On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. .

2024/05/2414:13:33 science 1592

On July 4, 2022, Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Administrator Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program. plan to capture the moon. China steals other countries' ideas and technology, and its space station's mission is to learn how to destroy other people's satellites.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian responded: This is not the first time that the NASA administrator has ignored the facts and made unrestrained remarks about China:

As the head of the U.S. aerospace department, he should be very aware of the dark history of the U.S. space program. The United States plays a negative role in creating space junk, provoking an arms race in outer space, and undermining global strategic stability, posing a huge threat to the peaceful use of outer space. In recent years, the United States has openly defined outer space as a combat territory, accelerated the establishment of the Outer Space Force and the Outer Space Command, and developed and deployed offensive outer space weapons...

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

NASA is the pioneer and leader of global space exploration. A manned moon landing, the launch of a probe outside the solar system, the first soft landing on Mars, etc., all demonstrate NASA's top strength and outstanding leadership in the space exploration industry. No one will doubt the mission set by NASA. The goal cannot be achieved, but what makes people very puzzled is that NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has repeatedly made wild remarks and attacked China Aerospace Corporation and the Tiangong Space Station for no reason. What is going on with this former astronaut-turned-NASA administrator?

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Angry after failing to seek cooperation?

Friends who are familiar with China’s aerospace industry must still remember the mission of Chang’e 5 lunar sample return, but they may not know that on the day of the successful launch of Chang’e 5, a tweet issued by NASA once It caused an uproar!

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

NASA cannot find lunar soil!

At 4:30 a.m. on November 24, 2020, the Long March 5 carrier rocket at the Hainan Wenchang Space Launch Site sent the Chang'e 5 that was preparing to return lunar samples to the orbit of the moon. However, NASA did not Published a tweet:

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

NASA’s latest lunar soil sample was brought back by Apollo 17 . It was still in 1972. Although the lunar soil was sampled one day earlier and one day later, there was no difference, but the problem was the lunar research at that time. It was relatively preliminary, and I had no idea that as scientific research deepened, lunar soil samples from multiple periods would be needed.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

The samples collected by the Apollo program at that time covered most of the lunar history, but they missed an important era, which was the period when the lunar volcanoes finally stopped. However, China was very purposeful and aimed at the northern part of Procellarum Rümke Mountains, this is the area where the last volcano on the moon ceased activity. The samples here are of great significance for filling the gaps in lunar research.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

However, until July 12, 2021, the National Space Administration's Lunar Exploration and Aerospace Engineering Center held a first batch of lunar scientific research sample distribution ceremony for the Chang'e-5 mission in Beijing. There were only domestic scientific research institutions and no foreign institutions. Of course, there is no United States, and there is no mention of any donation of lunar soil to the United States.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

NASA Administrator’s performance: banning China and wanting to cooperate with China

On June 23, 2021, NASA Administrator Nielsen attended a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives and said that he supports the "Wulf Clause" that will exclude China from participating in the International Space Station "Permanent.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

But on August 25, 2021, at the On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews6th Space Symposium held in , NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said:

" I speak on behalf of the United States and hope that China will become a partner"

But Bill Nelson also added: "China is very secretive, and the civilian space program must remain transparent."

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Have you ever seen such an invitation to friends to participate in cooperation? While supporting the permanent exclusion of China, it invites China to become a partner and accuses China of extreme secrecy in its space program.

NASA Administrator: China has become the biggest competitor for the moon landing

On November 9, 2021, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in a conference call that day:

" I insist that the United States needs to land on the moon quickly, and a new space race is coming. , but now the opponent has become China

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Is China now capable of landing on the moon? When did China become a powerful rival to the United States in the new race to the moon? The reason is very simple. The reason is that the " Washington Post " reported that the Artemis project has been postponed again. It plans to send American astronauts to the moon in 2025. Nielsen said that the United States needs to land on the moon as soon as possible because China's aerospace development is very rapid. Soon, NASA needed to increase its budget, so it moved out of China as a shield!

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

NASA administrator asked for lunar soil again: Everyone once again learned what it means to be "shameless"

On April 27, 2022, Nielsen said at a press conference held at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday that China continued to show a lack of transparency and conflicts with the United States and other National willingness to cooperate in space.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

On May 3, 2022, Nielsen once again stated that China should share lunar soil as planned in the Apollo program. The United States had donated lunar soil to China back then, but China said nothing!

On May 17, 2022, NASA Administrator Nielsen gave a speech at the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on NASA 2023 budget and said:

  • On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews. Nielsen believes that NASA is in a space race with China, and they have done some impressive things.
  • On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews. Nelson believed that China's Mars rover and space station were involved in technology theft;

Nelson had to admit that China's space technology is progressing rapidly, but he once again accused China of being involved in technology theft. Such unfounded charges can also be brought out! I have to say that Nielsen is really shameless. Looking at his performances since he took office, from asking for cooperation to accusing China of not providing lunar soil, and finally getting angry and falsely accusing the Chinese of stealing technology, he acted in his true colors, he is an innocent child, and he lives up to the standard. American politicians are completely out of step with the scientific agency NASA Administrator!

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Why has China repeatedly failed to respond to the NASA Administrator’s calls for lunar soil and cooperation? The answer to

is actually very simple, so simple that it’s maddeningly simple! Because in 2011, the U.S. Congress introduced the Wolf Clause, which legally prohibited contact between NASA and China. Let’s look at the reports at the time:

On April 14, 2011, the 112th Congress of the United States passed the 2011 Statute. These include provisions prohibiting the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from coordinating any joint scientific activities with China. Public Law Section 112-10:

  • (a) Funds provided by the Division may not be used by NASA or the Office of Science and Technology Policy to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute bilateral policies, programs, orders, or Contracts of any kind to engage in, cooperate with, or coordinate bilaterally in any manner with China or any Chinese-owned company, unless such activity is specifically authorized by law enacted after the date of enactment of this department.
  • (b)(a) The limitations also apply to any funds used to host Chinese official visitors at facilities owned or used by NASA.

also issued an interpretation clause in 2012:

explains that the law applies not only to the first-level institutions of these enterprises, but also to their subsidiaries. From the country to the company, even individuals are cut off, and even Chinese scholars and researchers are subject to strict scrutiny.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Have you seen it? All the above performances are a one-man show by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. The United States has banned NASA from contacting China at a legal level. If China accepts Nelson's invitation, then I'm sorry to say that Nelson may be investigated by Congress, and may even be investigated by Congress. This will cost us our jobs, so for the sake of Comrade Nelson's job, it would be more appropriate for us to cut off all contact.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

In fact, some people in the United States have long been unable to stand Nielsen’s brilliant performance. Just when On April 27, Nielsen accused China of lacking transparency and willingness to cooperate with other countries, former NASA official and current science writer Alan Ladwig @SpaceArtAl Posted a shocking reply:

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Although Nielsen pretended to be stupid, the American people could see it. However, Nielsen still performed very hard, and now Nielsen does not know for what purpose he accused China again!

NASA Director: Chinese space station destroyed a satellite, China and Russia occupied the moon

Normal thinking is difficult to understand what Nelson wants to express. The original English text is as follows. The screenshot is from the report of Russia Today website on July 2:

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

In the article The general idea is that Nielsen accused China of militarizing space in his interview with Germany's "Bild". Then the exclusive interview reporter asked what is China's military purpose in space? Nielsen replied:

Chinese astronauts are busy learning how to destroy other countries’ satellites.

Chinese astronauts are busy learning how to destroy other countries’ satellites.

This answer is a bit like the style of old fool Biden . Perhaps the 79-year-old description above explains why Nielsen is talking nonsense. The 80-year-old Biden shook hands in the air, and his speech was accompanied by notes indicating every move. , people jokingly call it a manual for Biden's physical operation. The 79-year-old Nielsen and Biden are just a pair of inseparable brothers.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Is China really qualified to compete with the United States to land on the moon?

The answer is no, at least for now! China's manned lunar landing must wait until 2028 after the success of the Long March 9 rocket. There seems to be no sign of manned lunar landing in the Long March 9 launch plan. After all, manned lunar landing is very serious. The plan will not proceed until it has matured at least several launches. Why is the United States so nervous?

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Sino-Russian cooperation: Is the United States panicked?

The answer is that China has made rapid progress in the field of lunar soil sampling, the Zhurong successfully landed on Mars, and has also begun the comprehensive construction of a space station. China's successive successes in aerospace have put strong pressure on the United States.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Artemis is the United States' plan to return to the moon. The goal is to land on the south pole of the moon in 2025. However, Artemis is not progressing smoothly. The key problem is that the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket is not progressing smoothly. This The rocket uses the main engine of the space shuttle , and the booster uses the solid booster of the space shuttle. It is difficult to understand how this old antique has been used for so many years.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

China and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation to build an international lunar scientific research station on March 9, 2021. According to the plan, the scientific research station will be located on the lunar surface or in the lunar orbit and become a comprehensive scientific experiment base that operates autonomously for a long time.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Actually, I have just written about this matter, it is still early! Is it NASA that is failing or the United States that is failing? This is a very serious problem! The straw that broke the camel's back may not be this, but the NASA-ESA Mars sample return. It was originally planned for July 2031, but was re-split because the plan was too complicated. This was fatal and was delayed to 2033. Year!

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

However, China’s planned Mars sampling return time in June points to July 2031, which makes NASA and ESA extremely embarrassed and speechless, because NASA-ESA’s Mars sampling return plan has already started in 2020, while China It won’t be launched until 2028, and it will be the first to arrive first. Is this the new China speed?

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

As the head of NASA, Bill Nelson, although he was a space shuttle astronaut, is a politician through and through. Officials with a technical background hope to achieve technological breakthroughs, while Nelson, a congressman, likes to use political means to achieve it. Purpose, after all, this is more efficient, and it can also attract the attention of the Congress.

On July 4, 2022, the Global Times reported a very uncomfortable news: NASA Director Nielsen recently accepted an interview with German media and said that China’s space program is a military space program and is likely to occupy the moon. . - DayDayNews

Throughout his remarks on China since he took office, he has either made random remarks or made accusations. In addition to asking for money from Congress, his purpose is to show off his superiority. However, with the rapid progress of China's aerospace industry, even people in the United States We have all realized Nielsen’s shamelessness, so we won’t say more here. Don’t even believe the punctuation marks of what politicians say.




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