According to a recent report by Germany's "Bild", Nielsen said in an interview with the media that he was very uncomfortable with China's space program, especially the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Russia "on cooperation in the establishment of an international lu

2024/05/1817:08:33 science 1124

According to a recent report by Germany's

Text/Walking Stuka

Some time ago, some people in the West were hyping up a glass of water on the Chinese space station , trying to prove that China "did not launch the space station " and that everything was "false"; as it turned out, it turned out that they You should read more books. Nelson, the director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is obviously on the other extreme compared to them: he has always exaggerated the so-called "China space threat theory" and even claimed that China wants to "occupy the moon."

According to a recent report by Germany's "Bild", Nielsen said in an interview with the media that he was very uncomfortable with China's space program, especially the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Russia "on cooperation in establishing an international lunar research station", which proves that China also has ambitions to land on the moon, and China may also say "the moon is ours, no one else is allowed to come."

Nielsen also claimed that China's space development plan is "a military plan" and that the development of the space station is "a space race relying on plans stolen from others, and it is studying how to destroy other people's satellites ."

Is there any evidence for what Nielsen said? No, he is just talking nonsense; is there any purpose? Of course there is, that is the “wealth code”! After boasting about the "threat" from China, he claimed that NASA would increase its funding by at least $5.7 billion over the next six years.

NASA previously announced that it would postpone the "Artemis" program by one year, and it will not be implemented until at least 2025; before that, NASA obviously needs more funds to maintain the program. If this was Nielsen's purpose, there would be no need for him to throw dirty water on China. He would just tell the truth - but the current political atmosphere in Washington obviously does not require facts. Nielsen must create a sense of crisis about the so-called "China threat". Only in this way can we better convince Congress to be more generous.

How did he come to think that China's development of the space station was to "destroy other countries' satellites"? Could it be that he watched a scene from the American TV series "Space Force" and that's why he has always been worried about it? How could China be thinking about occupying the moon again? Is it because the United States has always had this idea? If not, why did the United States try every means to block China's access to space through the infamous " Wolf Clause ".

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has previously refuted Nielsen's absurd remarks, pointing out that the United States ignores the facts and repeatedly exaggerates the so-called "outer space threat". In essence, it creates an excuse for the United States to seek hegemony in outer space. It is also a transfer of the United States' Cold War mentality Another manifestation of self-responsibility.

Nelson's real concern is not that China monopolizes the moon, but that China prevents the United States from monopolizing space resources and maintaining NASA's "unipolar status" in space. To be honest, although China has had legends of " Chang'e Flying to the Moon" and " Guanghan Palace " since ancient times, China is not as domineering as the United States and wants to create a "unipolar order" at any time; we When developing space technology , we have always been willing to cooperate with other countries. For example, many subjects in the space station project are international cooperation projects.

Nielsen’s lies can be ignored at congressional hearings. Publicizing them in the media will only make the outside world more suspicious of NASA’s professionalism. The Artemis program has been pushed back again and again, and the International Space Station can only be patched up. Due to sanctions against Russia, many NASA space projects that originally relied on the services of Russian launch vehicles are in trouble, especially the International Space Station project. Without Russia's cooperation, the United States would really be faced with a situation where there would be no space station available. How to solve these problems is Nelson's business.

A country that has established a "Space Force" and begun to implement a space-based anti-missile system accuses others of engaging in "space invasion"? You are stupid, don't think others are as stupid as you!

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