet passing Earth's orbit .

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

Given that the Earth approaches a comet every 36 million years, the Earth may be destroyed by a collision with a comet.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 9: Greenhouse Gases

Scientist James Hansen (James Hansen) believes that burning fossil fuels will produce an overwhelming greenhouse effect .

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

Due to the greenhouse effect, Hansen pointed out that the temperature of the earth will be close to about 460 degrees, which is the average temperature of the surface of Venus in the future.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

◆ 10: Earth’s magnetic field reversal

The earth’s magnetic field can be reversed at any time, and the magnetic field weakens when it reverses.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

At this time, the earth and mankind will be in an unprotected state, and deadly radiation from outer space will sweep across the world.

According to research, the earth is 4.55 billion years old today. In this long process of life evolution, the earth has gone through several

In short, this should be a lifestyle without regrets.

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