@True Knowledge New Coordinates Regarding time, it has always been a major issue discussed by many philosophers. Einstein once said: "Time is a cognitive illusion of people, which seems to imply that time only exists on clocks and calendars." So, does time really exist or is it o

2024/05/2212:27:33 science 1059

@True Knowledge New Coordinates Regarding time, it has always been a major issue discussed by many philosophers. Einstein once said:

When we look up at the night sky, what we see is actually the past, and often a very distant past. Suppose you see the Andromeda Galaxy now. This galaxy is barely visible to the naked eye in a dark place. What you see is what it looked like 2.5 million years ago. Even if light travels at 186,000 miles per second, it would still take a long time, given the vast distance between the two galaxies.

@True Knowledge New Coordinates Regarding time, it has always been a major issue discussed by many philosophers. Einstein once said:

Andromeda Galaxy

In the same way, when you watch this video on your mobile phone, what you see is actually what it looked like a fraction of a second ago. No matter the distance, including information, it takes time to travel.

This means that no matter where you look or what you look at, you see only the past and not the present. In fact, you can't see the present at all, and the present can't exist in your brain, because it takes time for nerve impulses to travel through neurons.

@True Knowledge New Coordinates Regarding time, it has always been a major issue discussed by many philosophers. Einstein once said:

So what is time? If you think about it carefully, recording time is actually recording changes. If everything stayed the same, time would seem to stop.

Therefore, if there is no change to refer to and judge the present, then it does not exist. If there is no change in your brain, if your neurons stop firing, then it has stopped for you now, and your consciousness has stopped.

Imagine what would happen if you could stop time? If you ask someone this question, you may get all kinds of magical answers, depending on how "perverted" the person is, hahaha.

but in fact , if you can really stop the flow of time, it is likely that your will not be able to do anything at all with .

You can't see

The first problem is the problem of light in a world without time. If time is stopped, every photon will be paused.

You can't see the object until you move forward, this also happens in the air. You have to run around, capture air molecules, and force them into your lungs because space and time are connected through the concept of space-time.

If every point in space was time, the end of time would mean that you and everything around you would be unable to move. Once you turn on the switch on the time-stopping device, everything becomes eternal.

No one will know

If you and others are in a time pause, no one will know what is happening, because special relativity tells us that time will expand, take the astronaut brothers as an example.

In 2015, astronaut Scott was orbiting the earth at a speed of 28,200km/h on the International Space Station . At the same time, his brother mark stayed on the earth and traveled around the world at this speed. A year later, Scott experienced time five milliseconds slower than his brother Mark.

time is considered relative to the observer, so the time you experience will flow at a normal speed, and you will only see time slow down when compared to a reference object. Therefore, if time stopped completely on this planet, no one would know what happened, the only ones who would know would be those who are watching.

You could destroy the universe

If you were able to create a device that stopped time in a certain part of the universe, it's likely that no matter what you do it would cause the universe to be destroyed.

If you had covered the entire earth in frozen space and time, how would the universe change? Consider that the earth orbits the sun at high speed, and the sun carries us through the galaxy , which is moving through the universe.

@True Knowledge New Coordinates Regarding time, it has always been a major issue discussed by many philosophers. Einstein once said:

So if a specific region of spacetime stops, it's not moving, it's not interacting, what happens to the objects surrounding it? Warping of space-time usually results in black holes, in which space-time is also warped and stopped at its starting point, so a temporarily empty region may cause time itself to be reversed. However, these are just speculations based on existing theories. After all, no one can successfully stop time.


Let us return to the present. If the present is not true, the past has passed, the future has not yet come, and everyone has different views, then how does the world run?

As Einstein said:

"Those of us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubborn and persistent illusion."

What would you do if you could make time stand still? Let’s discuss it in the comment area!

Note: The above views have not been confirmed and are only speculations.

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